MISCONCEPTIONS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MISCONCEPTIONS?

Need another word that means the same as “misconceptions”? Find 30 related words for “misconceptions” in this overview.

Associations of "Misconceptions" (30 Words)

biasCause to be biased.
The bias towards younger people in recruitment.
deliberatelyIn a deliberate unhurried manner.
She was working deliberately.
errorThe occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer.
The crash was caused by human error.
fallacyFaulty reasoning.
The notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy.
fallibilityThe likelihood of making errors.
Studies on the fallibility of memory and perception.
fallibleWanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings.
I m only a fallible human.
faultOf a rock formation be broken by a fault or faults.
The continental crust has been thinned and faulted as a result of geological processes.
inaccurateNot accurate.
The thermometer is inaccurate.
inappropriateNot in keeping with what is correct or proper.
Put inappropriate pressure on them.
misapprehendFail to understand (a person or their words) correctly; misinterpret.
They seemed not to mind that their more profound utterances were misapprehended as self help maxims.
misapprehensionA mistaken belief about or interpretation of something.
People tried to exchange the vouchers under the misapprehension that they were book tokens.
misconceiveJudge or plan badly, typically on the basis of faulty understanding.
Some academic latinists did misconceive Pound s poem in that way.
misconductBehave badly.
Smith got a game misconduct for spearing Nick Kypreos.
misconstrueInterpret (a person’s words or actions) wrongly.
She misconstrued my remarks.
miscountAn incorrect reckoning.
A miscount necessitates a recount.
misdirectPut a wrong address on.
Misdirect the letter.
misguideLead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions.
A long survey that can only baffle and misguide the general reader.
misinformGive (someone) false or inaccurate information.
I m afraid you have been misinformed.
misinterpretInterpret wrongly.
I think you re misinterpreting the situation.
misleadGive false or misleading information to.
The government misled the public about the road's environmental impact.
misplaced(of a feeling or emotion) directed unwisely or to an inappropriate object.
He began to wonder if his sympathy was misplaced.
misreadJudge or interpret (a situation or a person’s manner or behaviour) incorrectly.
I misread Hamlet all my life.
mistakeTo make a mistake or be incorrect.
He wasn t going to admit his mistake.
misunderstandFail to interpret or understand the words or actions of (someone) correctly.
Don t misunderstand me I m not implying she should be working.
misunderstandingA failure to understand something correctly.
A misunderstanding of the government s plans.
misunderstoodWrongly understood.
He is one of football s most misunderstood men.
overrateHave a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.
His father greatly overrated his abilities.
pervertPractice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive.
He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice.
sheerCause to sheer.
Sheer silk stockings.
wrongTreat unjustly do wrong to.
I have done you a great wrong.

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