Need another word that means the same as “look like”? Find 30 related words for “look like” in this overview.
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Associations of "Look like" (30 Words)
akin | Of similar character. A feeling akin to terror. |
alike | (of two or more people or things) similar to each other. They dressed alike in black trousers and jackets. |
appearance | Formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action. The appearance of the railway. |
askance | With suspicion or disapproval. The reformers looked askance at the mystical tradition. |
browse | Shop around; not necessarily buying. A moose needs to eat forty to fifty pounds of browse a day. |
comparable | Conforming in every respect. Nobody is comparable with this athlete. |
conformable | Disposed or willing to comply. Plans conformable with your wishes. |
contented | Feeling or expressing happiness or satisfaction. A contented smile. |
disapproving | Expressing or manifesting disapproval. He shot a disapproving glance at her. |
funny | A joke or witty remark. They have some funny ideas about war. |
gaze | Look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought. The male gaze. |
glance | Throw a glance at take a brief look at. Sunlight glanced off the curved body of a dolphin. |
identify | Give the name or identifying characteristics of refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property. 3.2% of the men identified as gay or bisexual. |
likeness | Similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things. Man created God in his own likeness. |
peek | Throw a glance at; take a brief look at. His socks were so full of holes his toes peeked through. |
pro | A prostitute. A pro golfer. |
quasi | Having some resemblance. A quasi success. |
resemblance | A way in which two or more things are alike. The physical resemblances between humans and apes. |
rummage | A jumble of things to be given away. Mick rummaged up his skateboard. |
searching | Exploring thoroughly. A searching investigation of their past dealings. |
semblance | Resemblance similarity. She tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order. |
sidelong | (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy. Shot out sidelong boughs. |
sideways | By an indirect way. He hurried towards his office without a sideways glance. |
similarity | The quality of being similar. The similarity of symptoms makes them hard to diagnose. |
similitude | The quality or state of being similar to something. Conrad uses a range of constructions which express or imply similitude. |
smug | Having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements. He was feeling smug after his win. |
squint | Be cross eyed have a squint or strabismus. I had a bad squint. |
stare | (of a person’s eyes) be wide open, with a fixed or vacant expression. The obituaries stared out at us. |
staring | Open and fixed as if in fear or wonder. Staring eyes. |
upside | The more positive aspect of a situation. Being self employed has its upside. |