PERENNIAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERENNIAL?

Need another word that means the same as “perennial”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “perennial” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Perennial” are: recurrent, repeated, everlasting, perpetual, eternal, continuing, unending, never-ending, endless, undying, ceaseless, abiding, enduring, lasting, persisting, permanent, constant, continual, unfailing, unchanging

Perennial as an Adjective

Definitions of "Perennial" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “perennial” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • (of a stream or spring) flowing throughout the year.
  • Apparently permanently engaged in a specified role or way of life.
  • Lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal.
  • Lasting three seasons or more.
  • Recurring again and again.
  • Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
  • (of a plant) living for several years.

Synonyms of "Perennial" as an adjective (20 Words)

He had an abiding respect for her.
ceaselessConstant and unending.
The fort was subjected to ceaseless bombardment.
constantUninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing.
In constant pain.
continualContinual meaning seemingly uninterrupted is often used interchangeably with continuous meaning without interruption.
The continual banging of the shutters.
continuingRemaining in force or being carried on without letup.
A continuing controversy.
endlessHaving no known beginning and presumably no end.
Time is endless.
He formed a number of enduring relationships with women.
eternal(of truths, values, or questions) valid for all time; essentially unchanging.
To his eternal credit he maintained his dignity throughout.
everlastingWithout qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers.
An everlasting reminder of this evening.
lastingLasting a long time without change.
They left a lasting impression.
never-endingUninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing.
permanentContinuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place.
He s in a permanent state of rage.
perpetualNever ending or changing.
He grows perpetual flowering carnations.
persistingRelentless and indefatigable in pursuit or as if in pursuit.
recurrentRecurring again and again.
She had a recurrent dream about falling.
repeatedDone or occurring again several times in the same way.
There were repeated attempts to negotiate.
unchangingNot changing; remaining the same.
The party stood for unchanging principles.
undying(especially of an emotion) lasting forever.
Promises of undying love.
unendingContinuing forever or indefinitely.
The unending bliss of heaven.
unfailingAlways able to supply more.
Unfailing loyalty.

Usage Examples of "Perennial" as an adjective

  • The common buttercup is a popular perennial plant.
  • Perennial manifestations of urban crisis.
  • Cow parsley is perennial.
  • His perennial distrust of the media.
  • Perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements.
  • Perennial happiness.
  • He's a perennial student.
  • Spring streams rise from perennial springs.

Associations of "Perennial" (30 Words)

againUsed to introduce a further point for consideration, supporting or contrasting with what has just been said.
The wages were low but they made half as much again in tips.
almanacA handbook, typically published annually, containing information of general interest or on a sport or pastime.
annualAn annual plant.
An annual trip to Paris.
annuallyOnce a year; every year.
Sales are increasing by about 17 annually.
biannualOccurring or payable twice each year.
The biannual meeting of the planning committee.
biennialA biennial plant.
Parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals.
ceaselessConstant and unending.
The fort was subjected to ceaseless bombardment.
constantUninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing.
The condition of struggle remained a constant.
continualContinual meaning seemingly uninterrupted is often used interchangeably with continuous meaning without interruption.
Continual is often used interchangeably with continuous.
continuousContinuing in time or space without interruption- James Jeans.
A continuous row of warehouses.
dailyRelating to the period of a single day.
The museum is open daily.
everyEach and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified.
Every party is welcome.
frequentBe a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place.
Pubs frequented by soldiers.
incessant(of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or interruption.
The incessant beat of the music.
occasionallyNow and then or here and there.
We met up occasionally for a drink.
oftMany times at short intervals.
An oft quoted tenet.
perenniallyIn a perennial manner; repeatedly.
Perennially popular destinations like Rome.
periodicRelating to the periodic table of the elements.
The periodic appearance of the seventeen year locust.
periodicalA publication that appears at fixed intervals.
Britain s best periodical art magazine.
periodicallyFrom time to time; occasionally.
The lamps were periodically switched on and off at 30 minute intervals.
recurrenceHappening again (especially at regular intervals.
A drug used to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer.
recurrentRecurring again and again.
She had a recurrent dream about falling.
recurring(of a thought, image, or memory) repeatedly coming back to a person’s mind.
They are haunted by a recurring image of their daughter on the night she died.
regularA regular member of the armed forces.
A regular morass of details.
regularityThe state or quality of being regular.
He was famous for the regularity of his habits.
regularlyIn a regular manner.
Make a point of regularly consulting the noticeboard.
repeatedDone or occurring again several times in the same way.
There were repeated attempts to negotiate.
triennialA visitation of an Anglican diocese by its bishop every three years.
The triennial meeting of the Association.
weeklyWithout missing a week.
Weekly paper.
yearlyOnce a year or every year.
Rent was paid yearly.

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