VERDANT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VERDANT?

Need another word that means the same as “verdant”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “verdant” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Verdant” are: green, leafy, grassy, grass-covered

Verdant as an Adjective

Definitions of "Verdant" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “verdant” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation.
  • Of the bright green colour of lush grass.
  • Characterized by abundance of verdure.

Synonyms of "Verdant" as an adjective (4 Words)

grass-coveredCovered with grass.
grassyCharacteristic of or resembling grass.
Grassy slopes.
greenOf a ski run of the lowest level of difficulty as indicated by green markers on the run.
A green salad.
leafyResembling a leaf or leaves.
Leafy trees.

Usage Examples of "Verdant" as an adjective

  • A serving of hideously verdant mushy peas.
  • Verdant valleys.
  • A deep, verdant green.

Associations of "Verdant" (30 Words)

berryA small fruit having any of various structures e g simple grape or blueberry or aggregate blackberry or raspberry.
Let s go berrying.
broadleafHaving relatively broad rather than needlelike or scalelike leaves.
cornfieldA field in which corn is being grown.
deforestationThe state of being clear of trees.
Deforestation caused by foreign logging companies.
dillAromatic threadlike foliage of the dill plant used as seasoning.
floodplainAn area of low-lying ground adjacent to a river, formed mainly of river sediments and subject to flooding.
floraA book or other work detailing the plants of a particular region or habitat.
Britain s native flora.
forestEstablish a forest on previously unforested land.
A forest of high rise apartments.
freshHaving an unpleasant, slightly rotten smell.
A fresh shirt.
gladeA tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area.
Glades of birch.
grassCover with grass.
The railway tracks were mostly grassed over.
grassyAbounding in grass.
An intense grassy green.
greeneryGreen foliage, growing plants, or vegetation.
jungleA wild tangled mass of vegetation or other things.
It s a jungle out there.
leaA field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock.
The lowing herd winds slowly o er the lea.
lush(of vegetation, especially grass) growing luxuriantly.
These architecture magazines are full of the lush interiors of the rich and famous.
meadowA field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay.
A pleasant campsite in a meadow complete with sparkling stream.
orchardA piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees.
A cider orchard.
pastureLet feed in a field or pasture or meadow.
A range of pasture grasses.
prairieA steam locomotive of 2-6-2 wheel arrangement.
rainforestA forest with heavy annual rainfall.
Tracts of rainforest.
rakeDraw together with a rake or similar implement.
She raked a comb through her hair.
savannaA flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions.
sodCover with sod.
The poor sod couldn t even buy a drink.
tare(in biblical use) an injurious weed resembling corn when young (Matt. 13:24–30).
timberA beam made of wood.
The exploitation of forests for timber.
treeChase an animal up a tree.
This lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer.
tropicalVery hot and humid.
Tropical weather.
woodlandLand that is covered with trees and shrubs.
Large areas of ancient woodland.

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