Need another word that means the same as “sorry”? Find 63 synonyms and 30 related words for “sorry” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Sorry” are: deplorable, distressing, lamentable, pitiful, sad, blue, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, drab, drear, dreary, gloomy, grim, meritless, no-account, no-count, no-good, bad, regretful, unhappy, sorrowful, distressed, upset, depressed, downcast, miserable, downhearted, disheartened, dejected, down, despondent, despairing, heartbroken, inconsolable, grief-stricken, full of pity, sympathetic, pitying, compassionate, moved, commiserative, consoling, empathetic, caring, concerned, understanding, remorseful, contrite, repentant, rueful, penitent, apologetic, abject, guilty, guilt-ridden, ashamed, shamefaced, sheepish, in sackcloth and ashes, afraid, pitiable
Sorry as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sorry" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sorry” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Without merit.
- Used as a polite request that someone should repeat something that one has failed to hear or understand.
- Feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else's misfortune.
- Causing dejection.
- Feeling regret or penitence.
- Bad; unfortunate.
- Without merit; of little or no value or use.
- Feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone.
- Filled with compassion for.
- In a poor or pitiful state.
- Unpleasant and regrettable, especially on account of incompetence or misbehaviour.
- Used to express apology.

Synonyms of "Sorry" as an adjective (63 Words)
abject | Showing humiliation or submissiveness. Abject cowardice. |
afraid | Filled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement. She was afraid that he would be angry. |
apologetic | Constituting a formal defence or justification of a theory or doctrine. An apologetic smile. |
ashamed | Embarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations. I m ashamed to say I followed him home. |
bad | Feeling physical discomfort or pain tough is occasionally used colloquially for bad. A bad cut. |
blue | Of a ski run of the second lowest level of difficulty as indicated by blue markers positioned along it. He s feeling blue. |
caring | Displaying kindness and concern for others. A caring and invaluable friend. |
commiserative | Feeling or expressing sympathy. Made commiserative clicking sounds with his tongue. |
compassionate | Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. She tried to sound compassionate. |
concerned | Involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in. A memorandum to those concerned. |
consoling | Affording comfort or solace. His sister gave him a consoling pat on the back. |
contrite | Feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong. A contrite tone. |
dark | Having a dark hue. Dark colors like wine red or navy blue. |
dejected | Affected or marked by low spirits. Is dejected but trying to look cheerful. |
deplorable | Deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable. Deplorable housing conditions in the inner city. |
depressed | Filled with melancholy and despondency. The market is depressed. |
despairing | Showing the loss of all hope. The last despairing plea of the condemned criminal. |
despondent | In low spirits from loss of hope or courage. Despondent about his failure. |
dingy | Discolored by impurities; not bright and clear is often used in combination. A dirty or dingy white. |
disconsolate | Causing dejection. A disconsolate winter landscape. |
disheartened | Having lost determination or confidence; dispirited. The disheartened instructor tried vainly to arouse their interest. |
dismal | (of a person or their mood) gloomy. His dismal mood was not dispelled by finding the house empty. |
distressed | Impoverished. He dropped out of the race clearly distressed and having difficulty breathing. |
distressing | Causing anxiety, sorrow or pain; upsetting. Distressing or disturbing news. |
down | Denoting a flavour variety of stable quark having relatively low mass and an electric charge of 1 3 In the Standard Model protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks. The down escalator. |
downcast | (of a person’s eyes) looking downwards. A downcast glance. |
downhearted | Filled with melancholy and despondency. Fans must not be downhearted even though we lost. |
drab | Lacking brightness or color; dull. Life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas. |
drear | Causing dejection. |
dreary | Lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise. A series of dreary dinner parties. |
empathetic | Showing empathy or ready comprehension of others’ states. I have been touched by the empathetic response to my bad luck. |
full of pity | Complete in extent or degree and in every particular. |
gloomy | Dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening. A gloomy corridor badly lit by oil lamps. |
grief-stricken | Sorrowful through loss or deprivation. |
grim | Harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance- J.M.Barrie. Took a grim view of the economy. |
guilt-ridden | Feeling or revealing a sense of guilt. |
guilty | Conscious of, affected by, or revealing a feeling of guilt. Secret guilty deeds. |
heartbroken | Suffering from overwhelming distress. He was heartbroken at the thought of leaving the house. |
in sackcloth and ashes | Currently fashionable. |
inconsolable | (of a person or their grief) not able to be comforted or alleviated. His widow Jane was inconsolable. |
lamentable | (of circumstances or conditions) very bad; deplorable. The industry is in a lamentable state. |
meritless | Without merit. It s not an entirely meritless idea. |
miserable | Deserving or inciting pity. Their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable. |
moved | Being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion. Too moved to speak. |
no-account | Without merit. |
no-count | Without merit. |
no-good | Without merit. |
penitent | Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant. A penitent expression. |
pitiable | Deserving or inciting pity- Galsworthy. Pitiable homeless children. |
pitiful | Deserving or arousing pity. A pitiful attempt to impress her. |
pitying | Feeling or showing sorrow for someone’s misfortunes, often with an implication of disdain or mild contempt. He gave her a pitying look. |
regretful | Feeling or showing regret. Felt regretful over his vanished youth. |
remorseful | Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses. The defendant was remorseful for what he had done. |
repentant | Expressing or feeling sincere regret and remorse; remorseful. He is truly repentant for his incredible naivety and stupidity. |
rueful | Expressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way. She gave a rueful grin. |
sad | Of things that make you feel sad. She doesn t like sad movies. |
shamefaced | Showing a sense of guilt- Eric Linklater. The hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy. |
sheepish | Like or suggestive of a sheep in docility or stupidity or meekness or timidity. A sheepish grin. |
sorrowful | Feeling or showing grief. The sorrowful news of his father s death. |
sympathetic | Relating to or denoting the part of the autonomic nervous system consisting of nerves arising from ganglia near the middle part of the spinal cord supplying the internal organs blood vessels and glands and balancing the action of the parasympathetic nerves. Buildings that were sympathetic to their surroundings. |
understanding | Characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy. A kind and understanding man. |
unhappy | Generalized feeling of distress. The unhappy truth. |
upset | Thrown into a state of disarray or confusion. The Bills upset victory over the Houston Oilers. |

Usage Examples of "Sorry" as an adjective
- We feel so ashamed that we keep quiet about the whole sorry business.
- A sorry state of affairs.
- I'm sorry if I was a bit brusque.
- I'm sorry—you were saying?
- I was sorry to hear about what happened to your family.
- He looks a sorry sight with his broken jaw.
- A sorry horse.
- Sorry—I was trying not to make a noise.
- He said he was sorry he had upset me.
- A sorry excuse.
- I felt sorry for the poor boys working for him.

Associations of "Sorry" (30 Words)
apologize | Express regret for something that one has done wrong. He apologized for the many typoes. |
bemoan | Regret strongly. It was no use bemoaning her lot. |
deplorable | Bad; unfortunate. Deplorable housing conditions in the inner city. |
deplore | Feel or express strong disapproval of (something. We deplore all violence. |
dirge | A lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite. After his ten minute dirge the audience booed. |
doleful | Expressing sorrow; mournful. A doleful look. |
elegy | (in modern literature) a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead. |
grief | Trouble or annoyance. Her death was a great grief to John. |
grieve | Feel grief. She grieved for her father. |
jeremiad | A long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes. A jeremiad against any form of government. |
lament | A mournful poem a lament for the dead. He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter. |
lamentable | (of circumstances or conditions) very bad; deplorable. A lamentable decision. |
lamentation | A cry of sorrow and grief. Scenes of lamentation. |
maudlin | (of a book, film, or song) highly sentimental. A bout of maudlin self pity. |
miserable | (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable. He felt depressed and miserable. |
mourn | Observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one. She is mourning her dead child. |
mourning | Black clothes worn as an expression of sorrow when someone dies. She s still in mourning after the death of her husband. |
pathetic | Arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. His ball control was pathetic. |
pitiful | Deserving or inciting pity. A pitiful fate. |
pity | An unfortunate development. What a pity we can t be friends. |
regret | Express with regret. I regret I can t come to the party. |
regretful | Feeling or showing regret. Regretful over mistakes she had made. |
regrettable | (of conduct or an event) giving rise to regret; undesirable; unwelcome. Irresponsible and regrettable actions. |
sad | Of things that make you feel sad Christina Rossetti. Better by far that you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad. |
sadness | The quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness. It is one of life s sadnesses. |
sorrow | An event or circumstance that causes sorrow. He tried to express his sorrow at her loss. |
sorrowful | Feeling or showing grief. Sorrowful widows. |
threnody | A lament. A brooding threnody to urban desolation. |
unhappy | Causing discomfort. An unhappy marriage. |
wretched | Deserving or inciting pity. A wretched life. |