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MIMIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MIMIC?

Need another word that means the same as “mimic”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “mimic” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Mimic” are: mime, imitate, copy, impersonate, do an impression of, take off, do an impersonation of, do, ape, caricature, mock, make fun of, parody, satirize, lampoon, burlesque, travesty, resemble, look like, have on the appearance of, take on the appearance of, simulate, mirror, echo, mimicker, impersonator, impressionist, imitator, simulated, imitation, make-believe, sham, imitative, mimetic

Mimic as a Noun

Definitions of "Mimic" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “mimic” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress.
  • An animal or plant that mimics another.
  • A person skilled in imitating the voice or actions of others in an entertaining way.

Synonyms of "Mimic" as a noun (4 Words)

imitatorSomeone who copies the behaviour or actions of another.
The show s success has sparked off many imitators.
impersonatorSomeone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another.
A well known Elvis impersonator.
impressionistAn entertainer who impersonates famous people.
mimickerA disease that exhibits symptoms that bear a deceptive resemblance to those of another disease.
As a mimicker of voices I am unrivalled.

Usage Examples of "Mimic" as a noun

  • He has great ability as a mimic.
  • How did these insects evolve to become such perfect mimics?

Mimic as a Verb

Definitions of "Mimic" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “mimic” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • (of an animal or plant) resemble or imitate (another animal or plant) to deter predators or for camouflage.
  • (of a drug) replicate the physiological effects of (another substance.
  • Imitate (a person or manner), especially for satirical effect.
  • Imitate (someone or their actions or words), especially in order to entertain or ridicule.
  • (of a disease) exhibit symptoms that bear a deceptive resemblance to those of (another disease.

Synonyms of "Mimic" as a verb (24 Words)

apeRepresent in or produce a caricature of.
Her little brother apes her behavior.
burlesqueMake a parody of.
A mock heroic farce that burlesques the affectations of Restoration heroic drama.
caricatureMake or give a caricature of.
He was famous enough to be caricatured by Private Eye.
copySend someone a copy of an email that is addressed to a third party.
Copy the genetic information.
doGet something done.
I was speeding doing seventy five.
do an impersonation ofGive rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally.
do an impression ofArrange attractively.
echoRing or echo with sound.
A blue suit that echoed the colour of her eyes.
have on the appearance ofGo through (mental or physical states or experiences.
imitateReproduce someone’s behavior or looks.
She imitated my Scots accent.
impersonateRepresent another person with comic intentions.
She impersonates Madonna.
lampoonRidicule with satire.
The actor was lampooned by the press.
look likeAccord in appearance with.
make fun ofInstitute, enact, or establish.
mimeConvey or represent (an action, idea, or emotion) by using only gesture and movement.
They ve even mimed in a restaurant hall.
mirrorReflect as if in a mirror.
The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above.
mockImitate with mockery and derision.
He ought to find out who used his name mocked his voice and aped a few of his guitar lines.
parodyMake a parody of.
His speciality was parodying schoolgirl fiction.
resembleAppear like; be similar or bear a likeness to.
Some people resemble their dogs.
satirizeRidicule with satire.
The movie satirized the notion of national superiority.
simulateProduce a computer model of.
It was impossible to force a smile to simulate pleasure.
take offRequire (time or space.
take on the appearance ofBe designed to hold or take.
travestyMake a travesty of.
Michael has betrayed the family by travestying them in his plays.

Usage Examples of "Mimic" as a verb

  • Wild potatoes mimic an aphid alarm signal.
  • The actor mimicked the President very accurately.
  • Bacterial meningitis can present with acute disturbance of behaviour which may closely mimic substance abuse.
  • Tiger beetles are mimicked by grasshoppers.
  • The drug ephedrine mimics noradrenaline.
  • She mimicked Eileen's pedantic voice.

Mimic as an Adjective

Definitions of "Mimic" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “mimic” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Imitative of something.
  • Constituting an imitation- Archibald Alison.
  • Constituting an imitation.

Synonyms of "Mimic" as an adjective (7 Words)

imitationNot genuine or real being an imitation of the genuine article.
Decorated with imitation palm leaves.
imitativeFollowing a model or example without any attempt at originality.
Onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises.
make-believeImagined as in a play.
mimeticRelating to, constituting, or habitually practising mimesis.
The mimetic presentation of images.
mockNot authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive.
Jim threw up his hands in mock horror.
shamAdopted in order to deceive.
Sham modesty.
simulatedManufactured in imitation of some other material.
Under simulated combat conditions.

Usage Examples of "Mimic" as an adjective

  • The mimic warfare of the opera stage.
  • They were waging mimic war.

Associations of "Mimic" (30 Words)

actingThe performance of a part or role in a drama.
I d prefer him not to go into acting as it s such an insecure business.
anthropoidPerson who resembles a nonhuman primate.
Anthropoid gods.
apeUsed in names of macaque monkeys with short tails e g Barbary ape.
Her little brother apes her behavior.
caricatureMake or give a caricature of.
There are elements of caricature in the portrayal of the hero.
clownAct as or like a clown.
We need a serious government not a bunch of clowns.
copyCopy down as is.
I thought I d copy to you this letter sent to the PR representative.
duplicateMake a duplicate or duplicates of.
They have not been able to duplicate his successes.
earshotThe range or distance over which one can hear or be heard.
She waited until he was out of earshot before continuing.
echoRing or echo with sound.
Napoleon III was an echo of the mighty Emperor but an infinitely better man.
emulateImitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software.
This artist s drawings cannot emulate his water colors.
facsimileSend something via a facsimile machine.
Facsimile editions.
imitateMake a reproduction or copy of.
The mime imitated the passers by.
imitationThe doctrine that representations of nature or human behavior should be accurate imitations.
Decorated with imitation palm leaves.
imitatorSomeone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another.
The show s success has sparked off many imitators.
iterateRun or be performed again.
The bird s call is a monotonously iterated single note.
mimeA practitioner of mime or a performer in a mime.
He performed a brief mime of someone fencing.
mimesisThe deliberate imitation of the behaviour of one group of people by another group as a factor in social change.
Barth has always detached his use of plot from mimesis.
mimeticExhibiting mimicry.
A mimetic dance.
pantomimeExpress or represent by exaggerated mime.
He is currently appearing in pantomime in Manchester.
parrotRepeat mechanically.
The students parroted the teacher s words.
replicaAn exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale.
It is a replica of an antique plaque.
replicate(of genetic material or a living organism) reproduce or give rise to a copy of itself.
Replicate the cell.
replicationCopy that is not the original; something that has been copied.
DNA replication.
reproduce(of an organism) produce offspring by a sexual or asexual process.
He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait.
resembleHave a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like.
Some people resemble their dogs.
resonanceHaving the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant.
The concepts lose their emotional resonance.
reverberationProlongation of a sound; resonance.
Electronic effects have been added such as echo and reverberation.
silentlyWithout speaking.
She sobbed silently in the corner.
simulateImitate the appearance or character of.
Future population changes were simulated by computer.
triplicateA thing which is part of a set of three copies or corresponding parts.
Triplicate measurements.

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