NESTLED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NESTLED?

Need another word that means the same as “nestled”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “nestled” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Nestled” are: snuggled

Nestled as an Adjective

Definitions of "Nestled" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “nestled” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Drawn or pressed close to someone or something for or as if for affection or protection.

Synonyms of "Nestled" as an adjective (1 Word)

snuggledDrawn or pressed close to someone or something for or as if for affection or protection.
Like a baby snuggled in its mother s arms.

Usage Examples of "Nestled" as an adjective

  • Saw a number of small houses nestled against the hillside.

Associations of "Nestled" (30 Words)

astrideWith a leg on each side of something.
He stood legs astride.
auditoriumA large building or hall used for public gatherings, typically speeches or stage performances.
The National Indoor Arena is a magnificent auditorium and one of Britain s premier indoor venues.
belowBelow deck.
See below.
benchExhibit on a bench.
A park bench.
chairThe person in charge of a meeting or of an organization used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman.
He is second chair violin.
crouchA crouching stance or posture.
Leo was crouched before the fire.
cushionThe elastic lining of the sides of a billiard table, from which the ball rebounds.
Comfortable chairs and sofas piled with cushions.
descendDo something that one considers to be below one’s dignity.
An air of gloom descended on Labour Party headquarters.
deskA counter in a hotel, bank, or airport at which a customer may check in or obtain information.
A desk job.
diningThe act of eating dinner.
A dining area.
downDenoting a flavour variety of stable quark having relatively low mass and an electric charge of 1 3 In the Standard Model protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks.
He downed a 20 foot putt for victory.
flopWith a flopping sound.
This computer can perform a million flops per second.
idlyIn an idle manner.
I can no longer stand idly by and let him take the blame.
incubateGrow under conditions that promote development.
The samples were incubated at 80 C for 3 minutes.
kneelBe in or assume a position in which the body is supported by a knee or the knees, as when praying or showing submission.
In church you have to kneel during parts of the service.
locateDiscover the exact place or position of.
Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space.
locatedSituated in a particular spot or position.
Valuable centrally located urban land.
parkBring a vehicle that one is driving to a halt and leave it temporarily typically in a car park or by the side of the road.
Park the car in the yard.
prosceniumThe part of a modern theater stage between the curtain and the orchestra (i.e., in front of the curtain.
reclinerAn armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be raised to allow the sitter to recline in it.
seatBe able to seat.
He was elected to a seat in the Senate.
settleSettle into a position usually on a surface or ground.
Try to settle your puppy down before going to bed.
sitA period of sitting.
You can sit wherever you like.
snugglePosition comfortably.
She snuggled her head into his shoulder.
squatA squatting position.
He can squat 850 pounds.
tableThe dummy hand which is exposed on the table.
It was a sturdy table.
tensileRelating to tension.
Made of highly tensile steel alloy.
terraceProvide a house with a terrace.
Modern furniture looks out of place in your Victorian terrace.
warmIn a warm manner.
Made things warm for the bookies.
workbenchA strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic.

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