Need another word that means the same as “magnify”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “magnify” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Magnify” are: blow up, enlarge, amplify, exaggerate, hyperbolise, hyperbolize, overdraw, overstate, boost, enhance, maximize, increase, augment, extend, expand, intensify, heighten, deepen, broaden, widen, dilate, praise, bless, worship, venerate, adore, extol
Magnify as a Verb
Definitions of "Magnify" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “magnify” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Increase or exaggerate the importance or effect of.
- To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.
- Praise highly; glorify.
- Make large.
- Make (something) appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope.
- Increase in size, volume or significance.

Synonyms of "Magnify" as a verb (27 Words)
adore | Love and respect (someone) deeply. He adored his mother. |
amplify | Make multiple copies of (a gene or DNA sequence. Amplify sound. |
augment | Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. He augmented his summer income by painting houses. |
bless | (especially in Christian church services) call (God) holy; praise (God). The dying man blessed his son. |
blow up | Spend thoughtlessly; throw away. |
boost | Give a boost to be beneficial to. The specially designed circuit boosts signal strength. |
broaden | Make broader. He has to broaden Labour s appeal to the whole community. |
deepen | Make more intense, stronger, or more marked. They deepened the lake so that bigger pleasure boats could use it. |
dilate | Add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing. Dilated pupils. |
enhance | Increase. This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat. |
enlarge | Develop a larger print of (a photograph. She enlarged the flower beds. |
exaggerate | To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth. He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains. |
expand | Expand the influence of. The work began as a short story and was later expanded into a novel. |
extend | Extend in scope or range or area. The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk. |
extol | Praise, glorify, or honor. Extol the virtues of one s children. |
heighten | Make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity. Heighten the tension. |
hyperbolise | To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth. |
hyperbolize | Represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is; exaggerate. His wife had somewhat hyperbolized his claim. |
increase | Become bigger or greater in amount. The boss finally increased her salary. |
intensify | Become more intense. The dispute began to intensify. |
maximize | Make as large or great as possible. The company was aiming to maximize profits. |
overdraw | To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth. You only pay interest if your account is overdrawn. |
overstate | State too strongly; exaggerate. I overstated my case to make my point. |
praise | Express approval of. We can t praise Chris enough he did a brilliant job. |
venerate | Regard with great respect; revere. Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint. |
widen | Become broader or wider or more extensive. The lane widened out into a small clearing. |
worship | Love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol. The Maya built jungle pyramids to worship their gods. |

Usage Examples of "Magnify" as a verb
- Praise the Lord and magnify Him.
- The retinal image will be magnified.
- You had problems before you went to Vietnam, and 'Nam magnified them.

Associations of "Magnify" (30 Words)
aggrandize | Increase the power, status, or wealth of. He hoped to aggrandize himself by dying a hero s death. |
amplification | The action of enlarging upon or adding detail to a story or statement. The amplification of radio signals is possible. |
amplify | To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth. The notes amplify information contained in the statement. |
augment | Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. The pressure augmented. |
augmentation | An addition to a coat of arms granted as a mark of special honour. The augmentation of the curriculum with new subjects. |
bloat | Make bloated or swollen. The dead man s stomach was bloated. |
broaden | Become broader. The river slowed and broadened out slightly. |
corroboration | Evidence which confirms or supports a statement, theory, or finding; confirmation. There is no independent corroboration for this. |
dilate | Make or become wider, larger, or more open. Her eyes dilated with horror. |
distend | Swell or cause to swell by pressure from inside. The distended bellies of the starving cows. |
diversify | Spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate. Diversify a course of study. |
enlarge | Make or become larger or more extensive. They have renovated and enlarged the four storey building. |
escalation | An increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy. There was a gradual escalation of hostilities. |
expand | Expand the influence of. Alice opened and expanded in this normality. |
expanded | Increased in extent or size or bulk or scope. The expanded fins of the ray. |
expansion | A thing formed by the enlargement or broadening of something. A small expansion of industry. |
expansionist | A follower or advocate of a policy of territorial or economic expansion. The imperial government became increasingly bent on expansionist policies. |
exponentially | By means of or as expressed by a mathematical exponent. The coefficients show an exponentially decaying trend. |
extend | Thrust or extend out. Extend the TV antenna. |
extension | A subsidiary telephone on the same line as the main one. Most applications provide extensions for the files they create. |
increase | A change resulting in an increase. The increase in unemployment. |
magnification | Making to seem more important than it really is. The lines are only visible under high magnification. |
maximize | Make the most of. He maximized his role. |
overstate | To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth. I overstated my case to make my point. |
prolongation | The act of prolonging something. There was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks. |
stretched | Extended or spread over a wide area or distance. Well stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury. |
stretching | Act of expanding by lengthening or widening. |
swell | Excellent; very good. There was a heavy swell. |
telescopic | Capable of discerning distant objects. Telescopic lenses. |
widen | Make wider. Widen the road. |