AGGRANDIZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AGGRANDIZE?

Need another word that means the same as “aggrandize”? Find 22 synonyms and 30 related words for “aggrandize” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Aggrandize” are: aggrandise, blow up, dramatise, dramatize, embellish, embroider, lard, pad, magnified, aggrandized, pumped up, overstated, enhance, make richer, improve, add to, augment, supplement, complement, boost, upgrade, reinforce

Aggrandize as a Verb

Definitions of "Aggrandize" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “aggrandize” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Enhance the reputation of (someone) beyond what is justified by the facts.
  • Add details to.
  • Increase the power, status, or wealth of.

Synonyms of "Aggrandize" as a verb (22 Words)

add toMake an addition by combining numbers.
aggrandiseAdd details to.
aggrandizedAdd details to.
augmentEnlarge or increase.
He augmented his summer income by painting houses.
blow upMake a mess of, destroy or ruin.
boostGive a boost to be beneficial to.
A range of measures to boost tourism.
complementMake complete or perfect supply what is wanting or form the complement to.
The proposals complement the incentives already available.
dramatiseAdd details to.
dramatizeAdd details to.
His play dramatized the plight of Maureen a pregnant young woman.
embellishMake more beautiful.
Blue silk embellished with golden embroidery.
embroiderSew (a design) on cloth with thread.
She was teaching the girls how to embroider.
This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat.
improveDevelop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience.
Efforts to improve relations between the countries.
lardPrepare or cook with lard.
Farmhouse cheeses are dipped in wax or larded.
magnifiedMake large.
make richerAct in a certain way so as to acquire.
overstatedTo enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.
padAdd padding to.
Wrap dishes and glassware individually and pad the box with paper or bubble wrap.
pumped upFlow intermittently.
reinforceMake stronger.
Let s reinforce good behavior.
supplementAdd as a supplement to what seems insufficient.
Vitamins supplemented his meager diet.
upgradeRaise (an employee) to a higher grade or rank.
I upgraded to First Class when Coach Class was overbooked.

Usage Examples of "Aggrandize" as a verb

  • He hoped to aggrandize himself by dying a hero's death.
  • An action intended to aggrandize the Frankish dynasty.

Associations of "Aggrandize" (30 Words)

amplifyIncrease in size, volume or significance.
Amplify sound.
beautifyMake more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
Another initiative to beautify the environment.
beyondThe unknown, especially in references to life after death.
There was the terminal and beyond an endless line of warehouses.
bloatMake bloated or swollen.
The fungus has bloated their abdomens.
broadenExtend in scope or range or area.
The road broadened.
decorationThe act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive.
A decoration won on the field of battle.
dilateBecome wider.
Dilated pupils.
distendCause to expand as it by internal pressure.
The abdomen distended rapidly.
diversifyVary in order to spread risk or to expand.
Diversify a course of study.
dramatizeExaggerate the seriousness or importance of (an incident or situation.
She had a tendency to dramatize things.
elaboratelyWith elaboration.
The press conferences have become elaborately staged events.
elongateLong in relation to width elongated.
An elongate tail tapering to a point.
embellishMake more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
Followers often embellish stories about their heroes.
enlargeMake or become larger or more extensive.
Very often a favourite photograph is enlarged and framed.
escalationA rapid increase; a rise.
An escalation of violence.
expandExpand the influence of.
The minister expanded on the government s proposals.
expandedRelatively broad in shape.
The expanded fins of the ray.
expansionA thing formed by the enlargement or broadening of something.
German expansion in the 1930s.
extendContinue or extend.
Extend a hand.
lengthenMake (a vowel or syllable) long.
The mascara will lengthen your lashes.
magnificationThe degree to which something is or can be magnified.
This microscope should give a magnification of about 100.
magnifyMake (something) appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope.
Praise the Lord and magnify Him.
maximizeMake as large or great as possible.
A thriller that maximizes the potential of its locations.
prolongationAmount or degree or range to which something extends.
The position is advertised for two years but prolongation is possible.
He had certainly taken his time even protracting the process.
stretchExtend or stretch out to a greater or the full length.
Stretch the imagination.
stretchedRelieved of stiffness by stretching.
Well stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury.
stretchingAct of expanding by lengthening or widening.
swellA welling up of a feeling.
The low murmur swelled to a roar.
widenBecome broader or wider or more extensive.
His grin widened.

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