Need another word that means the same as “ooze”? Find 70 synonyms and 30 related words for “ooze” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Ooze” are: exudate, exude, ooze out, transude, seep, discharge, flow, trickle, drip, dribble, issue, filter, percolate, escape, leak, drain, empty, bleed, sweat, well, leach, gush, pour forth, give out, send out, emit, breathe, let loose, display, exhibit, demonstrate, manifest, oozing, seepage, goo, gook, goop, guck, gunk, muck, slime, sludge, exudation, trickling, filtration, percolation, excretion, leakage, drainage, emptying, bleeding, sweating, welling, leaching, secretion, mud, alluvium, silt, mire, bog, slush, dirt, deposit
Ooze as a Noun
Definitions of "Ooze" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ooze” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Any thick, viscous matter.
- An infusion of oak bark or other vegetable matter, used in tanning.
- The process of seeping.
- The sluggish flow of a fluid.

Synonyms of "Ooze" as a noun (38 Words)
alluvium | Clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down. |
bleeding | The flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel. |
bog | Wetland with acid peaty soil, typically dominated by peat moss. A peat bog. |
deposit | A facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping. The deposits of salt on the paintwork. |
dirt | The part of the earth’s surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock. A lawn covered in dog dirt. |
discharge | A substance that has been discharged. A police permit for discharge of an air gun. |
drainage | A system of drains. They set about renewing and repairing drainage and water supplies. |
dribble | Saliva running from the mouth. A mesmerizing dribble by Daley took him through to confirm Villa s victory. |
drip | A method of brewing coffee by dripping boiling water through a filter filled with ground coffee beans. The drip drip drip of the leak in the roof. |
emptying | The act of removing the contents of something. |
escape | The act of escaping physically. Hard work was his escape from worry. |
excretion | (in living organisms and cells) the process of eliminating or expelling waste matter. Bodily excretions. |
exudation | The process of exuding; the slow escape of liquids from blood vessels through pores or breaks in the cell membranes. |
filtration | The act of changing a fluid by passing it through a filter. Small particles are difficult to remove without filtration. |
flow | The rate or speed at which something flows. The museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors. |
goo | Excessive sentimentality. He tipped the grayish goo from the test tube. |
goop | Mawkish sentiment. |
guck | Any thick, viscous matter. He got mud and cow guck all over his white jersey. |
gunk | Any thick, viscous matter. Factories spewing out unspeakable gunk. |
leaching | The process of leaching. |
leak | An instance of leaking. A gas leak. |
leakage | Deliberate disclosure of confidential information. We re saving water by reducing leakage. |
mire | Soft mud or dirt. The roads retained their winter mire. |
muck | Dirt, rubbish, or waste matter. I ll just clean the muck off the windscreen. |
mud | Water soaked soil; soft wet earth. Ankle deep in mud we squelched across a meadow. |
oozing | The process of seeping. |
percolation | The act of making coffee in a percolator. The percolation of rainwater through the soil. |
secretion | A substance discharged by secretion. Alcohol had a stimulatory effect on gastric acid secretion. |
seepage | The quantity of liquid or gas that seeps out. The National Rivers Authority was called on to prevent further seepage. |
silt | A bed or layer of silt. |
slime | An unpleasantly thick and slippery liquid substance. The cold stone was wet with slime. |
sludge | Dirty oil, especially in the sump of an internal combustion engine. A sludge green. |
slush | Partially melted snow. The snow was turning into brown slush in the gutters. |
sweating | Use of physical or mental energy; hard work. |
trickle | A small flow of liquid. The traffic had dwindled to a trickle. |
trickling | Flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid. |
welling | An abundant source. |

Usage Examples of "Ooze" as a noun
- I picked a fruit and watched the ooze of fig milk from the stem.
Ooze as a Verb
Definitions of "Ooze" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ooze” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- (of a fluid) slowly trickle or seep out of something.
- Release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities.
- Give a powerful impression of (a quality.
- Slowly exude or discharge a viscous fluid.
- Pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings.
Synonyms of "Ooze" as a verb (32 Words)
bleed | Be diffused. I worked loosely with the oils allowing colours to bleed into one another. |
breathe | Expel (gases or odors. This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours. |
demonstrate | March in protest; take part in a demonstration. She demonstrated how to cook chops. |
discharge | Go off or discharge. Discharge one s duties. |
display | Attract attention by displaying some body part or posing of animals. National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship. |
drain | Empty of liquid drain the liquid from. The exercise class drains me of energy. |
dribble | Let or cause to fall in drops. He attempted to dribble the ball from the goal area. |
drip | Fall in drops. His voice dripped sarcasm. |
emit | Expel (gases or odors. The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits. |
empty | Make void or empty of contents. We empty the till at closing time. |
escape | Be incomprehensible to escape understanding by. The name escaped him. |
exhibit | Give an exhibition of to an interested audience. He exhibits a great talent. |
exudate | Release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities. |
exude | (with reference to moisture or a smell) discharge or be discharged slowly and steadily. Sir Thomas exuded goodwill. |
filter | Process or treat with a filter. Filter out the impurities. |
flow | Fall or flow in a certain way. The champagne flowed at the wedding. |
give out | Occur. |
gush | Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. Water gushed out of the washing machine. |
issue | Prepare and issue for public distribution or sale. Licences were issued indiscriminately to any company. |
leach | Cause a liquid to leach or percolate. The nutrient is quickly leached away. |
leak | Be leaked. Water leaked out of the can into the backpack. |
let loose | Cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition. |
manifest | Record in a ship s manifest. The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication. |
ooze out | Pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings. |
percolate | Gain or regain energy. Light percolated into our house in the morning. |
pour forth | Flow in a spurt. |
seep | Pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings. Water began to seep through the soles of his boots. |
send out | Transfer. |
sweat | Cause a person or animal to exude sweat by exercise or exertion. The tyre is sweated on to the wooden parts. |
transude | (with reference to a fluid) discharge or be discharged gradually through pores in a membrane, especially within the body. The solution transuded through the walls. |
trickle | Come, go, or appear slowly or gradually. The details began to trickle out. |
well | Come up, as of a liquid. The currents well up. |
Usage Examples of "Ooze" as a verb
- Honey oozed out of the comb.
- Her mosquito bites were oozing and itching like mad.
- She oozes a raunchy sex appeal.
- Blood was oozing from a wound in his scalp.
Associations of "Ooze" (30 Words)
bile | Anger, bitterness, or irritability. His response was full of bile and hatred. |
bleed | An instance of bleeding. Air can be got rid of by bleeding the radiator at the vent. |
bruit | A report or rumour. Is virtue to be established by common bruit only. |
burst | The act of exploding or bursting. The dam burst. |
disgorge | Yield or give up (funds, especially when dishonestly acquired. They were made to disgorge all the profits made from the record. |
dismissal | The act of ordering or allowing someone to leave. The dismissal of a batsman. |
emanate | (of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source. He emanated a powerful brooding air. |
emit | Make (a sound. Even the best cars emit carbon dioxide. |
exhale | Expel air. The chimney exhales a thick smoke. |
exit | Move out of or depart from. She slipped out by the rear exit. |
expiration | The exhalation of breath from the lungs. The expiration of three years. |
exude | (with reference to moisture or a smell) discharge or be discharged slowly and steadily. She exudes great confidence. |
flow | The act of flowing or streaming continuous progression. A constant flow of people. |
fume | Expose something especially wood to ammonia fumes in order to produce dark tints. Clouds of exhaust fumes spewed by cars. |
liberation | The termination of someone’s employment (leaving them free to depart. The struggle for women s liberation. |
liquid | Having the consistency of a liquid. Looking into those liquid dark eyes. |
maple | Wood of any of various maple trees especially the hard close grained wood of the sugar maple used especially for furniture and flooring. |
outlet | An organization that broadcasts or publishes journalism. An outlet store. |
passageway | A path or channel or duct through or along which something may pass. Her hotel was at the end of a narrow passageway off the main street. |
passing | In sport the action of passing a ball to another team member. A team with a good passing attack. |
porous | Not retentive or secure. Compacting the soil to make it less porous. |
radiate | Spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate. The hot stars radiate energy. |
redundancy | Repetition of messages to reduce the probability of errors in transmission. The redundancy of 19th century heavy plant machinery. |
redundant | Not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous. This redundant brewery has been converted into a library. |
release | A device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism. Release a hormone into the blood stream. |
sap | A watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant. The hot heady days of youth when the sap was rising. |
secrete | (of a cell, gland, or organ) produce and discharge (a substance. Insulin is secreted in response to rising levels of glucose in the blood. |
seep | Pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings. Water began to seep through the soles of his boots. |
urinate | Eliminate urine. The sick men urinated blood. |
vent | Expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen. The plant was isolated and the gas vented. |