INACCURATELY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INACCURATELY?

Need another word that means the same as “inaccurately”? Find 30 related words for “inaccurately” in this overview.

Associations of "Inaccurately" (30 Words)

defectDesert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army.
This device permits detection of defects in the lungs.
defectiveMarkedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior.
Dystrophin is commonly defective in muscle tissue.
erroneousWrong; incorrect.
Employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions.
error(baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficed.
Spelling errors.
fallaciousBased on an incorrect or misleading notion or information.
Fallacious testimony.
fallibilityThe tendency to make mistakes or be wrong.
Studies on the fallibility of memory and perception.
fallibleLikely to fail or make errors.
Everyone is fallible to some degree.
faultyNot working or made correctly; having defects.
He submitted a faulty report.
flawAdd a flaw or blemish to make imperfect or defective.
A flaw in the glass.
flawedHaving a blemish or flaw.
A fatally flawed strategy.
imperfectThe imperfect tense.
Had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities.
impreciseNot precise.
The terms he used were imprecise and emotional.
improperNot conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention.
An improper suggestion.
inappropriateNot in keeping with what is correct or proper.
Noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness.
inaptNot elegant or graceful in expression.
A more inapt name I cannot imagine.
incorrectNot correct; not in conformity with fact or truth.
An incorrect transcription.
inexactNot exact.
An inexact description.
misconceptionAn incorrect conception.
Public misconceptions about antibiotic use.
misdirect(of a judge) instruct (a jury) wrongly.
Voters were misdirected to the wrong polling station.
misguideGive bad advice to.
A long survey that can only baffle and misguide the general reader.
misinterpretInterpret falsely.
Don t misinterpret my comments as criticism.
misleadingGiving the wrong idea or impression.
Your article contains a number of misleading statements.
mistakenWrong in one’s opinion or judgement.
Mistaken identity.
misunderstandFail to interpret or understand (something) correctly.
Don t misunderstand me I m not implying she should be working.
omissionThe action of excluding or leaving out someone or something.
To pay compensation for a wrongful act or omission.
unjustNot based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
An unjust judge.
unreliableLacking a sense of responsibility.
Unreliable information.
unsuitabilityThe quality of having the wrong properties for a specific purpose.
wrongTreat unjustly do wrong to.
Something is wrong with the engine.
wronglyIn a way that is incorrect or mistaken.
Henry wrongly claimed 39 000 of taxpayers money.

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