HARASSED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HARASSED?

Need another word that means the same as “harassed”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “harassed” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Harassed” are: annoyed, harried, pestered, vexed, stressed, strained, frayed, stressed out, hard-pressed, careworn, worried, troubled, beleaguered, agitated, distraught

Harassed as an Adjective

Definitions of "Harassed" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “harassed” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances.
  • Feeling or looking strained as a result of having too many demands made on one.

Synonyms of "Harassed" as an adjective (15 Words)

agitatedTroubled emotionally and usually deeply.
There s no point getting agitated.
annoyedAroused to impatience or anger.
He was annoyed at being woken up so early.
beleagueredIn a very difficult situation.
The board is supporting the beleaguered director amid calls for his resignation.
carewornShowing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering.
A careworn expression.
distraughtDeeply agitated especially from emotion.
He is terribly distraught.
frayed(of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravelled or worn at the edge.
An effort to soothe frayed nerves.
hard-pressedFacing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty.
harriedFeeling strained as a result of having demands persistently made on one; harassed.
A harried expression.
pesteredTroubled persistently especially with petty annoyances.
Her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions.
strainedOf a mainly liquid substance having been strained to separate out any solid matter.
She gave a strained laugh.
stressedStrengthened by the application of stress during manufacture prestressed.
He dropped out of the race clearly distressed and having difficulty breathing.
stressed outSuffering severe physical strain or distress.
troubledCharacterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination.
His troubled face.
vexed(of a problem or issue) difficult and much debated; problematic.
The vexed issue of priorities.
worriedMentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc.
There was a worried frown on his face.

Usage Examples of "Harassed" as an adjective

  • It is a godsend for harassed parents.
  • Harassed working mothers.

Associations of "Harassed" (30 Words)

afflict(of a celestial body) be in a stressful aspect with (another celestial body or a point on the ecliptic.
His younger child was afflicted with a skin disease.
annoyCause annoyance in disturb especially by minor irritations.
The decision really annoyed him.
beleaguerSurround so as to force to give up.
He attempts to answer several questions that beleaguer the industry.
besetDecorate or cover lavishly (as with gems.
Springy grass all beset with tiny jewel like flowers.
bloomingInformal intensifiers.
It s a blooming good read.
cruellyWith cruelty.
Their hopes were cruelly dashed.
distressBring into difficulties or distress especially financial hardship.
Originally distress was a landlord s remedy against a tenant for unpaid rents or property damage but now the landlord is given a landlord s lien.
disturbDamage as if by shaking or jarring.
Take the rollers out carefully so as not to disturb the curls too much.
harryAnnoy continually or chronically.
He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked.
importunatePersistent, especially to the point of annoyance.
An importunate job applicant.
intenselyIn an intense manner.
An intensely competitive industry.
irkIrritate or vex.
It irks her to think of the runaround she received.
irritable(of a living organism) having the property of responding actively to physical stimuli.
She was tired and irritable.
irritateCause inflammation or other discomfort in (a part of the body.
His tone irritated her.
nagA person who nags someone.
She nagged to take a vacation.
nettleSting with nettles.
I was only asking Jess said nettled.
offendBreak a commonly accepted rule or principle.
17 per cent of viewers said they had been offended by bad language.
oppressCause distress or anxiety to.
A system which oppressed working people.
peeveA cause of annoyance.
That was the one thing that peeved him.
persecuteHarass or annoy (someone) persistently.
His followers were persecuted by the authorities.
persistentlyIn a persistent manner.
The rules are persistently flouted.
pesterTrouble or annoy (someone) with frequent or persistent requests or interruptions.
She constantly pestered him with telephone calls.
ragApply paint to a surface with a rag.
He wiped his hands on an oily rag.
ravageCause severe and extensive damage to.
The ravages committed by man.
rileMake turbid by stirring up the sediments of.
He has been riled by suggestions that his Arsenal future is in doubt.
teaseSomeone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity.
The children teased the boy because of his stammer.
throesViolent pangs of suffering.
He convulsed in his death throes.
tormentA feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented.
The torments of the damned.
vexMake (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.
Vex the subject of the death penalty.
vexationThe act of troubling or annoying someone.
The vexations of life under canvas.

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