Need another word that means the same as “lush”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “lush” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Lush” are: succulent, juicy, luscious, red-hot, toothsome, voluptuous, deluxe, gilded, grand, luxurious, opulent, princely, sumptuous, exuberant, luxuriant, profuse, riotous, rich, abundant, superabundant, prolific, teeming, flourishing, thriving, vigorous, luxury, palatial, lavish, elaborate, extravagant, fancy, alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, soaker, souse
Lush as a Noun
Definitions of "Lush" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “lush” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually.

Synonyms of "Lush" as a noun (6 Words)
alcoholic | A person suffering from alcoholism. |
alky | A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually. |
dipsomaniac | A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually. Surely no one would employ a dipsomaniac as a barman. |
soaker | A heavy rain. |

Lush as an Adjective
Definitions of "Lush" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “lush” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Produced or growing in extreme abundance.
- Having strong sexual appeal.
- Very good or impressive.
- Very rich and providing great sensory pleasure.
- Sexually attractive.
- Characterized by extravagance and profusion.
- Tender and full of juice.
- Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality.
- (of vegetation, especially grass) growing luxuriantly.
- Full of juice.

Synonyms of "Lush" as an adjective (31 Words)
abundant | Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful. The riverbanks were abundant in beautiful wild plants. |
deluxe | Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality. A deluxe hotel. |
elaborate | Developed or executed with care and in minute detail- John Buchan. An elaborate lace pattern. |
extravagant | Resulting from or showing a lack of restraint in spending money or resources. Extravagant gifts like computer games. |
exuberant | Characterized by a vigorously imaginative artistic style. A noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters. |
fancy | Not plain; decorative or ornamented. The furniture was very fancy. |
flourishing | Very lively and profitable. Flourishing businesses. |
gilded | Wealthy and privileged. A painted and gilded wooden ceiling. |
grand | Large and impressive in physical size or extent. Grand staircase. |
juicy | Suggestive of sexual impropriety. A juicy contract. |
lavish | Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious. Lavish praise. |
luscious | Having strong sexual appeal. He ll fall for a luscious Spanish girl who can match him in passion. |
luxuriant | Displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses. Forests of dark luxuriant foliage. |
luxurious | Giving self-indulgent or sensual pleasure. The island s most luxurious hotel. |
luxury | Luxurious or of the nature of a luxury. Luxury goods. |
opulent | Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality. The opulent comfort of a limousine. |
palatial | Relating to or being a palace. Palatial furnishings. |
princely | (of a sum of money) large or generous (often used ironically. He provided a first class funeral for the princely sum of 2. |
profuse | Produced or growing in extreme abundance. I offered my profuse apologies. |
prolific | Bearing in abundance especially offspring. In captivity tigers are prolific breeders. |
red-hot | Newest or most recent. |
rich | Marked by richness and fullness of flavor. His rich bass voice. |
riotous | Characterized by wild and uncontrolled behaviour. Riotous living. |
succulent | (of a plant, especially a xerophyte) having thick fleshy leaves or stems adapted to storing water. A low plant with slightly succulent leaves. |
sumptuous | Rich and superior in quality. The banquet was a sumptuous luxurious meal. |
superabundant | Most excessively abundant. |
teeming | Full of people or things; crowded. She walked through the teeming streets. |
thriving | Very lively and profitable. The thriving business George has built up. |
toothsome | (of food) temptingly tasty. A toothsome blonde in a tight dress. |
vigorous | Characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity. Gave her skirt a vigorous shake. |
voluptuous | Having a large bosom and pleasing curves. A voluptuous woman. |

Usage Examples of "Lush" as an adjective
- Lush orchestrations.
- Lush greenery and cultivated fields.
- I had some really lush pressies.
- These architecture magazines are full of the lush interiors of the rich and famous.
- Lush fruits.

Associations of "Lush" (30 Words)
damp | Damp air or atmosphere. Damp a small area with water. |
dampness | A slight wetness. The dampness in the air. |
defoliate | Remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic. A defoliated poplar. |
deforestation | The action of clearing a wide area of trees. A key aim is to try to halt widespread deforestation in the Amazon. |
dense | Permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter. Dense vegetation. |
floodplain | An area of low-lying ground adjacent to a river, formed mainly of river sediments and subject to flooding. |
forest | Denoting an area that was formerly a royal forest. A forest of high rise apartments. |
glade | A tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area. Glades of birch. |
greenery | Green foliage, growing plants, or vegetation. |
jungle | A situation or place of bewildering complexity or brutal competitiveness. The garden was a jungle of bluebells. |
lea | A field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock. The lowing herd winds slowly o er the lea. |
logging | The work of cutting down trees for timber. Logging companies. |
luxuriate | Enjoy (something) as a luxury; take self-indulgent delight in. She was luxuriating in a long bath. |
meadow | A piece of low ground near a river. A pleasant campsite in a meadow complete with sparkling stream. |
nonporous | Not porous; especially not having vessels that appear as pores. |
pasture | Put animals to graze in a pasture. Many a horse was put out to pasture there. |
prairie | A treeless grassy plain. |
rainforest | A forest with heavy annual rainfall. Tracts of rainforest. |
rampant | (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth. Rampant sex. |
savanna | A flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions. |
subtropical | Relating to or characteristic of the regions adjacent to or bordering on the tropics. North Island enjoys a subtropical climate. |
swamp | Overwhelm or flood with water. The country was swamped with goods from abroad. |
timber | Used to warn that a tree is about to fall after being cut. Contracts to cut timber. |
tree | Force a hunted animal to take refuge in a tree. Her dog likes to tree squirrels. |
trek | A haul of fish caught using a trek net. Many licences are given to men who trek for sport rather than professional fishermen. |
tropical | Of weather or climate; hot and humid as in the tropics. Tropical weather. |
underbrush | The brush (small trees and bushes and ferns etc.) growing beneath taller trees in a wood or forest. |
verdant | Of the bright green colour of lush grass. Verdant valleys. |
wetland | Land consisting of marshes or swamps; saturated land. The draining of British wetlands. |
woodland | Land covered with trees. Large areas of ancient woodland. |