IMBUED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IMBUED?

Need another word that means the same as “imbued”? Find 30 related words for “imbued” in this overview.

Associations of "Imbued" (30 Words)

achromaticRelating to, using, or denoting lenses that transmit light without separating it into constituent colours.
The achromatic gloom.
azureColor azure.
White beaches surrounded by azure seas.
colorDecorate with colors.
The situation soon took on a different color.
complexionA point of view or general attitude or inclination.
Diphthongs are complexions of vowels.
diffuseSpread or diffuse through.
The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy.
diffusionThe dissemination of elements of culture to another region or people.
The rate of diffusion of a gas.
discolorCause to lose or change color.
The shirts discolored.
disseminateSpread throughout an organ or the body.
There is a subset of these low grade tumours that can disseminate and migrate.
dissipateSpend frivolously and unwisely.
He wanted to dissipate his anger.
filterA traffic light signalling a filter arrangement.
Filters can be used in photography to reduce haze.
growingBiology the process of an individual organism growing organically a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.
The growing concern over ozone levels.
hueA colour or shade.
Verdigris is greenish yellow in hue.
leachCause a liquid to leach or percolate.
The nutrient is quickly leached away.
lightnessThe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures.
The glass adds lightness to the room.
percolateGain or regain energy.
He put some coffee on to percolate.
perfuseForce a fluid through (a body part or tissue.
The isolated perfused rat liver.
permeatePass through.
Water permeates sand easily.
pervadeSpread or diffuse through.
The sense of crisis which pervaded Europe in the 1930s.
pigmentationThe deposition of pigment in animals or plants or human beings.
polychromeColor with many colors make polychrome.
Painters gilded and polychromed the wooden carvings.
purpleIn ancient Rome or Byzantium clothing made from fabric dyed with Tyrian purple.
A writer of empurpled literature.
roseateUsed in names of birds with partly pink plumage e g roseate tern.
The roseate glow of dawn.
scatterThe act of scattering.
She waved her hand and scattered the crowds.
seepPass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings.
Water began to seep through the soles of his boots.
sprayAn act of spraying something.
A fine spray of mud.
sprayerA worker who applies spray to a surface.
Light aircraft were employed as agricultural crop sprayers.
spreadA tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes.
A patchwork spread.
suffuseGradually spread through or over.
The first half of the poem is suffused with idealism.
tintDye someone s hair with a tint.
A tint of glamour.

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