Need another word that means the same as “masculine”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “masculine” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Masculine” are: virile, macho, manly, red-blooded, male, manlike
Masculine as an Adjective
Definitions of "Masculine" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “masculine” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (music or poetry) ending on an accented beat or syllable.
- Having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men.
- Associated with men and not with women.
- Of or denoting a gender of nouns and adjectives, conventionally regarded as male.
- Ending on an accented beat or syllable.
- Of grammatical gender.
- Relating to men; male.

Synonyms of "Masculine" as an adjective (6 Words)
macho | Masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way. The big macho tough guy. |
male | Relating to men or the male gender. Male children. |
manlike | Resembling human beings. A manlike creature. |
manly | Possessing qualities befitting a man. Manly sports. |
red-blooded | Endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health. |
virile | Characterized by energy and vigor. He was a powerful virile man. |

Usage Examples of "Masculine" as an adjective
- A masculine cadence.
- Masculine pronouns.
- The masculine rhyme of `annoy, enjoy.
- A masculine voice.
- He is outstandingly handsome and robust, very masculine.

Associations of "Masculine" (30 Words)
bold | A bold typeface or letter. A figure carved in bold relief. |
boyish | Of, like, or characteristic of a male child or young man. A boyish grin. |
brave | People who are brave. It was a time to remember the brave. |
courage | Strength in the face of pain or grief. She called on all her courage to face the ordeal. |
father | A male parent also used as a term of address to your father. His father was born in Atlanta. |
gamete | A mature haploid male or female germ cell which is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote. |
genital | Relating to the human or animal reproductive organs. The genital area. |
gentleman | A man of good social position, especially one of wealth and leisure. He behaved throughout like a perfect gentleman. |
guy | Steady or support with a guy wire or cable. He s a nice guy. |
homosexual | Someone who practices homosexuality having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. Homosexual desire. |
impotence | An inability (usually of the male animal) to copulate. People speak constantly of their social and political impotence. |
laddie | A male child (a familiar term of address to a boy. He s just a wee laddie. |
libido | Sexual desire. A deficient libido. |
macho | A man who is masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way. I realized just what a macho I was at heart. |
male | An animal that produces gametes spermatozoa that can fertilize female gametes ova. A male infant. |
man | All of the living human inhabitants of the earth. He awaited word from his man in Havana. |
manlike | Resembling human beings. A manlike creature. |
manliness | The fact of being typically male; masculinity. The author s alleged lack of manliness. |
manly | In a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man. A manly torso of perfect proportions. |
muscular | Having a robust muscular body build characterized by predominance of structures bone and muscle and connective tissue developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer. His legs were strong and muscular. |
robust | Marked by richness and fullness of flavor. The experiment yielded robust results. |
sir | Used as a polite or respectful way of addressing a man, especially one in a position of authority. Excuse me sir. |
testosterone | A potent androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics. |
tom | A black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile to white people. Roscoe is tomming around now. |
tough | Feeling physical discomfort or pain tough is occasionally used colloquially for bad. A tough all weather fabric. |
valiant | Possessing or showing courage or determination. A valiant attempt to prevent the hijack. |
virile | Capable of copulation. A strong virile performance of the Mass. |
virility | (in a man) the quality of having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive; manliness. Great importance is placed on a man s virility. |