Need another word that means the same as “observe”? Find 84 synonyms and 30 related words for “observe” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Observe” are: keep, detect, discover, find, notice, abide by, honor, honour, respect, celebrate, follow, keep an eye on, watch, watch over, mention, note, remark, maintain, take note, see, perceive, discern, spot, distinguish, make out, look at, eye, contemplate, view, survey, regard, witness, scrutinize, keep under observation, keep watch on, keep under surveillance, monitor, keep under scrutiny, watch like a hawk, keep a weather eye on, spy on, check out, reconnoitre, comment, say, declare, announce, state, utter, pronounce, interpose, interject, comply with, obey, adhere to, conform to, heed, be heedful of, pay attention to, acquiesce in, consent to, accept, defer to, fulfil, stand by, show consideration for, show regard for, take into consideration, take into account, make allowances for, take cognizance of, pay heed to, bear in mind, be mindful of, remember, carry out, perform, do, put into practice, execute, exercise, participate in, partake in, be present at
Observe as a Verb
Definitions of "Observe" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “observe” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Conform one's action or practice to.
- Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
- Fulfil or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation.
- Make mention of.
- Discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.
- Watch attentively.
- Watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively.
- Perform or take part in (a rite or ceremony.
- Maintain (silence) in compliance with a rule or custom, or temporarily as a mark of respect.
- Follow with the eyes or the mind.
- Make a remark.
- Show respect towards.
- Stick to correctly or closely.
- Observe with care or pay close attention to.
- Celebrate or acknowledge (an anniversary.
- Behave as expected during of holidays or rites.
- Take note of or detect (something) in the course of a scientific study.

Synonyms of "Observe" as a verb (84 Words)
abide by | Dwell. |
accept | Make use of or accept for some purpose. She accepted a temporary post as a clerk. |
acquiesce in | To agree or express agreement. |
adhere to | Be compatible or in accordance with. |
announce | Make known make an announcement. He announced the winners of the spelling bee. |
be heedful of | Represent, as of a character on stage. |
be mindful of | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
be present at | To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form. |
bear in mind | Bring in. |
carry out | Transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit’s place before or after, in addition or multiplication. |
celebrate | Reach (a birthday or anniversary. The programme celebrates its 40th birthday this year. |
check out | Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits. |
comment | Turn part of a program into a comment so that the computer ignores it when running the program. Teachers commented that children of all abilities would benefit. |
comply with | Act in accordance with someone’s rules, commands, or wishes. |
conform to | Adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions. |
consent to | Give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to. |
contemplate | Look thoughtfully for a long time at. Contemplate one s navel. |
declare | Declare to be. The president had declared for denuclearization of Europe. |
defer to | Yield to another’s wish or opinion. |
detect | Discern (something intangible or barely perceptible. Cancer may soon be detected in its earliest stages. |
discern | Recognize or find out. Pupils quickly discern what is acceptable to the teacher. |
discover | See for the first time make a discovery. The story is false so far as I can discover. |
distinguish | Manage to discern (something barely perceptible. It was too dark to distinguish anything more than their vague shapes. |
do | Get something done. Joe was doing sums aloud. |
execute | Carry out the legalities of. Not only does she execute embroideries she designs them too. |
exercise | Do physical exercise. Raise your knee to exercise the upper leg muscles. |
eye | Look at someone in a way that reveals a particular, especially sexual, interest. Rose eyed him warily. |
find | Get or find back recover the use of. Phobia sufferers often find themselves virtual prisoners in their own home. |
follow | Come as a logical consequence follow logically. Follow the road. |
fulfil | Carry out (a duty or role) as required, promised, or expected. Arts grants go to young people who say they wish to fulfil themselves. |
heed | Pay close attention to give heed to. He should have heeded the warnings. |
honor | Bestow honor or rewards upon. We honor checks and drafts. |
honour | Regard with great respect. Make sure the franchisees honour the terms of the contract. |
interject | To insert between other elements. She interjected the odd question here and there. |
interpose | Get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force. The memo interposes no objection to issuing a discharge. |
keep | Store or keep customarily. She had trouble keeping her balance. |
keep a weather eye on | Retain possession of. |
keep an eye on | Raise. |
keep under observation | Maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger. |
keep under scrutiny | Conform one’s action or practice to. |
keep under surveillance | Retain rights to. |
keep watch on | Conform one’s action or practice to. |
look at | Search or seek. |
maintain | Maintain by writing regular records. Maintain a record. |
make allowances for | Create or manufacture a man-made product. |
make out | Develop into. |
mention | Make mention of. I mentioned that my father was meeting me later. |
monitor | Maintain regular surveillance over. Listening devices were used to monitor conversations. |
note | Make a written note of. Please note that you will not receive a reminder that final payment is due. |
notice | Notice or perceive. I noticed that she was looking tired. |
obey | Be obedient to. The officer was convicted for refusing to obey orders. |
partake in | Have, give, or receive a share of. |
participate in | Become a participant; be involved in. |
pay attention to | Make a compensation for. |
pay heed to | Be worth it. |
perceive | Become conscious of. He was quick to perceive that there was little future in such arguments. |
perform | Carry out or perform an action. The car performs well at low speeds. |
pronounce | Pronounce judgment on. A company whose name no one could pronounce. |
put into practice | Cause (someone) to undergo something. |
reconnoitre | Explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody. They reconnoitred the beach some weeks before the landing. |
regard | Deem to be. He was highly regarded by senators of both parties. |
remark | Say something as a comment; mention. Tom s looking peaky she remarked. |
remember | Convey greetings from one person to (another. Can you remember her phone number. |
respect | Show respect towards. I respect his judgement. |
say | Have or contain a certain wording or form. What does the law say. |
scrutinize | To look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail. He scrutinized his likeness in the mirror. |
see | See or watch. I shall not live to see it. |
show consideration for | Be or become visible or noticeable. |
show regard for | Give an exhibition of to an interested audience. |
spot | Mark or become marked with spots. Andrew spotted the advert in the paper. |
spy on | Watch, observe, or inquire secretly. |
stand by | Occupy a place or location, also metaphorically. |
state | Specify the facts of (a case) for consideration. People will be invited to state their views. |
survey | Make a survey of for statistical purposes. 95 per cent of patients surveyed were satisfied with the health service. |
take cognizance of | Obtain by winning. |
take into account | Head into a specified direction. |
take into consideration | Take into consideration for exemplifying purposes. |
take note | Interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression. |
utter | Express audibly utter sounds not necessarily words. He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand. |
view | See (a fox) break cover. The public can view the famous hall with its unique staircase. |
watch | See or watch. Most women watch their diet during pregnancy. |
watch like a hawk | Observe or determine by looking. |
watch over | Observe or determine by looking. |
witness | Be a witness to. His writings witness to an inner toughness. |

Usage Examples of "Observe" as a verb
- Please observe the reaction of these two chemicals.
- A tribunal must observe the principles of natural justice.
- A stockbroker once observed that dealers live and work in hell.
- She observed that his presentation took up too much time.
- Rob stood in the hallway, from where he could observe the happenings on the street.
- The behaviour observed in groups of chimpanzees.
- ‘It's chilly,’ she observed.
- A minute's silence will be observed.
- Relations gather to observe the funeral rites.
- She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.
- They observed the one-year anniversary of the flood.

Associations of "Observe" (30 Words)
behold | See or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature. The botanical gardens were a wonder to behold. |
continence | The exercise of self constraint in sexual matters. Complete sexual continence is considered an essential feature of the monastic life. |
discovered | Discovered or determined by scientific observation. Discovered differences in achievement. |
eye | The visual or light detecting organ of many invertebrate animals that corresponds to the eye of humans and vertebrate animals. The smaller the eye the more intense the winds. |
glance | Throw a glance at take a brief look at. He glanced the ball into the corner of the net. |
look | Look forward to the probable occurrence of. My backyard look onto the pond. |
lookout | A place from which to keep watch or view the landscape. They acted as lookouts at the post office. |
mention | Make mention of. I mentioned that my father was meeting me later. |
microscopy | Research with the use of microscopes. |
observant | Adhering strictly to the rules of a particular religion, especially Judaism. Her observant eye took in every detail. |
observation | The act of noticing or paying attention. Detailed observations were carried out on the students behaviour. |
observatory | A structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings. |
ocular | Of or relating to or resembling the eye. Ocular muscles. |
optic | A lens or other optical component in an optical instrument. An optical illusion. |
optical | Relating to sight, especially in relation to the action of light. An optical illusion. |
optician | A person qualified to prescribe and dispense glasses and contact lenses and to detect eye diseases ophthalmic optician or to make and supply glasses and contact lenses dispensing optician. |
perceive | Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. His mouth fell open as he perceived the truth. |
probation | A process of testing or observing the character or abilities of a person who is new to a role or job. For an initial period of probation your manager will closely monitor your progress. |
see | Imagine conceive of see in one s mind. He is blind he cannot see. |
seeing | The action of seeing someone or something. He had given the seeing as fair. |
sentinel | A person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event. A sentinel surveillance programme for influenza. |
sentry | A soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to a place. On sentry duty. |
sight | Take aim by looking through the sights of a gun or other device. He was getting used to seeing unpleasant sights. |
spectacle | A blunder that makes you look ridiculous used in the phrase make a spectacle of yourself. The show is pure spectacle. |
surveillance | Close observation of a person or group (usually by the police. He found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence. |
telescopic | Visible through a telescope. Telescopic observations. |
visibility | The state of being able to see or be seen. A windshield with good visibility. |
visible | Visible imports or exports. Mountains visible in the distance. |
visual | Visible- Shakespeare. Visual navigation. |
watch | A watchman or group of watchmen who patrolled and guarded the streets of a town before the introduction of the police force. Credit card fraud is on the increase so watch out. |