PROCESS OF ELIMINATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROCESS OF ELIMINATION?

Need another word that means the same as “process of elimination”? Find 30 related words for “process of elimination” in this overview.

Associations of "Process of elimination" (30 Words)

brisklyIn an impatient or brusque way.
Tickets have been selling briskly.
cutoutA part that is cut out or is intended to be cut out.
deactivationBreaking up a military unit (by transfers or discharges.
deleteRemove or obliterate (written or printed matter), especially by drawing a line through it.
If one important gene is deleted from an animal s DNA other genes can stand in.
developmentalConcerned with the development of someone or something.
Developmental problems.
ejectLeave an aircraft rapidly using an ejection seat or capsule.
Lumps of viscous lava were ejected from the volcano.
eraseRemove all traces of; destroy or obliterate.
The tape could be magnetically erased and reused.
exciseLevy an excise tax on.
The rate of excise duty on spirits.
excludePrevent from being included or considered or accepted.
This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country.
exclusionThe state of being excluded.
Exclusions can be added to your policy.
expediteProcess fast and efficiently.
He promised to expedite economic reforms.
expelEliminate (a substance.
She was expelled from school.
expulsionThe act of forcing out someone or something.
A rise in the number of pupil expulsions.
expungeObliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant.
The kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory.
forwardingInvolving sending a letter or email on to a further destination.
Chain letter forwarding scams.
furtheranceEncouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something.
The court held that the union s acts were not in furtherance of a trade dispute.
irreducibleIncapable of being made smaller or simpler.
Literature is often irreducible to normative ideas.
liquidationThe conversion of assets into cash (i.e. by selling them).
The company went into liquidation.
logisticsThe activity of organizing the movement, equipment, and accommodation of troops.
The logistics of a large scale rock show demand certain necessities.
ongoingCurrently happening.
Ongoing negotiations.
proceduralRelating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law.
The procedural about police officers going undercover will debut later this month.
procedureA set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program.
The procedure of obtaining a driver s license.
proceed(of an action) carry on or continue.
Opposite the front door was a staircase which I proceeded to climb.
progressCause a task or undertaking to make progress.
He progressed well in school.
progressionA series with a definite pattern of advance.
A steady progression towards your goals.
protocolRules determining the format and transmission of data.
The low doses of morphine recommended in the protocol.
riddanceThe act of removing or getting rid of something.
The new movement emphasized discipline not riddance or punishment as a method of solving the criminal problem.
stagePerform a play especially on a stage.
We are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected.
stepSet up a mast in its step.
He taught them the waltz step.
transitionalRelating to or characteristic of a process or period of transition.
A transitional government was appointed.

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