Need another word that means the same as “next to”? Find 30 related words for “next to” in this overview.
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Associations of "Next to" (30 Words)
abut | Touch or lean on. A park abutting on an area of waste land. |
accompanying | Following or accompanying as a consequence. The accompanying documentation. |
adjacent | Next to or adjoining something else. Adjacent rooms. |
after | At a later or future time afterwards. Two hours after that. |
afterthought | Something that is thought of or added later. The garage was an afterthought. |
afterward | Happening at a time subsequent to a reference time. It didn t happen until afterward. |
afterwards | Happening at a time subsequent to a reference time. The offender was arrested shortly afterwards. |
alongside | Side by side. |
contiguous | Very close or connected in space or time. The Southern Ocean is contiguous with the Atlantic. |
ensuing | Following immediately and as a result of what went before. She lost track of one of her children during the ensuing chaos. |
following | Immediately following in time or order. Tried to outrun the following footsteps. |
future | A verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future. His future wife. |
hereafter | After death. This court is in no way prejudging any such defence which may hereafter be raised. |
incoming | (of a communication) being received rather than sent. Keep an account of your incomings and outgoings. |
later | At a time in the near future; soon or afterwards. I ll see you later. |
lateral | Involving lateral thinking. The plant takes up water through its lateral roots. |
laterally | In a way that involves lateral thinking. Use slide steps to move laterally. |
medial | (of a speech sound) in the middle of a word. A medial consonant. |
posterior | Coming after in time or order; later. The posterior part of the gut. |
posterity | All future generations of people. The victims names are recorded for posterity. |
preliminary | A preliminary round in a sporting competition. A preliminary draft. |
purlieu | A tract on the border of a forest, especially one earlier included in it and still partly subject to forest laws. The photogenic purlieus of Cambridge. |
sequent | In regular succession without gaps. Some of the inferences are not sequent on the premises. |
shortly | In a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner. To put it shortly. |
subsequence | Something that follows something else. An affair which appeared in due subsequence in the newspapers. |
subsequent | Following in time or order. The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906. |
subsequently | Happening at a time subsequent to a reference time. The work was accepted for inclusion in the Paris Salon of 1880 and was subsequently sold to an important collector. |
successively | In proper order or sequence. Three letters of successively decreasing length. |
superimpose | Place or lay (one thing) over another, typically so that both are still evident. Can you superimpose the two images. |
then | After that; next; afterwards. I m paid a generous salary and then there s the money I ve made at the races. |