EXCISE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXCISE?

Need another word that means the same as “excise”? Find 10 synonyms and 30 related words for “excise” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Excise” are: excise tax, duty, tax, levy, tariff, toll, tithe, expunge, scratch, strike

Excise as a Noun

Definitions of "Excise" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “excise” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A tax levied on certain goods and commodities produced or sold within a country and on licences granted for certain activities.
  • A tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate.

Synonyms of "Excise" as a noun (7 Words)

dutyA payment levied on the transfer of property, for licences, and for the legal recognition of documents.
A duty nurse.
excise taxA tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate.
levyA tax raised by levying.
The trade union political levy.
tariffA list of import or export tariffs.
The reduction of trade barriers and import tariffs.
taxCharge against a citizen’s person or property or activity for the support of government.
A tax bill.
titheA tenth of a specified thing.
He hadn t said a tithe of the prayers he knew.
tollThe adverse effect of something.
She heard the distant toll of church bells.

Usage Examples of "Excise" as a noun

  • The rate of excise duty on spirits.

Excise as a Verb

Definitions of "Excise" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “excise” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Remove by cutting.
  • Remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line.
  • Levy an excise tax on.
  • Charge excise on (goods).

Synonyms of "Excise" as a verb (3 Words)

expungeRemove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line.
The kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory.
scratchPlay a record using the scratch technique.
The lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree.
strikeUndertake strike action against an employer.
If they do strike oil there will be another test well in a year s time.

Usage Examples of "Excise" as a verb

  • The surgeon excised the tumor.

Associations of "Excise" (30 Words)

abolitionismThe doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery.
bowdlerizeEdit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate.
Bowdlerize a novel.
cutoutA photograph from which the background has been cut away.
deleteRemove or make invisible.
Their EMI release has already been deleted.
dischargeGo off or discharge.
Discharge liquids.
effaceCause (a memory or emotion) to disappear completely.
With time the words are effaced by the rain.
ejectLeave an aircraft rapidly using an ejection seat or capsule.
He was ejected from office in July.
eliminationThe exclusion of someone or something from consideration or further participation.
The treatment promotes the elimination of toxins.
eradicateKill in large numbers.
This disease has been eradicated from the world.
eraseRemove recorded material from (a magnetic tape or medium); delete (data) from a computer’s memory.
Who erased the files from my hard disk.
evictExpel or eject without recourse to legal process.
A single mother and her children have been evicted from their home.
excludeRemove from consideration.
The public were excluded from the board meeting.
exclusionThe state of being excommunicated.
He had a hand in my exclusion from the committee.
expelEliminate (a substance.
She expelled a shuddering breath.
expulsionThe action of forcing someone to leave an organization.
The child s expulsion from school.
expungeObliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant.
The kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory.
expurgateEdit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate.
Editors heavily expurgated the novel before its initial publication.
getTake vengeance on or get even.
She didn t get the joke.
irreducibleIncapable of being made smaller or simpler.
Literature is often irreducible to normative ideas.
liquidateKill (someone), typically by violent means.
A plan to liquidate 1 billion worth of property over seven years.
liquidationThe clearing of a debt.
The company went into liquidation.
obliterateMake undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing.
The memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind.
oustRemove from a position or office.
The reformists were ousted from power.
reductiveCharacterized by or causing diminution or curtailment – R.H.Rovere.
The reductive elimination of acetyl iodide.
removeRemove something concrete as by lifting pushing or taking off or remove something abstract.
At this remove the whole incident seems insane.
riddanceThe act of forcing out someone or something.
The new movement emphasized discipline not riddance or punishment as a method of solving the criminal problem.
routDefeat and cause to retreat in disorder.
A rout of strangers ought not to be admitted.
rubAn act of rubbing.
He rubbed at the earth on his jeans.
scratchAn act or spell of scratching oneself to relieve itching.
My sweater scratches.
shortenBecome short or shorter.
Shorten the skirt.

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