Need another word that means the same as “obliterate”? Find 50 synonyms and 30 related words for “obliterate” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Obliterate” are: blot out, hide, obscure, veil, kill, wipe out, efface, destroy, annihilate, exterminate, extirpate, demolish, eliminate, eradicate, decimate, liquidate, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe off the map, envelop, surround, swathe, enfold, cover, cover up, conceal, secrete, camouflage, disguise, mask, screen, shield, cloak, blanket, shroud, enwrap, canopy, overlay, erase, expunge, rub out, remove all traces of, blank out, block out, delete, strike out, cancel, cross out, ink out, score out, obliterated
Obliterate as a Verb
Definitions of "Obliterate" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “obliterate” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Remove completely from recognition or memory.
- Make invisible or indistinct; conceal or cover.
- Destroy utterly; wipe out.
- Make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing.
- Do away with completely, without leaving a trace.
- Mark for deletion, rub off, or erase.
- Cancel (something, especially a postage stamp) to prevent further use.

Synonyms of "Obliterate" as a verb (49 Words)
annihilate | Kill in large numbers. A crusade to annihilate evil. |
blank out | Keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning. |
blanket | Cover as if with a blanket. Snow blanketed the fields. |
block out | Stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block. |
blot out | Dry (ink) with blotting paper. |
camouflage | Hide or disguise the presence of a person animal or object by means of camouflage. Grievances should be discussed not camouflaged. |
cancel | Declare null and void; make ineffective. Cancel cheques or tickets. |
canopy | Cover or provide with a canopy. The river was canopied by overhanging trees. |
cloak | Cover with or as if with a cloak. Cloaked monks. |
conceal | Hold back; keep from being perceived by others. They were at great pains to conceal that information from the public. |
cover | Provide with a covering or cause to be covered. Cover your head. |
cover up | Hold within range of an aimed firearm. |
cross out | Travel across or pass over. |
decimate | Kill in large numbers. The inhabitants of the country had been decimated. |
delete | Remove or obliterate (written or printed matter), especially by drawing a line through it. The passage was deleted. |
demolish | Comprehensively refute (an argument or its proponent. Demolished my reputation. |
destroy | Destroy completely damage irreparably. Their terrier was destroyed after the attack. |
disguise | Give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity. We disguised our faces before robbing the bank. |
efface | Make inconspicuous. Nothing could efface the bitter memory. |
eliminate | Eliminate from the body. Security agents have started a campaign to eliminate some of the government s opponents. |
enfold | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. He enfolded her in his arms and stroked her hair. |
envelop | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. A feeling of despair enveloped him. |
enwrap | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. The book jacket enwraps a plain blue paper binding. |
eradicate | Kill in large numbers. This disease has been eradicated from the world. |
erase | Remove from memory or existence. Please erase the formula on the blackboard it is wrong. |
expunge | Remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line. The kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory. |
exterminate | Kill en masse; kill on a large scale; kill many. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews Gypsies Communists and homosexuals of Europe. |
extirpate | Pull up by or as if by the roots. Timber wolves were extirpated from New England more than a century ago. |
hide | Use (someone or something) to protect oneself from criticism or punishment, especially in a way considered cowardly. Hide the money. |
ink out | Mark, coat, cover, or stain with ink. |
liquidate | Pay off (a debt. The mafia liquidated the informer. |
mask | Cover the face with a mask. Brandy did not completely mask the bitter taste. |
obscure | Make obscure or unclear. The distinction was obscured. |
overlay | Lie on top of. The sow overlay her piglets. |
remove all traces of | Dispose of. |
rub out | Cause friction. |
score out | Gain points in a game. |
screen | Project onto a screen for viewing. Her hair swung across to screen her face. |
secrete | (of a cell, gland, or organ) produce and discharge (a substance. The money was secreted from his children. |
shield | Prevent or reduce the escape of sound, light, or other radiation from (something. These people have been completely shielded from economic forces. |
shroud | Wrap or dress a body in a shroud for burial. The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery. |
strike out | Indicate (a certain time) by striking. |
surround | Surround so as to force to give up. The hotel is surrounded by its own gardens. |
swathe | Wrap in swaddling clothes. |
veil | Cover with a veil. The development of these technologies has been veiled in secrecy. |
wipe off the face of the earth | Rub with a circular motion. |
wipe off the map | Rub with a circular motion. |
wipe out | Rub with a circular motion. |

Usage Examples of "Obliterate" as a verb
- Clouds were darkening, obliterating the sun.
- The special stamp should be placed on the left-hand side and not be used to obliterate the postage stamp.
- The memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind.
Obliterate as an Adjective
Definitions of "Obliterate" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “obliterate” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Reduced to nothingness.
Synonyms of "Obliterate" as an adjective (1 Word)
obliterated | Reduced to nothingness. |
Associations of "Obliterate" (30 Words)
ablation | The surgical removal of body tissue. |
abolish | Formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution. Slavery was abolished in the mid 19th century in America and in Russia. |
annihilate | Defeat utterly. Mesons are unstable because the quark and antiquark can annihilate each other. |
cull | An inferior or surplus livestock animal selected for culling. He keeps his female calves and sells only male calves and herd culls. |
decimate | Kill one in every ten of (a group of people, originally a mutinous Roman legion) as a punishment for the whole group. Public transport has been decimated. |
delete | (of a section of genetic code, or its product) be lost or excised from a nucleic acid or protein sequence. Any program in memory will be deleted before the new one is loaded. |
edit | Be editor of a newspaper or magazine. In recent years scientists have sought more precise ways to edit the genome. |
efface | Make inconspicuous. To efface oneself is not the easiest of duties which the teacher can undertake. |
eliminate | Eliminate from the body. Eliminate my debts. |
eradicate | Destroy completely, as if down to the roots. This disease has been eradicated from the world. |
erasable | Capable of being effaced. A signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head. |
erase | Rub out or remove (writing or marks. Who erased the files from my hard disk. |
eraser | A piece of soft rubber or plastic used to rub out something written. |
excise | Charge excise on goods. The rate of excise duty on spirits. |
excision | The omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage. The excision of the carcinoma. |
expulsion | The action or process of forcing someone to leave a place. His expulsion from the union. |
expunge | Remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line. The kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory. |
expurgate | Remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a text or account. Editors heavily expurgated the novel before its initial publication. |
exterminate | Destroy completely, as if down to the roots. They use poison to exterminate moles. |
extirpate | Pull up by or as if by the roots. Timber wolves were extirpated from New England more than a century ago. |
extirpation | Surgical removal of a body part or tissue. |
quash | Declare invalid. His conviction was quashed on appeal. |
raze | Tear down so as to make flat with the ground. Villages were razed to the ground. |
remove | Remove from a position or an office. It is an isolated place far removed from the London art world. |
rub | Reproduce the design of a sepulchral brass or a stone by rubbing paper laid on it with coloured wax pencil or chalk etc. She rubbed her arm where she had a large bruise. |
ruthlessly | Without pity or compassion for others. They fell prey to money lenders who ruthlessly exploited them. |
stapler | A device for fastening together sheets of paper with a staple or staples. |
stump | Remove tree stumps from. The candidate stumped the Northeast. |
uproot | Pull up by or as if by the roots. The vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted. |
wipe | Pass a swipe card over an electronic reader. I discovered all of my hard drives had been wiped. |