SNUGGLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SNUGGLE?

Need another word that means the same as “snuggle”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “snuggle” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Snuggle” are: nestle, cuddle, draw close, nest, nuzzle, curl up, huddle, huddle up, cuddle up, cuddle up to, nuzzle up to, settle, lie close to

Snuggle as a Noun

Definitions of "Snuggle" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “snuggle” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace.

Synonyms of "Snuggle" as a noun (2 Words)

cuddleA prolonged and affectionate hug.
He just wanted a comforting kiss and a cuddle.
nestleA close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace.

Snuggle as a Verb

Definitions of "Snuggle" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “snuggle” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position.
  • Settle or move into a warm, comfortable position.
  • Position comfortably.

Synonyms of "Snuggle" as a verb (13 Words)

cuddleHold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth.
He cuddles the baby close.
cuddle upRaise.
cuddle up toRaise.
curl upTwist or roll into coils or ringlets.
draw closeElicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.
huddleCrowd together; nestle closely.
The colonel huddled with A J at the dining room table.
huddle upCrowd or draw together.
lie close toBe lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position.
nestGather nests.
The town is nested inside a large crater on the flanks of a volcano.
nestlePosition comfortably.
The baby nestled in her arms.
nuzzleDig out with the snout.
The pig nuzzled the truffle.
nuzzle up toRaise.
settleSettle into a position usually on a surface or ground.
He offered to settle 150 a year on her.

Usage Examples of "Snuggle" as a verb

  • I snuggled down in my sleeping bag.
  • The children snuggled into their sleeping bags.
  • She snuggled her head into his shoulder.

Associations of "Snuggle" (30 Words)

adjudicateBring to an end; settle conclusively.
The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance.
birdThe flesh of a bird or fowl wild or domestic used as food.
Carve the bird and arrange on a warmed serving plate.
caterpillarA vehicle with caterpillar tracks.
chickYoung bird especially of domestic fowl.
The cattle egrets hatched and reared two chicks.
cobwebSomething resembling a cobweb in delicacy or intricacy.
The city fans south in a cobweb of canals.
cygnetA young swan.
ducklingYoung duck.
eggCoat with beaten egg.
Chocolate eggs.
embryonicRelating to an embryo.
In the embryonic stage.
finalizeComplete or agree on a finished and definitive version of.
Let s finalize the proposal.
flamingoLarge pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes.
gooseFlesh of a goose domestic or wild.
Goose the car.
goslingYoung goose.
hatchA movable barrier covering a hatchway.
Hatch the sheet.
incubate(in a laboratory or other controlled situation) keep (eggs, bacteria, embryos, etc.) at a suitable temperature so that they develop.
The BSE bug incubates for around three years.
incubationThe phase in the development of an infection between the time a pathogen enters the body and the time the first symptoms appear.
The chick hatches after a month s incubation.
incubatorAn enclosed apparatus in which premature or unusually small babies are placed and which provides a controlled and protective environment for their care.
An incubator project.
larvalRelating to or typical of a larva.
Larval crayfishes.
layingThe production of eggs (especially in birds.
locateDetermine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey.
These popular apartments are centrally located.
nestOf a bird or other animal use or build a nest.
Nested bowls.
nestleLie in a sheltered position.
The baby nestled her head in her mother s elbow.
nestlingYoung bird not yet fledged.
Cuckoo nestlings.
quailFlesh of quail suitable for roasting or broiling if young otherwise must be braised.
resolveBring to an end; settle conclusively.
The conference resolved to support an alliance.
roostSettle down or stay as if on a roost.
Migrating martins and swallows were settling to roost.
settleSettle into a position usually on a surface or ground.
He sued for libel and then settled out of court.
sitA period of sitting.
When does the court of law sit.
spoonbillA tall mainly white or pinkish wading bird related to ibises, having a long bill with a very broad flat tip.
warmInducing the impression of warmth used especially of reds and oranges and yellows.
The soup warmed slowly on the stove.

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