Need another word that means the same as “pierce”? Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “pierce” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Pierce” are: thrust, make a hole in, penetrate, puncture, punch, perforate, riddle, stab, prick, probe, gore, spike, stick, impale, transfix, bore, bore through, drill, drill through, lance, tap, punch holes in, put holes in, hole, skewer, spit, pin, needle, cut, pass through, burst through, percolate, pervade, permeate, filter through, light up, franklin pierce, president pierce
Pierce as a Noun
Definitions of "Pierce" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pierce” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- 14th President of the United States (1804-1869.

Synonyms of "Pierce" as a noun (2 Words)
franklin pierce | 14th President of the United States (1804-1869. |
president pierce | The office of the United States head of state. |

Pierce as a Verb
Definitions of "Pierce" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pierce” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Cut or make a way through.
- Force a way through; penetrate.
- Make a hole in (the ears or other part of the body) so as to wear jewellery in them.
- (of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something.
- Make a hole into.
- Make an opening in or bore a tunnel through.
- Sound sharply or shrilly.
- Make (a hole) with a sharp instrument.
- Move or affect (a person’s emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply.
- Penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument.

Synonyms of "Pierce" as a verb (36 Words)
bore | Cause to be bored. His eyes bored into hers. |
bore through | Make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool. |
burst through | Cause to burst. |
cut | Cut off the testicles of male animals such as horses. Cut grain. |
drill | Make a hole in something by boring with a drill. Don t drill here there s a gas pipe. |
drill through | Undergo military training or do military exercises. |
filter through | Run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream. |
gore | Cut into gores. Gore a skirt. |
hole | Hit the ball into a hole. A fuel tank was holed by the attack and a fire started. |
impale | (of a coat of arms) adjoin (another coat of arms) on the same shield. The impaled arms of her husband and her father. |
lance | Pierce with or as if with a lance. The prime minister made it one of his priorities to lance the boil of corruption. |
light up | Cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat. |
make a hole in | Give certain properties to something. |
needle | Prick with a needle. He needled her with his sarcastic remarks. |
pass through | Disappear gradually. |
percolate | Prepare (coffee) in a percolator. Continental ideas on art science and architecture percolated from Venice to London. |
perforate | Pierce and make a hole or holes in. The walls will be perforated with thousands of circular openings. |
permeate | Spread throughout (something); pervade. Water permeates sand easily. |
pervade | (especially of a smell) spread through and be perceived in every part of. A smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air. |
pin | Attach or fasten with pins or as if with pins. Richards pinned him down until the police arrived. |
probe | Examine physically with or as if with a probe. Probe an anthill. |
punch | Drive forcibly as if by a punch. The nail punched through the wall. |
punch holes in | Drive forcibly as if by a punch. |
puncture | Make a puncture in something. The tyre had punctured and it would have to be replaced. |
put holes in | Cause (someone) to undergo something. |
riddle | Speak in riddles. His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks. |
skewer | Fasten together or pierce with a pin or skewer. Politicians are used to being skewered. |
spike | Of a newspaper editor reject a story by or as if by filing it on a spike. The punch is spiked. |
spit | Light rain falls. He was spitting with sudden fury. |
stab | Stab or pierce. He stabbed her in the stomach. |
stick | Come or be in close contact with stick or hold together and resist separation. Stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it. |
tap | Draw liquor from a tap. Tap beer in a bar. |
transfix | Cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment. A field mouse is transfixed by the curved talons of an owl. |

Usage Examples of "Pierce" as a verb
- The scream pierced the night.
- The cold pierced her bones.
- They were seeking to pierce the anti-ballistic-missile defences.
- Light pierced through the forest.
- The needle pierced her flesh.
- I had to pierce another hole in my belt.
- The dividing wall is pierced by arches.
- A shrill voice pierced the air.
- Her words pierced the students.
- The path pierced the jungle.
- I pierced my nose and ears.
- A splinter had pierced the skin.

Associations of “Pierce” (30 Words)
ballistic | Relating to projectiles or their flight. |
bethink | Come to think. He bethought himself of the verse from the Book of Proverbs. |
bullet | A projectile that is fired from a gun. The ball sped across the grass like a bullet. |
click | Produce a click. She clicked off the light. |
conical | Having the shape of a cone. Conical mountains. |
drill | Similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored. Parade ground drill. |
foam | A lightweight form of rubber or plastic made by solidifying liquid foam. Shaving foam. |
gunshot | A shot fired from a gun. We bore down and came nearly within gunshot. |
hole | Make holes in. He shot holes in my argument. |
infiltrate | Pass through an enemy line; in a military conflict. The organization has been infiltrated by informers. |
penetrable | Capable of being penetrated. The translation makes the original text penetrable. |
perforate | Perforated. A perforated eardrum. |
permeate | Spread throughout (something); pervade. An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration. |
pervade | Be present and apparent throughout. The sense of crisis which pervaded Europe in the 1930s. |
piercing | A small hole in a part of the body, typically other than the ears, made so as to insert a ring, stud, or other piece of jewellery. Her piercing analysis. |
pin | A piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer s garment. She was standing pinned against the door. |
poke | Prod and stir a fire with a poker to make it burn more fiercely. Poke the embers in the fireplace. |
porous | Not retentive or secure. Our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous. |
punch | Drive forcibly as if by a punch. Photos give their arguments an extra visual punch. |
pushing | The act of applying force in order to move something away. The pushing is good exercise. |
rifle | A shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore. Ferguson rifled home his fourth goal of the season. |
seep | A place where petroleum or water oozes slowly out of the ground. Water began to seep through the soles of his boots. |
shotgun | Shoot at or kill with a shotgun. His family lived in a shotgun shack in South Memphis. |
shove | Make one’s way by pushing someone or something. Woolley shoved past him. |
slot | Be placed or able to be placed into a slot. He slotted a cassette into the tape machine. |
stick | Come or be in close contact with stick or hold together and resist separation. He collected dry sticks for a campfire. |
wedge | An object or piece of something shaped like a wedge. The door was wedged open. |