Need another word that means the same as “conceive”? Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “conceive” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Conceive” are: believe, consider, think, conceptualise, conceptualize, gestate, get pregnant, become pregnant, become impregnated, become inseminated, become fertilized, think up, think of, come up with, dream up, draw up, devise, form, formulate, design, frame, invent, coin, originate, create, develop, evolve, imagine, envisage, visualize, picture, picture in one's mind's eye, conjure up an image of, see, perceive, grasp, appreciate, apprehend
Conceive as a Verb
Definitions of "Conceive" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “conceive” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.
- Judge or regard; look upon; judge.
- Create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg.
- Form a mental representation of; imagine.
- Have the idea for.
- Become pregnant; undergo conception.
- (of a woman) become pregnant.
- Become affected by (a feeling.

Synonyms of "Conceive" as a verb (38 Words)
appreciate | Hold dear. Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter. |
apprehend | Get the meaning of something. He is a man that apprehends death no more dreadfully but as a drunken sleep. |
become fertilized | Undergo a change or development. |
become impregnated | Come into existence. |
become inseminated | Enhance the appearance of. |
become pregnant | Enter or assume a certain state or condition. |
believe | Follow a credo have a faith be a believer. We didn t believe his stories from the War. |
coin | Make metal into coins. Coin phrases or words. |
come up with | Proceed or get along. |
conceptualise | Have the idea for. |
conceptualize | Have the idea for. Sex was conceptualized as an overpowering force in the individual. |
conjure up an image of | Summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. |
consider | Give careful consideration to. I don t consider that I m to blame. |
create | Create or manufacture a man made product. He was created a baronet. |
design | Create the design for create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner. Dupont designs for the house of Chanel. |
develop | Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development. The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten. |
devise | Plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought. Devise a plan to take over the director s office. |
draw up | Write a legal document or paper. |
dream up | Experience while sleeping. |
envisage | Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event. The Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers. |
evolve | Develop gradually. The domestic dog is thought to have evolved from the wolf. |
form | Bring or be brought into a certain formation. Peasants and miners were formed into a militia. |
formulate | Put into words or an expression. He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees. |
frame | Enclose in a frame as of a picture. He had had the photo framed. |
gestate | Be pregnant with. Rabbits gestate for approximately twenty eight days. |
get pregnant | Move into a desired direction of discourse. |
grasp | Seize and hold firmly. She grasped the bottle. |
imagine | Form a mental image or concept of. I couldn t imagine what she expected to tell them. |
invent | Concoct something artificial or untrue. He invented an improved form of the steam engine. |
originate | Bring into being. The flight originates in Calcutta. |
perceive | Become conscious of. If Guy does not perceive himself as disabled nobody else should. |
picture | Show in or as in a picture. She pictured Benjamin waiting. |
picture in one's mind's eye | Imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind. |
see | Go to see a place as for entertainment. I must see your passport before you can enter the country. |
think | Decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting. Think thin. |
think of | Bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation. |
think up | Bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation. |
visualize | View the outline of by means of an X-ray. With this machine ultrasound can be visualized. |

Usage Examples of "Conceive" as a verb
- Five months ago Wendy conceived.
- This library was well conceived.
- We could not conceive of such things happening to us.
- I had conceived a passion for another.
- Without society an individual cannot be conceived as having rights.
- A brilliantly conceived and executed robbery.
- She was conceived when her father was 49.
- The racist conceives such people to be inferior.
- My daughter was conceived in Christmas Day.
- She cannot conceive.
- He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients.
- The dam project was originally conceived in 1977.
Associations of "Conceive" (30 Words)
abstract | An abstract work of art. Abstract concepts such as love or beauty. |
abstraction | The process of removing something, especially water from a river or other source. Topics will vary in degrees of abstraction. |
conceivable | Capable of being imagined. The body was photographed from every conceivable angle. |
conception | Ability to imagine; understanding. An unfertilized egg before conception. |
conceptualize | Have the idea for. Sex was conceptualized as an overpowering force in the individual. |
creation | God’s act of bringing the universe into existence. Creation of a coalition government. |
creative | A person whose job involves creative work. Creative writing. |
creativity | The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness. Firms are keen to encourage creativity. |
detection | The detection that a signal is being received. Detection is hard on the feet. |
discover | Make a discovery make a new finding. It was a relief to discover that he wasn t in. |
discovery | The compulsory disclosure, by one party to an action to another, of relevant testimony or documents. The discovery of the body. |
espy | Catch sight of. She espied her daughter rounding the corner. |
fanciful | Indulging in or influenced by fancy. Fanciful lunar inhabitants. |
idea | An approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth. He has an idea that we don t like him. |
ideational | Relating to the formation of ideas or concepts. Policy has been shaped by both material and ideational factors. |
imagery | The ability to form mental images of things or events. The impact of computer generated imagery on contemporary art. |
imaginable | Possible to be thought of or believed. The most spectacular views imaginable. |
imagination | The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. She d never been blessed with a vivid imagination. |
imagine | Expect, believe, or suppose. I couldn t imagine what she expected to tell them. |
innovation | A creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation. Technological innovations designed to save energy. |
invention | Used as a title for a short piece of music. Medieval inventions included spectacles for reading and the spinning wheel. |
inventive | Marked by independence and creativity in thought or action- Lewis Mumford. Had an inventive turn of mind. |
mindset | The established set of attitudes held by someone. The region seems stuck in a medieval mindset. |
notice | Notice or perceive. The play received good notices. |
originality | The ability to think independently and creatively. She s a writer of great originality. |
sight | Adjust the sight of a firearm or optical instrument. Tell me when you sight London Bridge. |
thinking | The process of using your mind to consider something carefully. The selectors have some thinking to do before the match. |
understand | Be understanding of. He couldn t understand why we burst out laughing. |
visual | Visible- Shakespeare. The music should fit the visuals. |
visualization | A chart or other image that is created as a visual representation of an object, situation, or set of information. Visualization is a helpful technique for relieving stress. |