Need another word that means the same as “originate”? Find 50 synonyms and 30 related words for “originate” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Originate” are: initiate, start, arise, develop, grow, rise, spring up, uprise, have its origin, derive, begin, stem, spring, emerge, flow, emanate, issue, invent, be the inventor of, create, devise, think up, dream up, coin, conceive, design, concoct, contrive, formulate, form, evolve, generate, engender, produce, discover, set in motion, set up, put in place, inaugurate, launch, mastermind, pioneer, introduce, establish, institute, bring about, found, give birth to, be the father of, be the mother of
Originate as a Verb
Definitions of "Originate" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “originate” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Come into existence; take on form or shape.
- Begin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.
- Have a specified beginning.
- Create or initiate (something.
- Bring into being.

Synonyms of "Originate" as a verb (50 Words)
arise | Originate or come into being. New difficulties had arisen. |
be the father of | Be priced at. |
be the inventor of | Be identical or equivalent to. |
be the mother of | Work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function. |
begin | Have a beginning in a temporal spatial or evaluative sense. My property begins with the three maple trees. |
bring about | Cause to happen or to occur as a consequence. |
coin | Make coins by stamping metal. The company was coining it in at the rate of 90 a second. |
conceive | Form a mental representation of; imagine. The racist conceives such people to be inferior. |
concoct | Make a concoction of by mixing. Concoct a strange mixture. |
contrive | Come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort. You contrived to be alone with me despite the supervision. |
create | Create by artistic means. Schoenberg created twelve tone music. |
derive | Develop or evolve from a latent or potential state. The word man is derived from the Sanskrit manas. |
design | Make a design of plan out in systematic often graphic form. Design a new sales strategy. |
develop | Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development. They developed a new technique. |
devise | Arrange by systematic planning and united effort. Devise a plan to take over the director s office. |
discover | Make a discovery make a new finding. The courage to discover the truth and possibly be disappointed. |
dream up | Have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy. |
emanate | Originate from; be produced by. Water emanates from this hole in the ground. |
emerge | Become known or apparent. The economy has started to emerge from recession. |
engender | (of a father) beget (offspring). The issue engendered continuing controversy. |
establish | Establish the validity of something as by an example explanation or experiment. The principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established. |
evolve | Give off (gas or heat. The energy evolved during this chemical change is transferred to water. |
flow | Fall or flow in a certain way. Her long black hair flowed down her back. |
form | Assume a form or shape. Form the dough into balls. |
formulate | Come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort. The argument is sufficiently clear that it can be formulated mathematically. |
found | Use as a basis for found on. |
generate | Produce (energy. We can t generate enough power for the entire city. |
give birth to | Leave with; give temporarily. |
grow | Cultivate by growing often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques. Corn doesn t grow here. |
have its origin | Go through (mental or physical states or experiences. |
inaugurate | Be a precursor of. He inaugurated a new policy of trade and exploration. |
initiate | Set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for. African men are initiated when they reach puberty. |
institute | Begin (legal proceedings) in a court. The state instituted a national lottery. |
introduce | Introduce. I must introduce you to my wife. |
invent | Create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of. I did not have to invent any tales about my past. |
issue | Prepare and issue for public distribution or sale. Exotic smells issued from a nearby building. |
launch | Launch for the first time launch on a maiden voyage. A chair was launched at him. |
mastermind | Plan and direct (a complex undertaking. He was accused of masterminding a gold smuggling racket. |
pioneer | Open up a road or terrain as a pioneer. The technique was pioneered by a Swiss doctor in the 1930s. |
produce | Make or manufacture from components or raw materials. We produce more cars than we can sell. |
put in place | Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events. |
rise | Rise up. The moorlands rise and fall in gentle folds. |
set in motion | Establish as the highest level or best performance. |
set up | Fix conclusively or authoritatively. |
spring | Move rapidly or suddenly from a constrained position by or as if by the action of a spring. He might spring a few shillings more. |
spring up | Produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly. |
start | Set in motion cause to start. The fire started in the building s upper floor. |
stem | Remove the stems from fruit or tobacco leaves. For automatic natural language processing the words must be stemmed. |
think up | Expect, believe, or suppose. |
uprise | Rise to one’s feet. It was a sight to make one s hair uprise. |

Usage Examples of "Originate" as a verb
- The word originated as a marketing term.
- The flight originates in Calcutta.
- He is responsible for originating this particular clich.
- A new religious movement originated in that country.

Associations of "Originate" (30 Words)
afresh | In a new or different way. Start afresh. |
arise | Rise to one’s feet. New difficulties had arisen. |
begin | Begin to speak understand read and write a language. The number one begins the sequence. |
beginning | The event consisting of the start of something. He was responsible for the beginning of negotiations. |
booster | A device for increasing electrical voltage or signal strength. Job fairs are a great morale booster. |
cause | Cause to do cause to act in a specified manner. Class size is a cause for complaint in some schools. |
commence | Take the first step or steps in carrying out an action. A public inquiry is due to commence on the 16th. |
derive | Develop or evolve from a latent or potential state. Derive pleasure from one s garden. |
develop | Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development. Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position. |
emanate | Give out (breath or an odor. The proposals emanated from a committee. |
emergence | The process of becoming visible after being concealed. Figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece. |
germinal | Providing material for future development. A germinal idea. |
germinate | Cause a seed or spore to germinate. The idea germinated and slowly grew into an obsession. |
inaugurate | Begin or introduce (a system, policy, or period. The museum was inaugurated on September 12. |
initial | Mark with one s initials. See that your client initials all alterations. |
initiate | A person who has been initiated into an organization or activity. He initiated a new program. |
launch | An act or instance of launching something. The government is to launch a 1 25 million publicity campaign. |
mount | A mounting consisting of a piece of metal as in a ring or other jewelry that holds a gem in place. Security forces mounted check points at every key road. |
naturally | By nature. Act naturally. |
occur | Come to pass. Sexism occurs in many workplaces. |
origin | The point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived. A voice that betrays his Welsh origins. |
originally | In a novel and inventive way. Potatoes originally came from South America. |
outset | The time at which something is supposed to begin. The project was flawed from the outset. |
pioneer | Open up a road or terrain as a pioneer. This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants. |
pundit | Someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field. Political pundits were tipping him for promotion. |
savant | Someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field. |
source | Obtain from a particular source. She was called upon to source a supply of carpet. |
start | Give a signal to competitors to start in a race. The season starts in September. |
stirring | Agitating a liquid with an implement. The first stirrings of anger. |
trailblazer | A person who makes a new track through wild country. He was a trailblazer for many ideas that are now standard fare. |