Need another word that means the same as “having”? Find 30 related words for “having” in this overview.
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Associations of "Having" (30 Words)
acquire | Locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar. I acquired a strong aversion to television. |
acquirement | The action of acquiring something. The acquirement of self control. |
approbation | Official approval. A term of approbation. |
attainable | Able to be attained; achievable. An attainable target. |
belong | Be a member of (a particular group or organization. Where do these books belong. |
checkbook | A book issued to holders of checking accounts. |
earn | Earn on some commercial or business transaction earn as salary or wages. The dollars can be placed on deposit and earn interest. |
fetch | The action of fetching. The land could fetch over a million pounds. |
grab | A mechanical device for gripping an object. The brakes grabbed very badly. |
hold | Have room for hold without crowding. Hold hold he cried. |
holder | A smallholder. A towel holder. |
host | Be the host of or for. Canada was asked to host a Commonwealth conference in Ottawa. |
incur | Receive a specified treatment (abstract. I will pay any expenses incurred. |
landlady | A woman who rents out land, a building, or accommodation. |
landlord | A man who keeps lodgings, a boarding house, or a pub. |
let | Consent to, give permission. Shall we go Yes let s. |
obtain | Receive a specified treatment (abstract. How did you obtain the visa. |
own | Have something as one s own possess. I used to design all my own clothes. |
owner | Someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business. Restaurant owners. |
permission | The action of officially allowing someone to do a particular thing; consent or authorization. He received permission to go to Brussels. |
possess | Have possession of as distinct from ownership. A terrible rage possessed her. |
possession | The state of being controlled by a demon or spirit. That photograph was Bert s most precious possession. |
possessor | A person who takes, occupies, or holds something without necessarily having ownership, or as distinguished from the owner. His father was the possessor of a considerable fortune. |
procure | Get by special effort. He procured his wife to sign the mandate for the joint account. |
property | Shares or investments in property. That hat is my property. |
proprietor | Someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business. Chinese restaurant proprietors. |
regain | Reach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to. He soon regained his composure. |
rent | Hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services. The rise in council house rents. |
retention | The action of absorbing and continuing to hold a substance. Eating too much salt can lead to fluid retention. |
take | Occupy or take on. They decided to take a small house in the country. |