PREREQUISITES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PREREQUISITES?

Need another word that means the same as “prerequisites”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “prerequisites” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Prerequisites” are: requirement

Prerequisites as a Noun

Definitions of "Prerequisites" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “prerequisites” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Something that is required in advance.

Synonyms of "Prerequisites" as a noun (1 Word)

requirementAnything indispensable.
Applicants must satisfy the normal entry requirements.

Usage Examples of "Prerequisites" as a noun

  • Latin was a prerequisite for admission.

Associations of "Prerequisites" (30 Words)

basicServing as a base or starting point.
A set of basic tools.
centralServing as an essential component.
Central London.
conditionSpecify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement make an express demand or provision in an agreement.
Those of humbler condition.
constitutiveHaving the power to establish or give organized existence to something.
Language is constitutive of thought.
crucialHaving crucial relevance.
A crucial election.
elementalRelating to or being an element.
Failure is always apparent at this elemental level.
elementsViolent or severe weather viewed as caused by the action of the four elements.
They felt the full fury of the elements.
essentialAbsolutely necessary; extremely important.
Funds essential to the completion of the project.
frontAct as a front or cover for illegal or secret activity.
She rolled over on to her front.
indispensabilityThe quality possessed by something that you cannot possibly do without.
indispensableAbsolutely necessary; vitally necessary.
The routine but indispensable ceremonies of state.
integralThe result of a mathematical integration F x is the integral of f x if dF dx f x.
The first integral recording of the ten Mahler symphonies.
mainThe source of public water, gas, or electricity supply through pipes or cables.
Switch off the mains supply.
meaningfulHaving a recognizable function in a logical language or other sign system.
A meaningful discussion.
mustThe quality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldy.
She said she must be going.
necessaryNeeded to be done, achieved, or present; essential.
They granted the necessary planning permission.
necessityThe principle according to which something must be so, by virtue either of logic or of natural law.
The necessity of growing old.
needHave or feel a need for.
He had sufficient means to meet his simple needs.
needsOf necessity.
We must needs by objective.
obligateCommit in order to fulfill an obligation.
The money must be obligated within 30 days.
perforceUsed to express necessity or inevitability.
Amateurs perforce have to settle for less expensive solutions.
primaryA primary coil or winding in an electrical transformer.
His expert handling of the primary and secondary literature is clear on every page.
priorThe head of a religious order in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot.
He had no juvenile record no priors.
provisoA condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement.
He let his house with the proviso that his own staff should remain to run it.
requiredRequired by rule.
Required reading.
requisiteMade necessary by particular circumstances or regulations.
A place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained.
stapleAttach or secure with a staple or staples.
Staple fibers vary widely in length.
unavoidableNot able to be avoided, prevented, or ignored; inevitable.
An unavoidable accident.
underlyingLocated beneath or below.
Underlying problems need to be addressed.
vitalUrgently needed; absolutely necessary.
Of vital interest.

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