ONE SIDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ONE SIDED?

Need another word that means the same as “one sided”? Find 30 related words for “one sided” in this overview.

Associations of "One sided" (30 Words)

combinedMade or joined or united into one.
doubleDo double duty serve two purposes or have two functions.
A double room.
fourA playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips.
incomparableUnable to be compared; totally different.
The incomparable beauty of Venice.
leashPut a leash on a dog.
His violence was barely leashed.
matchlessEminent beyond or above comparison.
The Parthenon has a matchless beauty.
multipleThe product of a quantity by an integer.
36 is a multiple of 9.
numeralOf or denoting a number.
A numeral adjective.
onceAt a previous time.
He never once complained.
onenessThe fact or state of being one in number.
A strong sense of oneness is felt with all things.
onlyBeing the only one single and isolated from others.
He was an only child.
peerlessUnequalled; unrivalled.
A peerless scholar.
quadrupleA quadruple number or amount.
Oil prices quadrupled in the 1970s.
quartetA composition for a quartet.
A Beethoven quartet.
sextupleSix times as much or as many.
sixDenoting a quantity consisting of six items or units.
tenOne of four playing cards in a deck with ten pips on the face.
ternaryUsing three as a base.
A ternary operation.
threeOne of four playing cards in a deck having three pips.
timesMultiply (a number.
You times the six by four to get twenty four.
triadA chord of three musical notes, consisting of a given note with the third and fifth above it.
The triad of medication diet and exercise are necessary in diabetes care.
tricycleRide on a tricycle.
A small boy tricycled to the end of his driveway.
trinityThe union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead.
The wine was the first of a trinity of three excellent vintages.
trioA set or group of three people or things.
A jazz trio.
tripleHit a triple.
A triple dark rum.
unequaledRadically distinctive and without equal.
Craftsmen whose skill is unequaled.
unifiedMade uniform or whole; united.
A unified system of national education.
unitedOf or relating to two people who are married to each other.
Women acting together in a united way.
unpairedNot forming one of a pair.
Unpaired socks.
unrivaledEminent beyond or above comparison.
Unrivaled mastery of her art.

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