Need another word that means the same as “sure”? Find 58 synonyms and 30 related words for “sure” in this overview.
- Sure as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Sure" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Sure" as an adjective (49 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Sure" as an adjective
- Sure as an Adverb
- Definitions of "Sure" as an adverb
- Synonyms of "Sure" as an adverb (9 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Sure" as an adverb
- Associations of "Sure" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Sure” are: certain, indisputable, trusted, positive, convinced, definite, confident, decided, assured, secure, satisfied, easy in one's mind, free from doubt, bound, destined, fated, predestined, very likely, unquestionable, incontestable, irrefutable, incontrovertible, undeniable, indubitable, guaranteed, unfailing, infallible, unerring, inevitable, irrevocable, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, unambiguous, tested, true, foolproof, established, effective, efficacious, firm, steady, stable, solid, steadfast, unhesitating, unfaltering, unwavering, unswerving, certainly, for sure, sure as shooting, sure enough, surely, all right, of course, indeed, absolutely
Sure as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sure" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sure” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Able to be relied on or trusted.
- Infallible or unfailing.
- Impossible to doubt or dispute.
- (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence.
- True beyond any doubt.
- Certain to occur; destined or inevitable.
- Certain not to fail.
- Physically secure or dependable.
- Completely confident that one is right.
- Worthy of trust or confidence.
- Certain to receive, get, or do something.
- Showing confidence or assurance.
- Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured.
- Exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance.
- Certain to occur; destined or inevitable- Benjamin Franklin.
- Reliable in operation or effect.

Synonyms of "Sure" as an adjective (49 Words)
assured | Marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence. An extremely assured performance. |
bound | Headed or intending to head in a certain direction often used as a combining form as in college bound students. Children bound for school. |
certain | Certain to occur destined or inevitable Benjamin Franklin. He was certain to fail. |
confident | Having or marked by confidence or assurance. I am not very confident about tonight s game. |
convinced | Having a strong belief or conviction. She was not entirely convinced of the soundness of his motives. |
decided | (of a legal case) having been resolved. You could never talk him round he was very decided. |
definite | Known for certain. I want a definite answer. |
dependable | Financially sound. The most valuable and dependable of America s allies. |
destined | Governed by fate. An old house destined to be demolished. |
easy in one's mind | Having little impact. |
effective | Able to accomplish a purpose functioning effectively G B Shaw. The regulation will be effective from January. |
efficacious | Marked by qualities giving the power to produce an intended effect-Aldous Huxley. Written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices of the readers. |
established | Brought about or set up or accepted especially long established. The established facts in the case. |
fated | (usually followed by `to’) determined by tragic fate. Fated to be the scene of Kennedy s assassination. |
firm | Marked by firm determination or resolution not shakable. Parents should be firm with children and not give in to their demands. |
foolproof | Not liable to failure. A foolproof identification system. |
free from doubt | Unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion. |
guaranteed | For which a guarantee is provided; formally assured. The guaranteed bonus is not very high. |
incontestable | Not open to question; obviously true. |
incontrovertible | Necessarily or demonstrably true. Incontrovertible proof. |
indisputable | Not open to question; obviously true. Indisputable or sure proof. |
indubitable | Too obvious to be doubted. An indubitable truth. |
inevitable | Incapable of being avoided or prevented. The inevitable letter from the bank. |
infallible | Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. No doctor is infallible. |
irrefutable | Impossible to deny or disprove. Irrefutable evidence. |
irrevocable | Not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final. Firm and irrevocable is my doom. |
positive | Having a positive charge. Positive philosophy. |
predestined | (of an outcome or course of events) determined in advance by divine will or fate. It seemed predestined since the beginning of the world. |
reliable | Worthy of being depended on. A reliable source of information. |
satisfied | Filled with satisfaction. Satisfied customers. |
secure | Financially sound. He was secure that nothing will be held against him. |
solid | Of good quality and condition solidly built. A solid foundation. |
stable | Resistant to change of position or condition. Stable prices. |
steadfast | Firm and dependable especially in loyalty. Steadfast resolve. |
steady | Not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall. The lighter the camera the harder it is to hold steady. |
tested | Tested and proved useful or correct. A tested method. |
true | Of a compass bearing measured relative to true north. He was a true friend. |
trusted | Worthy of trust or confidence. A sure or trusted friend. |
trustworthy | Taking responsibility for one’s conduct and obligations. A trustworthy report. |
unambiguous | Admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion. As a horror apartheid is absolutely unambiguous. |
undeniable | Unable to be denied or disputed. It is an undeniable fact that some dogs are easier to train than others. |
unerring | Always right or accurate. An unerring sense of direction. |
unfailing | Reliable or constant. An unfailing test. |
unfaltering | Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable. Her unfaltering energy and determination. |
unhesitating | Characterized by quickness and firmness. His reply was unhesitating. |
unquestionable | Not open to question. Unquestionable authority. |
unswerving | Going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside. Unswerving allegiance. |
unwavering | Not wavering; steady or resolute. Unwavering loyalty. |
very likely | Precisely as stated. |

Usage Examples of "Sure" as an adjective
- A sure footing.
- I'm sure I've seen that dress before.
- He is sure to win.
- What is sure is that learning is a complex business.
- Her neck was red—a sure sign of agitation.
- Was sure (or certain) she had seen it.
- Was on sure ground.
- Wood dust is a sure sign of termites.
- A sure (or true) sign of one's commitment.
- Sure of her friends.
- She had to check her diary to be sure of the day of the week.
- Was very sure in his beliefs.
- A sure (or trusted) friend.
- United are sure of a UEFA Cup place.
- A sure hand on the throttle.
- Sudden but sure regret.
- The drawings impress by their sure sense of rhythm.
- Be sure to lock the doors.
- Indisputable (or sure) proof.
- A sure way to distinguish the two.
- It's sure to rain before morning.

Sure as an Adverb
Definitions of "Sure" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sure” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- Certainly (used for emphasis.
- Definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely.
- Used to show assent.

Synonyms of "Sure" as an adverb (9 Words)
absolutely | Used to express and emphasize one’s assent or agreement. An absolutely magnificent painting. |
all right | To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly. |
certainly | Definitely or positively (`sure’ is sometimes used informally for `surely. Our current revenues are certainly lower than anticipated. |
for sure | Definitely or positively sure is sometimes used informally for surely. |
indeed | Used to introduce a further and stronger or more surprising point. A ghost indeed I ve never heard anything so silly. |
of course | As might be expected. |
sure as shooting | Definitely or positively (`sure’ is sometimes used informally for `surely. |
sure enough | Definitely or positively (`sure’ is sometimes used informally for `surely. |
surely | Definitely or positively sure is sometimes used informally for surely. If there is no will then surely the house goes automatically to you. |

Usage Examples of "Sure" as an adverb
- He'll win sure as shooting.
- They sure smell good.
- They thought he had been killed sure enough.
- Sure he'll come.
- The results are surely encouraging.
- ‘Are you serious?’ ‘Sure.
- It's going to be a good day for sure.
- Texas sure was a great place to grow up.

Associations of "Sure" (30 Words)
absolute | A value or principle which is regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things. Absolute silence. |
absolutely | Used to emphasize a strong or exaggerated statement. She trusted him absolutely. |
accurately | Strictly correctly. Every single vote was accurately counted. |
apparent | Seeming real or true, but not necessarily so. The effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields. |
assured | Characterized by certainty or security. An assured tenancy. |
assuredly | Without a doubt. Potted roses will most assuredly not survive winter without protection. |
certain | Certain to occur destined or inevitable. Was sure or certain she had seen it. |
certainly | Used to express complete agreement with something that has just been said. Our current revenues are certainly lower than anticipated. |
certainty | A fact that is definitely true or an event that is definitely going to take place. His certainty reassured the others. |
certitude | Total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant. The question may never be answered with certitude. |
confident | A confidant. This time they re confident of a happy ending. |
convinced | Firm in one’s belief with regard to a particular cause or issue. She was not entirely convinced of the soundness of his motives. |
decidedly | In a decisive and confident way. No Donna said decidedly. |
definitely | Without doubt (used for emphasis. We couldn t plan to go elsewhere until we had heard from you more definitely. |
dependable | Trustworthy and reliable. A dependable worker. |
determinate | Having exact and discernible limits or form. Determinate variations in animals. |
doubtless | Without doubt; certainly. The company would doubtless find the reduced competition to their liking. |
foolproof | Incapable of going wrong or being misused. Foolproof this appliance. |
indubitably | In a manner or to a degree that could not be doubted. Indubitably liberalism parades under many guises. |
magniloquent | Lofty in style. |
obvious | Easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent. It was obvious a storm was coming in. |
panache | Distinctive and stylish elegance. He entertained London society with great panache. |
positive | Having a positive charge. He made a positive identification of a glossy ibis. |
reliable | A reliable person or thing. Reliable information. |
reliably | In a faithful manner. Few of these paintings can be reliably dated. |
surely | Definitely or positively sure is sometimes used informally for surely. If there is no will then surely the house goes automatically to you. |
truly | Absolutely or completely (used for emphasis. A truly awful book. |
undoubtedly | Without doubt; certainly. It s undoubtedly very beautiful. |
unequivocal | Admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion. He was unequivocal in condemning the violence. |
unquestionably | Without question and beyond doubt. The awards were unquestionably deserved. |