Need another word that means the same as “humorously”? Find 30 related words for “humorously” in this overview.
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Associations of "Humorously" (30 Words)
amusing | Arousing or provoking laughter. Such a likeable amusing man. |
badinage | Humorous or witty conversation. He developed a nice line in badinage with the Labour leader. |
banter | Be silly or tease one another. There was much good natured banter. |
buffoonery | Behaviour that is ridiculous but amusing. The film is full of wordplay and buffoonery. |
comic | A professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts. A comic actor. |
comical | Arousing or provoking laughter. A series of comical misunderstandings. |
conversationalist | Someone skilled at conversation. An entertaining conversationalist. |
droll | Comical in an odd or whimsical manner. His unique brand of droll self mockery. |
entertaining | Agreeably diverting. A charming and entertaining companion. |
exhilaration | A feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation. They felt the exhilaration of victory. |
facetious | Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant. Facetious remarks. |
fun | A source of fun. She s full of fun. |
funny | Experiencing odd bodily sensations. I was trying to make a funny but failed miserably. |
hilarious | Marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter. Her hilarious novel. |
humor | The trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous. You can t survive in the army without a sense of humor. |
jest | Act in a funny or teasing way. He laughed unpleasantly at his own jest. |
jesting | The action of saying or doing something for amusement. Laughing and jesting were out of the question. |
jocose | Playful or humorous. A jocose allusion. |
jocular | Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful. His voice was jocular. |
joke | Tell a joke speak humorously. Public transport is a joke. |
jolly | To certain extent or degree. Ideas to jolly up a winter s party. |
laugh | Something that causes laughter a source of fun amusement or derision. She couldn t help laughing at his jokes. |
quirky | Informal terms; strikingly unconventional. Her sense of humour was decidedly quirky. |
raconteur | A person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way. A colourful raconteur. |
repartee | Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. He had a quick mind and a splendid gift of repartee. |
skit | A short informal performance intended to educate or inform. Students will create skits about bullying and go to each elementary school to perform them. |
slapstick | Characterized by horseplay and physical action. Slapstick style of humor. |
waggish | Humorous in a playful, mischievous, or facetious manner. Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer. |
whimsical | Acting or behaving in a capricious manner. The victim of whimsical persecutions. |
witty | Combining clever conception and facetious expression. His sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent. |