Need another word that means the same as “negotiable”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “negotiable” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Negotiable” are: assignable, conveyable, transferable, transferrable, open to discussion, subject to discussion, flexible, open to modification, usable as legal tender, passable, navigable, crossable, traversable
Negotiable as an Adjective
Definitions of "Negotiable" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “negotiable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Able to be negotiated or arranged by compromise.
- Open to discussion or modification.
- (of a route) able to be traversed; passable.
- (of a document) able to be transferred or assigned to the legal ownership of another person.
- Legally transferable to the ownership of another.
- Capable of being passed or negotiated.

Synonyms of "Negotiable" as an adjective (13 Words)
assignable | Legally transferable to another person’s possession. Your membership is not assignable to any third party. |
conveyable | Legally transferable to the ownership of another. |
crossable | (of a river or road) allowing safe, easy, or unobstructed access from one side to the other. In places the usually crossable river had become five feet deep. |
flexible | Capable of bending easily without breaking. Slim flexible birches. |
navigable | (of a website) easy to move around in. A navigable channel. |
open to discussion | Ready or willing to receive favorably. |
open to modification | Not having been filled. |
passable | Just good enough to be acceptable; satisfactory. The road was passable with care. |
subject to discussion | Likely to be affected by something. |
transferable | Legally transferable to the ownership of another. Transferable skills. |
transferrable | Capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another. |
traversable | Capable of being traversed. |
usable as legal tender | Capable of being put to use. |

Usage Examples of "Negotiable" as an adjective
- Negotiable certificates of deposit.
- Negotiable bonds.
- Walkways must be accessible and negotiable for all users.
- A negotiable road.
- The price was not negotiable.
- Negotiable demands.

Associations of "Negotiable" (30 Words)
alienable | Able to be transferred to new ownership. It was in the interest of the public and the landowners to make land freely alienable. |
arbitration | The hearing and determination of a dispute by an impartial referee agreed to by both parties (often used to settle disputes between labor and management. Binding arbitration. |
arbitrator | An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute. The facts of the case are put to an independent arbitrator. |
argue | Have an argument about something. She was too tired to argue the point. |
argument | An independent variable associated with a function or proposition and determining its value For example in the expression y F x x the arguments of the function F are x and x and the value is y. The argument over foreign aid goes on and on. |
bargain | Come to terms; arrive at an agreement. The table was a real bargain. |
bargaining | The negotiation of the terms of a transaction or agreement. |
chaffer | Wrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc. I chaffered in the bazaars for objects I wanted. |
chat | Songbirds having a chattering call. Online chat has been widely accepted by average internet users. |
consult | An act of consulting a professional a consultation. They had to consult before arriving at a decision. |
contentiousness | An inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious. |
debate | Have an argument about something. Members of the society debated for five nights. |
dialogue | Provide a film or play with a dialogue. The book consisted of a series of dialogues. |
discourse | An address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service. An imagined discourse between two people. |
discuss | Speak with others about something talk something over in detail have a discussion. They were discussing where to go for a drink. |
disputation | A contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement. Scholastic disputations. |
finalize | Make final; put the last touches on; put into final form. Efforts intensified to finalize plans for post war reconstruction. |
forum | A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. We hope these pages act as a forum for debate. |
haggle | An instance of intense argument (as in bargaining. Let s not haggle over a few dollars. |
inexpensive | Relatively low in price or charging low prices. A simple and inexpensive solution. |
interlocutor | A person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation. |
interlocutory | (of a decree or judgement) given provisionally during the course of a legal action. An interlocutory injunction. |
mediate | Connected indirectly through another person or thing involving an intermediate agency. Structures which mediate gender divisions. |
negotiate | Succeed in passing through, around, or over. She cautiously negotiated the hairpin bend. |
negotiation | The activity or business of negotiating an agreement; coming to terms. A worldwide ban is currently under negotiation. |
parley | Hold a conference with the opposing side to discuss terms. A parley is in progress and the invaders may withdraw. |
recitative | A vocal passage of narrative text that a singer delivers with natural rhythms of speech. Singing in recitative. |
talk | Exchange thoughts talk with. It was no use talking to Anthony. |
transferable | Legally transferable to the ownership of another. Transferable skills. |
wrangling | Engagement in a long, complicated dispute or argument. Weeks of political wrangling. |