Need another word that means the same as “inevitable”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “inevitable” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Inevitable” are: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable, unpreventable, assured, certain, for sure, sure, fated, predestined, predetermined, preordained, ineluctable, foreseeable, only to be expected, expected
Inevitable as an Adjective
Definitions of "Inevitable" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “inevitable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Incapable of being avoided or prevented.
- Invariably occurring or appearing.
- So frequently experienced or seen that it is completely predictable.
- Certain to happen; unavoidable.

Synonyms of "Inevitable" as an adjective (18 Words)
assured | Protected against discontinuance or change. An assured tenancy. |
bound to happen | Secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form. |
certain | Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty confident and assured. A certain Mrs Jones. |
expected | Regarded as likely; anticipated. Prepared for the expected attack. |
fated | (usually followed by `to’) determined by tragic fate. Fated to be the scene of Kennedy s assassination. |
for sure | Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured. |
foreseeable | Able to be foreseen or predicted. Foreseeable costs were well within the budget. |
ineluctable | Unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable. The ineluctable facts of history. |
inescapable | Impossible to avoid or evade. They came to the inescapable conclusion that he was responsible. |
inexorable | Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason. Russia s final hour it seemed approached with inexorable certainty. |
only to be expected | Being the only one; single and isolated from others. |
predestined | Established or prearranged unalterably. Our predestined end. |
predetermined | Set in advance. I had come to believe life was random chaos not a predetermined path. |
preordained | (of an outcome or course of action) decided or determined beforehand; predestined. A divinely preordained plan of creation. |
sure | Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty confident and assured. A sure or true sign of one s commitment. |
sure to happen | Physically secure or dependable. |
unavoidable | Not able to be avoided, prevented, or ignored; inevitable. The natural and unavoidable consequences of growing old. |
unpreventable | Not preventable. Until now this devastating disease has been unpreventable. |

Usage Examples of "Inevitable" as an adjective
- The inevitable changes of the seasons.
- War was inevitable.
- The inevitable result.
- The inevitable letter from the bank.

Associations of "Inevitable" (30 Words)
certain | Certain to occur destined or inevitable. His fate is certain. |
constitutive | Forming an essential element of something. The state began to exercise a new and constitutive function. |
crucial | Having crucial relevance. A crucial election. |
essential | Basic and fundamental. We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment. |
important | Important in effect or meaning. An important official. |
importantly | Used to emphasize a significant point. Kruger strutted forward importantly. |
indispensability | The quality possessed by something that you cannot possibly do without. |
indispensable | Absolutely necessary; vitally necessary. The routine but indispensable ceremonies of state. |
ineluctable | Unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable. An ineluctable destiny. |
inevitably | In such a manner as could not be otherwise. Inevitably some details are already out of date. |
insurmountable | Impossible to surmount. Insurmountable disadvantages. |
integral | The result of a mathematical integration F x is the integral of f x if dF dx f x. Systematic training should be integral to library management. |
meaningful | Having a recognizable function in a logical language or other sign system. A meaningful explanation. |
must | Used in ironic questions expressing irritation. This video is a must for everyone. |
necessarily | In an essential manner. It is necessarily so. |
necessary | The money needed. The necessary consequences of one s actions. |
necessity | Anything indispensable. The necessity of providing parental guidance. |
need | Have or feel a need for. I won t detain you for longer than I need. |
needs | In such a manner as could not be otherwise. We must needs by objective. |
originally | In an original manner. Potatoes originally came from South America. |
perforce | By necessity; by force of circumstance. Amateurs perforce have to settle for less expensive solutions. |
prerequisite | A thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist. Sponsorship is not a prerequisite for any of our courses. |
required | Required by rule. Eight editions were published each required reading for trainees. |
requisite | A thing that is necessary for the achievement of a specified end. She believed privacy to be a requisite for a peaceful life. |
staple | Secure or fasten with a staple or staples. Merrill stapled a batch of papers together. |
substantial | Important in material or social terms; wealthy. The wind was violent and felt substantial enough to lean against. |
unavoidable | Impossible to avoid or evade. The natural and unavoidable consequences of growing old. |
unconditional | Not conditional. Unconditional surrender. |
underlying | Significant as a cause or basis of something but not necessarily manifest or obvious. Guaranteeing more dollars may temporarily ease their troubles but will not alleviate the underlying causes of their poverty. |
vital | Full of energy; lively. A vital spot. |