HARMED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HARMED?

Need another word that means the same as “harmed”? Find 30 related words for “harmed” in this overview.

Associations of "Harmed" (30 Words)

conAn argument opposed to a proposal.
The Charter is a glossy public relations con.
damageInflict damage upon.
She damaged the car when she hit the tree.
damagingHaving a detrimental effect on someone or something.
Damaging allegations of corruption.
defectAn imperfection in an object or machine.
The property is free from defect.
demeritA mark against a person for misconduct or failure; usually given in school or armed forces.
The merits and demerits of these proposals.
detrimentA cause of harm or damage.
Such tests are a detriment to good education.
detrimentalCausing harm or injury.
Moving her could have a detrimental effect on her health.
disadvantagePut at a disadvantage hinder harm.
This rule clearly disadvantages me.
disfigureSpoil the appearance of.
The vandals disfigured the statue.
downsideA negative aspect of something that is generally positive.
He says being a rock star is a fun line of work when you re young but admits fame can have its downsides.
drawbackThe quality of being a hindrance.
The main drawback of fitting catalytic converters is the cost.
failingBelow acceptable in performance.
Pride is a terrible failing.
fatalHaving momentous consequences; of decisive importance.
A fatal accident.
faultOf a rock formation be broken by a fault or faults.
He served too many double faults.
flawedHaving a blemish or flaw.
A fatally flawed strategy.
harmfulCausing or likely to cause harm.
Too much sun is harmful to the skin.
inadequacyA lack of competence.
Juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents.
injurious(of language) maliciously insulting; libellous.
Food which is injurious to health.
injuryA casualty to military personnel resulting from combat.
She suffered an injury to her back.
irremediableImpossible to cure or put right.
Irremediable marital breakdowns.
libelThe action or crime of publishing a libel.
She sued two newspapers for libel.
libellousContaining or constituting a libel.
A libellous newspaper story.
maleficentCausing harm or destruction, especially by supernatural means.
He did not act with any maleficent motivation.
mischiefHarm or trouble caused by someone or something.
She ll make sure Danny doesn t get into mischief.
misconceiveFail to understand (something) correctly.
Some academic latinists did misconceive Pound s poem in that way.
misunderstandingA failure to understand something correctly.
There must have been some kind of misunderstanding.
neurotoxinA poison which acts on the nervous system.
prejudicial(sometimes followed by `to’) causing harm or injury.
The reporter s coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant.
shortcomingA fault or failure to meet a certain standard, typically in a person’s character, a plan, or a system.
He is so forthright about his shortcomings it s hard to chastise him.
unforcedNot resulting from undue effort; not forced.
A voice with a pleasingly unforced quality.

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