Need another word that means the same as “oblivious”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “oblivious” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Oblivious” are: forgetful, unmindful, unaware, unconscious, heedless, insensible, unheeding, ignorant, blind, deaf, unsuspecting, unobservant, unconcerned, impervious, unaffected, insensitive, indifferent, detached, removed
Oblivious as an Adjective
Definitions of "Oblivious" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “oblivious” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of.
- Lacking conscious awareness of.
- Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.
- Failing to keep in mind.

Synonyms of "Oblivious" as an adjective (19 Words)
blind | Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand. A world of blind chance. |
deaf | Lacking or deprived of the sense of hearing wholly or in part. I m a bit deaf so you ll have to speak up. |
detached | Being or feeling set or kept apart from others- Sherwood Anderson. On one side of the island was a hugh rock almost detached. |
forgetful | Not mindful or attentive- G.B.Shaw. Forgetful of her responsibilities. |
heedless | Characterized by careless unconcern- Edith Wharton. Heedless of the child s crying. |
ignorant | Unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge. He was completely ignorant of the circumstances. |
impervious | Unable to be affected by. An impervious layer of basaltic clay. |
indifferent | (usually followed by `to’) unwilling or refusing to pay heed. Indifferent to her plea. |
insensible | Unaware of or indifferent to. Insensible earth. |
insensitive | Showing or feeling no concern for others’ feelings. Insensitive to radiation. |
removed | Separate or apart in time. A cousin once removed. |
unaffected | Free of artificiality; sincere and genuine. Fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment. |
unaware | (often followed by `of’) not aware. Seemed unaware of the scrutiny. |
unconcerned | Lacking in interest or care or feeling. Blithely unconcerned about his friend s plight. |
unconscious | Not knowing or perceiving- Charles Dickens. Happily unconscious of the new calamity at home. |
unheeding | Marked by or paying little heed or attention. Mary unheeding watched the television. |
unmindful | (followed by `to’ or `of’) lacking conscious awareness of. While thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled. |
unobservant | Not consciously observing. She can be pretty unobservant. |
unsuspecting | Not suspicious. An unsuspecting victim. |

Usage Examples of "Oblivious" as an adjective
- Oblivious old age.
- Oblivious to the risks she ran.
- She became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.
- Oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform.
Associations of "Oblivious" (30 Words)
absentminded | Lost in thought; showing preoccupation. An absentminded professor. |
blind | Make blind by putting the eyes out. He phoned again from his own home that was just a blind for his wife. |
careless | (of an action or its result) showing or caused by a lack of attention. Forgotten by some careless person. |
carelessness | The quality of not being careful or taking pains. Most road accidents are caused by carelessness on the part of motorists. |
clumsy | Lacking social skills; tactless. Clumsy wooden shoes. |
cognizance | The action of taking judicial notice. The Renaissance cognizance of Greece was limited. |
distracted | Unable to concentrate because one is preoccupied by something worrying or unpleasant. Charlotte seemed too distracted to give him much attention. |
distrait | Having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety. He seemed oddly distrait. |
distraught | Very worried and upset. Distraught with grief. |
forgetful | Failing to keep in mind. She was soon forgetful of the time. |
heedless | Marked by or paying little heed or attention–Franklin D. Roosevelt. We have always known that heedless self interest was bad morals we know now that it is bad economics. |
ignorant | Angry or quick-tempered. I had to walk out before I got ignorant. |
inadvertent | Happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally. He was pardoned for inadvertent manslaughter. |
inattention | Failure to attend to one’s responsibilities; negligence. A moment of inattention which could have cost lives. |
inattentive | Not paying attention to something. Inattentive students. |
indifferent | (often followed by `to’) lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other. Whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial or indifferent. |
lazy | Disinclined to work or exertion. He was too lazy to cook. |
neglectful | Not showing due care or attention. You are being neglectful of our guests. |
negligent | Failing to take proper care over something. Negligent of detail. |
regardless | Without regard or consideration for. They were determined to carry on regardless. |
remiss | Lacking care or attention to duty; negligent. It would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information. |
stun | Knock unconscious or into a dazed or semi-conscious state. Stun fish. |
subconscious | The subconscious part of the mind not in technical use in psychoanalysis where unconscious is preferred. Uncertainties were lurking around the edge of her subconscious. |
unaware | Having no knowledge of a situation or fact. They were unaware of his absence. |
unconcerned | Lacking in interest or care or feeling. The average American is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions beyond the normal citizen s comprehension and control. |
unconscious | Done or existing without one realizing. He would wipe back his hair in an unconscious gesture of annoyance. |
unconsciously | Without realizing or being aware of one’s actions. Unconsciously she has spent her whole life looking for a man who could live up to the ideal of her father. |
unintentional | Not done with purpose or intent. An unintentional pun. |
unmindful | (followed by `to’ or `of’) lacking conscious awareness of. Not unmindful of the heavy responsibility. |
unwitting | Not done with purpose or intent. An unwitting mistake may be overlooked. |