Need another word that means the same as “pour”? Find 40 synonyms and 30 related words for “pour” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Pour” are: decant, pour out, pelt, rain buckets, rain cats and dogs, stream, pullulate, swarm, teem, flow, run, gush, cascade, course, spout, jet, spurt, flood, surge, spill, rush, well, spew, discharge, gush out, spew out, spurt out, spout out, throng, crowd, rain hard, rain heavily, teem down, pelt down, tip down, beat down, lash down, sheet down, come down in sheets, come down in torrents
Pour as a Verb
Definitions of "Pour" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pour” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Flow rapidly in a steady stream.
- Supply in large amounts or quantities.
- Pour out.
- Cause (a liquid) to flow from a container in a steady stream.
- Prepare and serve (a drink.
- Flow in a spurt.
- Rain heavily.
- (of rain) fall heavily.
- Cause to run.
- Come or go in a steady stream and in large numbers.
- Move in large numbers.

Synonyms of "Pour" as a verb (40 Words)
beat down | Be a mystery or bewildering to. |
cascade | Rush down in big quantities like a cascade. Teachers who are able to cascade their experience effectively. |
come down in sheets | To be the product or result. |
come down in torrents | Be a native of. |
course | (of liquid) move without obstruction; flow. Many of the hares coursed escaped unharmed. |
crowd | Cause to herd drive or crowd together. Rampant plants will crowd out the less vigorous. |
decant | Temporarily transfer (people) to another place. He decanted the rich red liquid into some glasses. |
discharge | Go off or discharge. An existing mortgage to be discharged on completion. |
flood | Become covered or submerged by a flood. Flood the market with tennis shoes. |
flow | Cause to flow. Their talk and laughter grew louder as the excellent brandy flowed. |
gush | Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. The tanker began to gush oil from its damaged hull. |
gush out | Praise enthusiastically. |
jet | Issue in a jet come out in a jet stream or spring forth. Flames were jetting out of the building. |
lash down | Beat severely with a whip or rod. |
pelt | Cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile. Two boys pelted him with rotten apples. |
pelt down | Eat immoderately. |
pour out | Pour out. |
pullulate | Become abundant; increase rapidly. The countless rats that pullulate in the mine. |
rain buckets | Precipitate as rain. |
rain cats and dogs | Precipitate as rain. |
rain hard | Precipitate as rain. |
rain heavily | Precipitate as rain. |
run | Run stand or compete for an office or a position. Run riot. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. Don t rush me please. |
sheet down | Come down as if in sheets. |
spew | Be poured or forced out in large quantities. Great screeds of paper spewed out of the computer. |
spew out | Eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical. |
spill | (of a number of people) move out of somewhere quickly. The horse was wrenched off course spilling his rider. |
spout | Send out (liquid) forcibly in a stream. Blood was spouting from the cuts on my hand. |
spout out | Talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner. |
spurt | Move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy. The kettle boiled and spurted scalding water everywhere. |
spurt out | Move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy. |
stream | (of liquid, air, gas, etc.) run or flow in a continuous current in a specified direction. I woke up in the night streaming with sweat. |
surge | (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward. The army surged forward. |
swarm | Of flying insects move in or form a swarm. The garden was swarming with bees. |
teem | Be teeming be abuzz. The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen. |
teem down | Move in large numbers. |
throng | Flock or be present in great numbers. The pavements are thronged with people. |
tip down | Remove the tip from. |
well | Come up, as of a liquid. The currents well up. |

Usage Examples of "Pour" as a verb
- Black smoke poured out of the engine.
- The storm clouds gathered and the rain poured down.
- Water poured all over the floor.
- Pour water over the floor.
- He poured a cup of coffee.
- People were pouring out of the theater.
- She poured a little whisky into a glass.
- Put on your rain coat– it's pouring outside!
- Harry poured her a drink.
- We poured money into the education of our children.
- People poured out of the train.
- It's pouring with rain.
- Water poured off the roof.
- Words poured from his mouth.

Associations of "Pour" (30 Words)
abound | Be in a state of movement or action. Rumours of a further scandal abound. |
abundance | (in solo whist) a bid by which a player undertakes to make nine or more tricks. The growth of industry promised wealth and abundance. |
bee | An insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs including many solitary as well as social kinds. A sewing bee. |
bevy | A group of roe deer, quails, or larks. A bevy of larks trill their carefree songs. |
consign | Commit forever; commit irrevocably. The package was consigned by a famous sporting goods company. |
decant | Gradually pour (wine, port, or another liquid) from one container into another, typically in order to separate out sediment. He decanted the rich red liquid into some glasses. |
dedicate | Formally open or unveil (a building or monument. She dedicated her book to her parents. |
devote | Give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. This land was devoted to mining. |
flock | Come together as in a cluster or flock. Thomas addressed his flock. |
gush | Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. The tanker began to gush oil from its damaged hull. |
hive | Move together in a hive or as if in a hive. Bees hive honey and pollen. |
horde | An army or tribe of nomadic warriors. A horde of beery rugby fans. |
jabber | Rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible speech. He jabbered on about football. |
jet | An aircraft powered by one or more jet engines. Flames were jetting out of the building. |
molten | Reduced to liquid form by heating. A mass of molten rock. |
muzzle | A guard typically made of straps or wire fitted over an animal s muzzle to stop it biting or feeding. Muzzle the dog to prevent it from biting strangers. |
outburst | A volcanic eruption. A wild outburst of applause. |
overflow | Overflow with a certain feeling. Boxes overflowing with bright flowers. |
rant | A spell of ranting a tirade. She was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all. |
rave | Electronic dance music of the kind played at a rave. Raves are very popular in Berlin. |
spout | A lift in a pawnshop used to convey pawned items up for storage. A teapot with a chipped spout. |
spurt | Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. The kettle boiled and spurted scalding water everywhere. |
squirt | A small device from which a liquid may be squirted. What did he see in this patronizing little squirt. |
stream | The act of flowing or streaming continuous progression. Children in the top streams. |
swarm | Of flying insects move in or form a swarm. A swarm of insects obscured the light. |
teem | Be teeming be abuzz. The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen. |
vase | A decorative container without handles, typically made of glass or china and used as an ornament or for displaying cut flowers. |
votary | A devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone or something. The cultured votary of science. |