LAID OUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LAID OUT?

Need another word that means the same as “laid out”? Find 30 related words for “laid out” in this overview.

Associations of "Laid out" (30 Words)

abovegroundOn or above the surface of the ground.
Aboveground nuclear testing.
absenteeOne that is absent or not in residence.
An absentee from the match.
absenteeismThe practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason.
High levels of absenteeism caused by low job motivation.
armchairChair with a support on each side for arms.
An armchair traveller.
awayAn away match or win.
The wedding is only weeks away.
barringThe act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto.
bedroomDenoting a small town or suburb whose residents commute to a nearby city.
A two bedroom flat.
besidesIn addition.
I don t want to go to a restaurant besides we can t afford it.
bySo as to pass a given point.
A car flashed by on the other side of the road.
corridorA long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.
His room lay at the very end of the corridor.
couch(in embroidery) fix (a thread) to a fabric by stitching it down flat with another thread.
Gold and silver threads couched by hand.
defeatistA person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure.
We have a duty not to be so defeatist.
exceptTake exception to.
Five classes of advertisement are excepted from control.
excludePrevent from being included or considered or accepted.
One cannot exclude the possibility of a fall in house prices.
exhaleGive out (breath or an odor.
The chimney exhales a thick smoke.
furnishedProvided with whatever is necessary for a purpose (as furniture or equipment or authority.
A furnished apartment.
goneHaving reached a specified time in a pregnancy.
She is now four months gone.
hallA large room in a mansion or palace used for receptions and banquets.
Pool hall.
homeReturn home accurately from a long distance.
There s no place like home.
leaveLeave or give by will after one s death.
Leave the room.
omitFail or neglect to do.
He was omitted from the second Test.
perchCause to perch or sit.
Eve perched on the side of the armchair.
postureAssume a posture as for artistic purposes.
Politicians have neglected our military posture.
reclineCause to recline.
He tried to recline his seat.
recumbentLying down; in a position of comfort or rest.
Recumbent statues.
respireBreathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety.
A country where fresh air seems impossible to respire.
restAn instance or period of resting.
The council has urged the planning committee not to allow the matter to rest.
roommateAn associate who shares a room with you.
sleepingLying with head on paws as if sleeping.
It was 30 degrees at 1 a m a few weeks ago and sleeping was near impossible.
slouchA lazy, drooping posture or movement.
The lads slouched about the place resentfully.

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