Need another word that means the same as “polished”? Find 52 synonyms and 30 related words for “polished” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Polished” are: milled, dressed, refined, urbane, shiny, shining, bright, glossy, gleaming, lustrous, expert, accomplished, masterly, masterful, skilful, skilled, clever, proficient, adept, deft, adroit, dexterous, impeccable, flawless, faultless, perfect, consummate, exquisite, outstanding, excellent, superb, superlative, remarkable, first-rate, fine, talented, gifted, cultivated, civilized, civil, well bred, polite, courteous, well mannered, genteel, decorous, proper, respectable, courtly, suave, sophisticated, seemly
Polished as an Adjective
Definitions of "Polished" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “polished” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience.
- (of rice) having had the outer husk removed during milling.
- To trim and smooth.
- Accomplished and skilful.
- Refined, sophisticated, or elegant.
- Having the husk or outer layers removed.
- Shiny as a result of being rubbed.
- (of lumber or stone) to trim and smooth.
- Perfected or made shiny and smooth.
- (of grains especially rice) having the husk or outer layers removed.

Synonyms of "Polished" as an adjective (52 Words)
accomplished | Well educated and having good social skills. An accomplished pianist. |
adept | Very skilled or proficient at something. An adept juggler. |
adroit | Quick or skillful or adept in action or thought. An exceptionally adroit pianist. |
bright | Not made dim or less bright. A bright tie. |
civil | Relating to civil law. Civil aviation. |
civilized | Polite and well-mannered. A civilized society. |
clever | Healthy or well. He taught the dog to perform some very clever tricks. |
consummate | Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers. A consummate fool. |
courteous | Characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners-Francis Bacon. She was courteous and obliging to all. |
courtly | Refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court. He gave a courtly bow. |
cultivated | Prepared for raising crops by plowing or fertilizing. Cultivated speech. |
decorous | According with custom or propriety. Charlotte gave David a decorous kiss. |
deft | Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands. A deft waiter. |
dexterous | Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands. Dexterous of hand and inventive of mind. |
dressed | Dressed in fancy or formal clothing. She was always beautifully dressed. |
excellent | Extremely good; outstanding. Their results are excellent. |
expert | Of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood. He had received expert academic advice. |
exquisite | Intense or sharp. Suffered exquisite pain. |
faultless | Without fault or error. Faultless logic. |
fine | Characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment. A fine distinction. |
first-rate | Of the highest quality. |
flawless | Without a flaw. A British accent that was almost flawless. |
genteel | Characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability. Her genteel upbringing. |
gifted | Endowed with talent or talents. A gifted writer. |
gleaming | (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished. Gleaming black limousines. |
glossy | Having a surface made smooth and glossy especially by pressing between rollers. The horse s glossy coat. |
impeccable | Not capable of sin. He had impeccable manners. |
lustrous | Made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow. Lustrous auburn hair. |
masterful | Performed or performing very skilfully. Masterful technique. |
masterly | Having or revealing supreme mastery or skill. A masterly performance of the sonata. |
milled | (of a coin) having regular ribbed markings on the edge as a protection against illegal clipping. A bag containing a thousand Spanish milled dollars. |
outstanding | Exceptionally good. Julian s outstanding debts. |
perfect | Of a tense denoting a completed action or a state or habitual action which began in the past The perfect tense is formed in English with have or has and the past participle as in they have eaten and they have been eating present perfect they had eaten past perfect and they will have eaten future perfect. The perfect present for golfers everywhere. |
polite | Showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc. Polite society. |
proficient | Competent or skilled in doing or using something. A proficient engineer. |
proper | Denoting something that is truly what it is said or regarded to be; genuine. His claim is connected with the deed proper. |
refined | Freed from impurities by processing. She was delicate and refined and unused to hardship. |
remarkable | Worthy of attention because interesting, significant, or unusual. A remarkable achievement. |
respectable | Of some merit or importance. America s GDP grew by a respectable 2 6 per cent. |
seemly | Conforming to accepted notions of propriety or good taste; decorous. I felt it was not seemly to observe too closely. |
shining | Reflecting light. He has set a shining example with his model behaviour. |
shiny | Having a shiny surface or coating. Saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet. |
skilful | Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. A skilful midfielder. |
skilled | Based on or proceeding from the ability to do something well. A skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience. |
sophisticated | Appealing to or frequented by people who are sophisticated. Highly sophisticated computer systems. |
suave | Having a sophisticated charm. All the waiters were suave and deferential. |
superb | Used in names of birds with attractive or colourful plumage e g superb lyrebird. A superb actor. |
superlative | Of the highest quality or degree. A superlative piece of skill. |
talented | Endowed with talent or talents. A talented young musician. |
urbane | Showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience. Urbane wit was the mark of taste and cultivation. |
well bred | In good health especially after having suffered illness or injury. |
well mannered | Wise or advantageous and hence advisable. |

Usage Examples of "Polished" as an adjective
- Freshly polished silver.
- His polished performance in the film.
- In a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes.
- His polished manner.
- Polished rice.
- A polished mahogany table.
- His polished prose.
- He was polished and charming.

Associations of "Polished" (30 Words)
beam | Express with a beaming face or smile. The watertight skin and deck were put on over this framework of ribs and beams. |
bright | Brightly. Some children are brighter in one subject than another. |
brightly | In a cheerful and lively way. A very brightly patterned floral jumper. |
brightness | The quality or state of giving out or reflecting light. There s so much light and brightness in their faces. |
brilliantly | In an impressive or outstanding way; very well. She succeeded brilliantly. |
dazzling | Shining intensely. The sunlight was dazzling. |
glimmer | A faint or wavering light. There is one glimmer of hope for Becky. |
glisten | Be shiny, as if wet. His cheeks glistened with tears. |
glistening | Reflecting light. Glistening bodies of swimmers. |
glossy | A photograph printed on glossy paper. A 16 page glossy brochure. |
illumine | Enlighten (someone) spiritually or intellectually. He moved her lamp so that her face was illumined. |
lucent | Glowing with or giving off light. The moon was lucent in the background. |
luminosity | Luminous quality. Acrylic colours retain freshness and luminosity. |
luminous | Relating to light as it is perceived by the eye, rather than in terms of its actual energy. A luminous glow. |
luster | A quality that outshines the usual. |
lustrous | Brilliant. Lustrous actors of the time. |
opalescence | The visual property of something having a milky brightness and a play of colors from the surface. |
phosphorescent | Emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous. The phosphorescent glow of decaying wood. |
polish | Improve or perfect by pruning or polishing. They performed with great polish. |
radiance | The quality of being bright and sending out rays of light. The radiance of the sunset dwindled and died. |
radiant | A radiant point. A radiant heater. |
sheen | Shine or cause to shine softly. Her black hair sheened in the sun. |
shine | Make a surface shine. My hair has lost its shine. |
shining | The work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it. Shining white enamel. |
shiny | Having a shiny surface or coating. Shiny black shoes. |
sleek | Well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed. His sleek black car slid through the traffic. |
slick | Make slick or smooth. He could feel the slickness of the tiller. |
sparkling | Used of wines and waters; charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide. Sparkling eyes. |
twinkle | (of a person’s eyes) sparkle, especially with amusement. The smile made her face crease and her eyes twinkle. |
vitreous | Having the surface made shiny and nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it. Hard vitreous china used for plumbing fixtures. |