Need another word that means the same as “pity”? Find 40 synonyms and 30 related words for “pity” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Pity” are: commiseration, pathos, ruth, compassion, shame, condolence, sorrow, regret, sadness, distress, sympathy, fellow feeling, understanding, feeling, emotion, crying shame, cause for disappointment, cause for regret, source of regret, unfortunate thing, bad luck, misfortune, compassionate, condole with, feel for, sympathize with, feel sorry for, feel pity for, feel sympathy for, be sympathetic towards, empathize with, commiserate with, have compassion for, be compassionate towards, take pity on, be moved by, bleed for, have one's heart go out to, weep for, grieve for
Pity as a Noun
Definitions of "Pity" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pity” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A cause for regret or disappointment.
- The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it.
- The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.
- A feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others.
- An unfortunate development.

Synonyms of "Pity" as a noun (22 Words)
bad luck | That which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency. |
cause for disappointment | Events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something. |
cause for regret | Any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results. |
commiseration | Expressions of sympathy and sorrow for another. The other actors offered him clumsy commiseration. |
compassion | Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. The victims should be treated with compassion. |
condolence | An expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of the death of a person’s relative or close friend. We offer our sincere condolences to his widow. |
crying shame | The process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds. |
distress | The seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim. To his distress he saw that she was trembling. |
emotion | Instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge. Responses have to be based on historical insight not simply on emotion. |
feeling | A sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of. I had a strange feeling in my leg. |
fellow feeling | An informal form of address for a man. |
misfortune | Unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event. The project was dogged by misfortune. |
pathos | A style that has the power to evoke feelings. The film captured all the pathos of their situation. |
regret | Used in polite formulas to express apology for or sadness at an occurrence or an inability to accept an invitation. He wrote a note expressing his regret. |
ruth | United States professional baseball player famous for hitting home runs (1895-1948. |
sadness | The quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness. She tired of his perpetual sadness. |
shame | A person, action, or situation that brings a loss of respect or honour. He felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie. |
sorrow | An event or circumstance that causes sorrow. He tried to express his sorrow at her loss. |
source of regret | Someone who originates or causes or initiates something. |
sympathy | A relation of affinity or harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other. They had great sympathy for the flood victims. |
understanding | The cognitive condition of someone who understands. I knew I could count on his understanding. |
unfortunate thing | A person who suffers misfortune. |

Usage Examples of "Pity" as a noun
- It's a pity he couldn't do it.
- It's a pity you didn't contact us first.
- What a pity we can't be friends.
- Her voice was full of pity.
- The blind are too often objects of pity.

Pity as a Verb
Definitions of "Pity" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pity” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Feel sorrow for the misfortunes of.
- Share the suffering of.

Synonyms of "Pity" as a verb (18 Words)
be compassionate towards | Represent, as of a character on stage. |
be moved by | Form or compose. |
be sympathetic towards | To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form. |
bleed for | Be diffused. |
commiserate with | To feel or express sympathy or compassion. |
compassionate | Share the suffering of. |
condole with | Share the suffering of. |
empathize with | Be understanding of. |
feel for | Undergo passive experience of. |
feel pity for | Find by testing or cautious exploration. |
feel sorry for | Perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles. |
feel sympathy for | Grope or feel in search of something. |
grieve for | Cause to feel sorrow. |
have compassion for | Have ownership or possession of. |
have one's heart go out to | Have a personal or business relationship with someone. |
sympathize with | Share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of. |
take pity on | Head into a specified direction. |
weep for | Shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain. |

Usage Examples of "Pity" as a verb
- I could see from their faces that they pitied me.

Associations of "Pity" (30 Words)
compassion | The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it. The victims should be treated with compassion. |
compassionate | Showing or having compassion. She tried to sound compassionate. |
deplorable | Shockingly bad in quality. A deplorable act of violence. |
disastrous | Highly unsuccessful. The battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign. |
empathetic | Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another. A sensitive and empathetic school counselor. |
empathy | Understanding and entering into another’s feelings. |
frivolousness | The trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible. |
goodwill | The friendly hope that something will succeed. A goodwill gesture. |
hangdog | Frightened into submission or compliance. The hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy. |
hapless | (especially of a person) unfortunate. A hapless victim. |
lamentable | (of circumstances or conditions) very bad; deplorable. The lamentable friends trailing their long black garments. |
loser | A person who is disadvantaged by a particular situation or course of action. A ragtag community of rejects and losers. |
merciful | (used conventionally of royalty and high nobility) gracious. William did not believe in being merciful to those who fought against him. |
mercy | The feeling that motivates compassion. Distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy. |
moving | In motion. A constantly moving crowd. |
pathetic | Miserably inadequate; of very low standard. Their efforts were pathetic. |
pathos | A feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others. The actor injects his customary humour and pathos into the role. |
piteous | Deserving or arousing pity. A piteous cry. |
pitiable | Contemptibly poor or small. A pitiable imitation of the real thing. |
pitiful | Deserving or arousing pity. A pitiful fate. |
poignancy | A quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow. A moment of extraordinary poignancy. |
regretful | Feeling or showing regret. Regretful over mistakes she had made. |
regrettable | (of conduct or an event) giving rise to regret; undesirable; unwelcome. It s regrettable that she didn t go to college. |
ruth | United States professional baseball player famous for hitting home runs (1895-1948. |
sorry | Bad; unfortunate. He said he was sorry he had upset me. |
sympathetic | Of or relating to the sympathetic nervous system. A sympathetic observer. |
sympathy | Agreement with or approval of an opinion or aim; a favourable attitude. They had great sympathy for the flood victims. |
touching | Arousing affect. His gratitude was simple and touching. |
tragic | Suffering extreme distress or sorrow. A tragic plight. |
unfortunate | A person who is considered immoral or lacking in religious faith or instruction, especially a prostitute. An unfortunate choice of words. |