Need another word that means the same as “mock”? Find 56 synonyms and 30 related words for “mock” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Mock” are: bemock, ridicule, jeer at, sneer at, deride, treat with contempt, treat contemptuously, scorn, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, make jokes about, laugh to scorn, scoff at, pillory, be sarcastic about, tease, taunt, make a monkey of, rag, chaff, jibe at, taunting, parody, ape, guy, take off, caricature, satirize, lampoon, imitate, mimic, imitation, artificial, man-made, manufactured, simulated, synthetic, ersatz, plastic, so-called, fake, false, faux, dummy, model, make-believe, sham, spurious, bogus, counterfeit, fraudulent, forged, pseudo, pretended, feigned
Mock as a Verb
Definitions of "Mock" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “mock” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.
- Make (something) seem laughably unreal or impossible.
- Mimic (someone or something) scornfully or contemptuously.
- Imitate with mockery and derision.
- Treat with contempt.

Synonyms of "Mock" as a verb (32 Words)
ape | Imitate uncritically and in every aspect. Her little brother apes her behavior. |
be sarcastic about | Represent, as of a character on stage. |
bemock | Treat with contempt. |
caricature | Make or give a caricature of. The drawing caricatured the President. |
chaff | Be silly or tease one another. |
deride | Treat or speak of with contempt. The decision was derided by environmentalists. |
guy | Steady or support with a guy wire or cable. The Italians guyed the Tower of Pisa to prevent it from collapsing. |
imitate | Copy or simulate. The mime imitated the passers by. |
jeer at | Laugh at with contempt and derision. |
jibe at | Shift from one side of the ship to the other. |
lampoon | Ridicule with satire. The actor was lampooned by the press. |
laugh at | Produce laughter. |
laugh to scorn | Produce laughter. |
make a monkey of | Give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally. |
make fun of | Constitute the essence of. |
make jokes about | Perform or carry out. |
mimic | (of a drug) replicate the physiological effects of (another substance. The actor mimicked the President very accurately. |
parody | Make a parody of. His speciality was parodying schoolgirl fiction. |
pillory | Put someone in a pillory. He found himself pilloried by members of his own party. |
poke fun at | Stir by poking. |
rag | Apply paint to a surface with a rag. Rag that old tune. |
ridicule | Subject to laughter or ridicule. The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house. |
satirize | Ridicule with satire. The writer satirized the politician s proposal. |
scoff at | Laugh at with contempt and derision. |
scorn | Refuse to do something because one is too proud. A letter scorning his offer of intimacy. |
sneer at | Smile contemptuously. |
take off | Travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route. |
taunt | Reproach (someone) with something in a contemptuous way. You once taunted me taunted me with cowardice because I dared not face the world and conquer it. |
taunting | Harass with persistent criticism or carping. |
tease | Mock or make fun of playfully. The children teased the boy because of his stammer. |
treat contemptuously | Provide with a gift or entertainment. |
treat with contempt | Regard or consider in a specific way. |

Usage Examples of "Mock" as a verb
- The children mocked their handicapped classmate.
- Opposition MPs mocked the government's decision.
- At Christmas, arguments and friction mock our pretence at peace.
- The new constitution mocks all democratic principles.
- He ought to find out who used his name, mocked his voice, and aped a few of his guitar lines.

Mock as an Adjective
Definitions of "Mock" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “mock” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Constituting a copy or imitation of something.
- (of an examination, battle, etc.) arranged for training or practice.
- Not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive.

Synonyms of "Mock" as an adjective (24 Words)
artificial | Artificially formal. The artificial division of people into age groups. |
bogus | Not genuine or true (used in a disapproving manner when deception has been attempted. A bogus insurance claim. |
counterfeit | Not genuine; imitating something superior. Counterfeit 10 notes. |
ersatz | (of a product) made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else. Ersatz emotion. |
fake | (of a person) claiming to be something that one is not. It isn t fake anything it s real synthetic fur. |
false | Used in names of plants animals and gems that superficially resemble the thing properly so called e g false oat. False eyelashes. |
faux | Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article. A rope of faux pearls. |
feigned | Simulated or pretended; insincere. Feigned sympathy. |
forged | Reproduced fraudulently. A forged twenty dollar bill. |
fraudulent | Intended to deceive – S.T.Coleridge. Fraudulent share dealing. |
imitation | Not genuine or real being an imitation of the genuine article. Decorated with imitation palm leaves. |
make-believe | Imagined as in a play. |
man-made | Not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially. |
manufactured | (of something abstract) made or produced in a merely mechanical way. Manufactured consumer goods. |
model | Worthy of imitation. Model citizens. |
plastic | Made of plastic. Rendering the material more plastic. |
pretended | Adopted in order to deceive. Eating ice cream with pretended unconcern. |
pseudo | Not genuine but having the appearance of. We are talking about real journalists and not the pseudo kind. |
sham | Bogus; false. A clergyman who arranged a sham marriage. |
simulated | Imitating the conditions of something, especially as a training exercise. A simulated leather handbag. |
so-called | Doubtful or suspect. |
spurious | Intended to deceive. A spurious argument. |
synthetic | Involving or of the nature of synthesis (combining separate elements to form a coherent whole) as opposed to analysis. Synthetic leather. |

Usage Examples of "Mock" as an adjective
- A mock-Georgian red brick house.
- Jim threw up his hands in mock horror.
- Boys in mock battle.
- Mock GCSEs.

Associations of "Mock" (30 Words)
barrack | Lodge in barracks. The granary in which the platoons were barracked. |
bullying | The act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something. |
burlesque | Relating to or characteristic of a burlesque. A mock heroic farce that burlesques the affectations of Restoration heroic drama. |
catcall | Utter catcalls at. He walked out to jeers and catcalls. |
charade | A word acted out in an episode of the game of charades. Talk of unity was nothing more than a charade. |
deride | Express contempt for; ridicule. The decision was derided by environmentalists. |
derision | Contemptuous laughter. My stories were greeted with derision and disbelief. |
disrepute | The state of being held in low esteem. Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute. |
flout | Laugh at with contempt and derision. The women pointed and flouted at her. |
gibe | Laugh at with contempt and derision. Some cynics in the media might gibe. |
hoot | With reference to a car horn siren etc make or cause to make a hoot. The toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums drink arak play dice and dance. |
irony | A trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs. Irony is wasted on the stupid. |
irreverence | An irreverent mental attitude. An attitude of irreverence towards politicians. |
jeer | Showing your contempt by derision. Councillors were jeered and heckled. |
lampoon | A speech or text lampooning someone or something. The magazine fired at God Royalty and politicians using cartoons and lampoons. |
mockery | Showing your contempt by derision. In her bitterness she felt that all rejoicing was mockery. |
parody | Make a parody of. His provocative use of parody. |
persiflage | Light teasing. An air of persiflage. |
playfully | In a playful manner. Lily laughed and playfully slapped him across the chest. |
ridicule | Subject to laughter or ridicule. He is held up as an object of ridicule. |
sarcasm | Witty language used to convey insults or scorn–Jonathan Swif. She didn t like the note of sarcasm in his voice. |
satire | A play novel film or other work which uses satire. A number of articles on Elizabethan satire. |
satirize | Ridicule with satire. The movie satirized the notion of national superiority. |
scoff | An object of ridicule. Patrick professed to scoff at soppy love scenes in films. |
skit | A short theatrical episode. A skit on daytime magazine programmes. |
sneer | A contemptuous or scornful remark. She sneered her contempt. |
spoof | Make a parody of. That meant that the Americans might not be able to jam or spoof his systems. |
taunt | Harass with persistent criticism or carping. Pupils will play truant rather than face the taunts of classmates about their ragged clothes. |
teasing | Arousing sexual desire without intending to satisfy it. Her lazy teasing smile. |
travesty | Make a travesty of. Michael has betrayed the family by travestying them in his plays. |