Need another word that means the same as “nest”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “nest” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Nest” are: roost, eyrie, lair, den, drey, lodge, burrow, set, form, hideaway, hiding place, hideout, retreat, shelter, refuge, snuggery, nook, haunt, hotbed, breeding ground, cradle, seedbed, forcing house, cluster, group, assemblage, cuddle, draw close, nestle, nuzzle, snuggle
Nest as a Noun
Definitions of "Nest" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “nest” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A set of similar objects of graduated sizes, made so that each smaller one fits into the next in size for storage.
- A cosy or secluded retreat.
- Furniture pieces made to fit close together.
- A gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality.
- A structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young.
- A person's snug or secluded retreat.
- Something in the form of a bowl or layer, used to hold, protect, or support something.
- A kind of gun emplacement.
- A place filled with undesirable people, activities, or things.
- A structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.
- A place where an insect or other animal breeds or shelters.

Synonyms of "Nest" as a noun (26 Words)
assemblage | A group of persons together in one place. Some vast assemblage of gears and cogs. |
breeding ground | Elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression. |
burrow | A hole made by an animal, usually for shelter. |
cluster | A grouping of a number of similar things. Clusters of the disease have been reported leading to speculation about person to person transmission. |
cradle | Infancy. He was taught from the cradle never to cry. |
den | A wild mammal s hidden home a lair. A female mink had set up her den there. |
drey | The nest of a squirrel. |
eyrie | A large nest of an eagle or other bird of prey, built high in a tree or on a cliff. His 40th floor eyrie in the tallest office building in Portland. |
forcing house | Physical energy or intensity. |
form | A printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted. The form colour and texture of the tree. |
group | A number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together. I ve always been a fan of the guitarists in the group. |
haunt | A place frequented by a specified person. The bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time. |
hideaway | A place used for hiding in or as a retreat from other people. Workmen added 4 ft to the top of the 6 ft high wooden fence round her Surrey hideaway to stop prying eyes. |
hideout | A hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws. The kidnappers did not want their hideout discovered. |
hiding place | The activity of keeping something secret. |
hotbed | A bed of earth heated by fermenting manure, for raising or forcing plants. The country was a hotbed of revolt and dissension. |
lair | The habitation of wild animals. The hero goes off to find the dragon s lair. |
lodge | A porter’s quarters at the main entrance of a college or other large building. A hunting lodge. |
nook | A corner or recess, especially one offering seclusion or security. The nook beside the fire. |
refuge | A safe place. Took refuge in lying. |
retreat | An act of moving back or withdrawing. The religious retreat is a form of vacation activity. |
roost | A shelter with perches for fowl or other birds. Birds were hurrying to their evening roosts. |
seedbed | A bed of fine soil in which seedlings are germinated. A seedbed of bigotry and fundamentalism. |
set | An unofficial association of people or groups. A set of books. |
shelter | A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger. You re welcome to take shelter from the storm. |
snuggery | A cosy or comfortable place, especially someone’s private room or den. |

Usage Examples of "Nest" as a noun
- A machine-gun nest.
- A nest site.
- An ants' nest.
- A nest of spies.
- Two sparrows frantically building a nest.
- A nest of tables.
- Potato nests filled with okra.
- I'm off to my cosy nest.
- A nest of snipers.
- A nest of thieves.

Nest as a Verb
Definitions of "Nest" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “nest” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- (of a set of objects) fit inside one another.
- Fit together or fit inside.
- Inhabit a nest, usually after building.
- Move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position.
- (especially in computing and linguistics) place (an object or element) in a lower position in a hierarchy.
- (of a bird or other animal) use or build a nest.
- Gather nests.
- Fit (an object or objects) inside a larger one.

Synonyms of "Nest" as a verb (5 Words)
cuddle | Ingratiate oneself with. We cuddled against each other to keep warm. |
draw close | Finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc. |
nestle | Move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position. The baby nestled in her arms. |
nuzzle | Snuggle up to. The pig nuzzled the truffle. |
snuggle | Settle or move into a warm, comfortable position. I snuggled down in my sleeping bag. |

Usage Examples of "Nest" as a verb
- The town is nested inside a large crater on the flanks of a volcano.
- Russian dolls that nest inside one another.
- Birds are nesting outside my window every Spring.
- The owls often nest in barns.
- Nested bowls.

Associations of "Nest" (30 Words)
albatross | A source of frustration or guilt; an encumbrance (in allusion to Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. She was an albatross around his neck. |
beak | A beaklike tapering tip on certain plant structures. She can t wait to stick her beak in. |
bird | The flesh of a bird or fowl wild or domestic used as food. Carve the bird and arrange on a warmed serving plate. |
bluebird | Blue North American songbird. On beautiful bluebird days the girls rode snowmobiles. |
chick | A young bird, especially one newly hatched. Cuckoo chicks. |
cormorant | A large diving bird with a long neck, long hooked bill, short legs, and mainly dark plumage. It typically breeds on coastal cliffs. |
cygnet | A young swan. |
eagle | A figure of an eagle especially as a symbol of the US. She eagled the hole. |
egret | Any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season. |
flamingo | A tall wading bird with mainly pink or scarlet plumage and long legs and neck. It has a heavy bent bill that is held upside down in the water in order to filter-feed on small organisms. |
flying | Used in names of animals that can glide by using winglike membranes or other structures e g flying squirrel. Flying was still an exciting adventure for him. |
goose | Flesh of a goose domestic or wild. The government s desire to goose the tired housing market. |
gull | A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of. |
hatch | The rear door of a hatchback car. Young birds fish and reptiles hatch. |
hawk | Of a person hunt game with a trained hawk. The tribes like to hawk in the desert. |
hen | Used in names of birds especially waterbirds of the rail family e g moorhen native hen. And I really like you too hen. |
heron | Greek mathematician and inventor who devised a way to determine the area of a triangle and who described various mechanical devices (first century. |
jackdaw | A small grey-headed crow that typically nests in tall buildings and chimneys, noted for its inquisitiveness. |
owl | A person who habitually goes to bed late and feels energetic in the evening. |
parrot | Usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds. The students parroted the teacher s words. |
peck | Eat by pecking at like a bird. The bird managed to give its attacker a sharp peck. |
quail | Flesh of quail suitable for roasting or broiling if young otherwise must be braised. |
raptor | A dromaeosaurid dinosaur especially a velociraptor or utahraptor. |
robin | Any of a number of birds that resemble the European robin especially in having a red breast. |
skylark | Play boisterously. He was skylarking with a friend when he fell into a pile of boxes. |
spoonbill | Wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon. |
swan | Sweep majestically. Swanning around Europe nowadays are we. |
tern | A seabird related to the gulls, typically smaller and more slender, with long pointed wings and a forked tail. |
turkey | The flesh of the turkey as food. The movie flopped the second in a trio of turkeys. |
vulture | A contemptible person who preys on or exploits others. The press are vultures. |