Need another word that means the same as “gush”? Find 51 synonyms and 30 related words for “gush” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Gush” are: jet, spirt, spout, spurt, rave, surge, burst, stream, rush, pour, spill, well out, cascade, flood, send out, release, eject, emit, let out, void, issue, dispense, give off, exude, excrete, ooze, leak, enthuse, be enthusiastic, be effusive, effuse, blowup, ebullition, effusion, outburst, flush, outpouring, outflow, torrent, sweep, stream of words, flow of speech
Gush as a Noun
Definitions of "Gush" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “gush” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Effusiveness or exaggerated enthusiasm.
- A rapid and plentiful stream or burst of something.
- A sudden rapid flow (as of water.
- An unrestrained expression of emotion.

Synonyms of "Gush" as a noun (20 Words)
blowup | A violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction. |
burst | The act of exploding or bursting. A burst of applause. |
cascade | A large number or amount of something occurring at the same time. A sudden cascade of sparks. |
ebullition | An unrestrained expression of emotion. Because the bath is now so cold no further violent ebullition will occur. |
effusion | Flow under pressure. He studied the rates of effusion of gases. |
flood | The act of flooding filling to overflowing. The villagers had been cut off by floods and landslides. |
flow of speech | The monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause–Hippocrates. |
flush | Denoting a type of toilet that has a flushing device. The frogs feast on the great flush of insects. |
jet | An airplane powered by one or more jet engines. A private jet. |
outburst | A volcanic eruption. A very dramatic outburst of neutrons. |
outflow | The discharge of a fluid from some container. Capital outflow took place on a very large scale. |
outpouring | The rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written. A massive outpouring of high energy gamma rays. |
rush | An act of advancing forward, especially towards the quarterback. After the shoot the agency team will see the rushes. |
spout | A tube or lip projecting from a container, through which liquid can be poured. The tall spouts of geysers. |
spurt | A sudden marked burst or increase of activity or speed. Late in the race he put on a spurt and reached second place. |
stream | The act of flowing or streaming continuous progression. Stream of consciousness. |
stream of words | A natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth. |
surge | A large sea wave. The firm predicted a 20 surge in sales. |
sweep | A sweepstake. A World Series sweep. |
torrent | A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid. A torrent of abuse. |

Usage Examples of "Gush" as a noun
- A gush of blood.
- There was a little gush of blood.

Gush as a Verb
Definitions of "Gush" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “gush” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Discharge (liquid) in a rapid and plentiful stream.
- Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet.
- Speak or write effusively or with exaggerated enthusiasm.
- Issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth.
- Praise enthusiastically.
- (of a liquid) flow out of something in a rapid and plentiful stream.

Synonyms of "Gush" as a verb (31 Words)
be effusive | Represent, as of a character on stage. |
be enthusiastic | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
burst | Cause to burst. The wardrobe was bursting with piles of clothes. |
cascade | Rush down in big quantities like a cascade. Teachers who are able to cascade their experience effectively. |
dispense | (of a machine or container) supply or release (a product or cash. I was dispensed from this terrible task. |
effuse | Pour out. This was the type of material that they effused about. |
eject | Leave an aircraft rapidly using an ejection seat or capsule. Angry supporters were forcibly ejected from the court. |
emit | Give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc. The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits. |
enthuse | Make (someone) interested and eagerly appreciative. Public art is a tonic that can enthuse alienated youth. |
excrete | (of a living organism or cell) separate and expel as waste (a substance, especially a product of metabolism. Excess bicarbonate is excreted by the kidney. |
exude | Release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities. She exudes great confidence. |
flood | Become covered or submerged by a flood. His old fears came flooding back. |
give off | Offer in good faith. |
issue | Make out and issue. The minister issued a statement. |
jet | Issue in a jet come out in a jet stream or spring forth. Blood jetted from his nostrils. |
leak | Be leaked. The news were leaked to the paper. |
let out | Cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition. |
ooze | (of a fluid) slowly trickle or seep out of something. She oozes a raunchy sex appeal. |
pour | Pour out. Water poured all over the floor. |
rave | Attend a rave party. She raved about that new restaurant. |
release | Release as from one s grip. She released his arm and pushed him aside. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. We ll rush you a copy at once. |
send out | Cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution. |
spill | Flow, run or fall out and become lost. Spill blood. |
spirt | Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. |
spout | (of a liquid) flow out forcibly in a stream. Blood was spouting from the cuts on my hand. |
spurt | Cause to gush out suddenly. The other car had spurted to the top of the ramp. |
stream | Exude profusely. Tears streamed down her face. |
surge | Rise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave. He levelled the score and then surged ahead. |
void | Take away the legal force of or render ineffective. Void a plea. |
well out | Come up, as of a liquid. |

Usage Examples of "Gush" as a verb
- Water gushed forth.
- The tanker began to gush oil from its damaged hull.
- Water gushed out of the washing machine.
- Everyone came up to me and gushed about how lucky I was.

Associations of "Gush" (30 Words)
airliner | A large passenger aircraft. |
barrage | Address with continuously or persistently as if with a barrage. The speaker was barraged by an angry audience. |
blast | Play or sound very loudly. The sign was meant to discourage motorists from blasting their horns. |
bomb | Make someone homeless by destroying their home with bombs. A bomb attack. |
bombardment | A continuous attack with bombs, shells, or other missiles. An aerial bombardment will precede the attack. |
bomber | A bomber jacket. Manny hand rolled a couple of bombers. |
burst | The act of exploding or bursting. A burst of applause. |
cockpit | The driver’s compartment in a racing car. Most conventional army training takes place on the cockpit of Salisbury Plain. |
detonate | Burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction. Two other bombs failed to detonate. |
detonation | The premature combustion of fuel in an internal combustion engine, causing pinking. She was in a control building at the time of detonation. |
effusion | Flow under pressure. A massive effusion of poisonous gas. |
eruption | A sudden outbreak of something, typically something unwelcome or noisy. A sudden eruption of street violence. |
explode | Show (a theory or claim) to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete. Lead ensures that petrol burns rather than explodes. |
explosion | The noise caused by an explosion. An explosion of methane gas. |
flak | Intense adverse criticism. He has been getting flak from certain quarters lately for pointing this out. |
irruption | A sudden violent entrance; a bursting in. The recent irruption of bad manners. |
jabber | Talk in a rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible way. He jabbered on about football. |
jet | Fly a jet plane. A jet of boiling water spurted over his hand. |
outburst | A sudden violent disturbance. A very dramatic outburst of neutrons. |
outpouring | Something that streams out rapidly. Outpourings of nationalist discontent. |
overflow | Overflow with a certain feeling. The river overflowed its banks. |
paroxysm | A sudden recurrence or attack of a disease. A paroxysm of weeping. |
pour | Pour out. We poured money into the education of our children. |
propulsion | A propelling force. They dive and use their wings for propulsion under water. |
runoff | The occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity. |
seizure | The act of taking of a person by force. The patient had a seizure. |
spout | (of a liquid) flow out forcibly in a stream. The tall spouts of geysers. |
spurt | Move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy. The other car had spurted to the top of the ramp. |
squirt | A thin stream or small quantity of liquid squirted from something. A squirt of perfume. |
sudden | Suddenly. A sudden bright flash. |