Need another word that means the same as “persona”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “persona” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Persona” are: image, character, part, role, theatrical role, face, public face, personality, identity, self, front, facade, mask, guise, exterior
Persona as a Noun
Definitions of "Persona" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “persona” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.
- An actor's portrayal of someone in a play.
- A role or character adopted by an author, actor, etc. or in a game.
- A personal facade that one presents to the world.
- (in Jungian psychology) the outer or assumed aspect of character.
- (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world.

Synonyms of "Persona" as a noun (15 Words)
character | A person seen in terms of a particular aspect of character. Shady characters. |
exterior | (in filming) an outdoor scene. The museum has a modern exterior. |
facade | A showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant. Her flawless public facade masked private despair. |
face | A vertical surface of a building or cliff. We can often see the dark face of the moon by earthshine. |
front | The part of a garment covering a person s front. She put on a brave front. |
guise | An external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something. Under the guise of friendship he betrayed them. |
identity | Exact sameness. She guessed the identity of his lover. |
image | A person or thing that closely resembles another. Although her popular image was contrived it served to inspire music and pageantry. |
mask | A party of guests wearing costumes and masks. His face was a mask of rage. |
part | A melody or other constituent of harmony assigned to a particular voice or instrument in a musical work. They resisted every effort on his part. |
personality | The complex of all the attributes–behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental–that characterize a unique individual. She had a sunny personality that was very engaging. |
public face | A body of people sharing some common interest. |
role | An actor’s portrayal of someone in a play. Play its role. |
self | Used ironically to refer to oneself or someone else. To love in an unpossessive way implies the total surrender of self. |
theatrical role | A performance of a play. |

Usage Examples of "Persona" as a noun
- Chris adds that his media persona does not match reality.
- Persona and anima switch roles and merge in slow, smooth ways.
- His screen persona occasionally grates.
- Bowie burned through one persona after another.
- The real-world figure didn't quite match up to his muscle-bound, weapon-clad online persona.
- Her public persona has been sold to millions of women as the ideal.

Associations of "Persona" (30 Words)
acting | The performance of a part or role in a drama. She studied acting in New York. |
actor | A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television. In war one must be a good actor. |
aerial | Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air- Thomas Carlyle. Aerial bombardment of civilian targets. |
assumed | Adopted in order to deceive. A man living under an assumed name. |
character | A characteristic especially one that assists in the identification of a species. The island is full of character. |
concoct | Make a concoction of by mixing. Concoct a strange mixture. |
drama | A dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage. An afternoon of high drama at Wembley. |
fancied | Formed or conceived by the imagination. A fancied wrong. |
fictitious | Occurring in or invented for fiction. A fictitious address. |
figment | A contrived or fantastic idea. A figment of the imagination. |
film | Make a film or photograph of something. She glowered at the television crew who were filming them. |
histrionic | Denoting a personality disorder marked by shallow volatile emotions and attention-seeking behaviour. He loved the theatre and everything which savoured of histrionics. |
imaginary | (of a number or quantity) expressed in terms of the square root of a negative number (usually the square root of −1, represented by i or j). A small child s imaginary friends. |
imitative | Marked by or given to imitation. I found the film pretentious and imitative. |
individuate | Give individual shape or form to. Language that individuates his memories. |
performer | An entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience. A circus performer. |
pretended | Adopted in order to deceive. Eating ice cream with pretended unconcern. |
protagonist | A person who backs a politician or a team etc. The hard boiled protagonist of the movie Blade Runner. |
role | The actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group. What is your role on the team. |
serial | Pertaining to or composed in serial technique. A new three part drama serial. |
sham | Pretend to be or to be experiencing. George abhorred sham and affectation. |
streak | Cover a surface with streaks. She could see white streaks in his beard. |
television | An electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen. The days before television. |
tendency | A group within a larger political party or movement. Fabric with a tendency to shrink. |
theatrical | Relating to acting, actors, or the theatre. A boarding house that catered for theatricals. |
traitorous | Relating to or characteristic of a traitor; treacherous. A lying traitorous insurrectionist. |
tv | An electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen. The British call a tv set a telly. |
type | Write by means of a keyboard with types. The kidney was typed. |
unsubstantial | Lacking material form or substance; unreal. A pretty if unsubstantial cubist composition. |
video | Computer science the appearance of text and graphics on a video display. They sat down to watch a video. |