Need another word that means the same as “blanket”? Find 76 synonyms and 30 related words for “blanket” in this overview.
- Blanket as a Noun
- Definitions of "Blanket" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Blanket" as a noun (27 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Blanket" as a noun
- Blanket as a Verb
- Definitions of "Blanket" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Blanket" as a verb (24 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Blanket" as a verb
- Blanket as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Blanket" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Blanket" as an adjective (25 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Blanket" as an adjective
- Associations of "Blanket" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Blanket” are: cover, mantle, covering, rug, afghan, quilt, eiderdown, duvet, layer, coat, coating, film, sheet, carpet, veneer, surface, skin, thickness, overlay, cloak, veil, pall, shroud, screen, mask, cloud, curtain, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide, wholesale, outright, indiscriminate, overall, general, mass, umbrella, inclusive, all-round, sweeping, total, complete, comprehensive, thorough, wide-ranging, large-scale, widespread, overlie, overspread, extend over, cap, top, crown, muffle, deaden, soften, mute, silence, smother, dampen, damp down, tone down, suppress, reduce, abate, kill
Blanket as a Noun
Definitions of "Blanket" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blanket” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A rubber surface used for transferring the image in ink from the plate to the paper in offset printing.
- A large piece of woollen or similar material used as a covering on a bed or elsewhere for warmth.
- Anything that covers.
- A thick covering mass or layer.
- Bedding that keeps a person warm in bed.
- A layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor.

Synonyms of "Blanket" as a noun (27 Words)
afghan | A blanket knitted or crocheted in strips or squares; sometimes used as a shawl. |
carpet | A natural object that resembles or suggests a carpet. Carpets of wood anemones and bluebells. |
cloak | A cloakroom. He threw his cloak about him. |
cloud | Out of touch with reality. Clouds of orange butterflies. |
coat | A woman’s tailored jacket, worn with a skirt or dress. A second coat of paint. |
coating | A decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance. The surface was ready for a coating of paint. |
cover | A natural object that covers or envelops. Put the cover back on the kettle. |
covering | The act of protecting something by covering it. The sky was obscured by a covering of cloud. |
curtain | A raising or lowering of the curtain at the beginning or end of an act or scene. The art is to hold your audience right from the opening curtain. |
duvet | A soft quilt filled with down, feathers, or a synthetic fibre, used instead of an upper sheet and blankets. |
eiderdown | A quilt filled with down (originally from the eider) or some other soft material. |
film | Cinema considered as an art or industry. Films of silk. |
layer | A level of seniority in the hierarchy of an organization. The majority of fish are egg layers. |
mantle | The part of another planetary body corresponding to the earth s mantle. Many gulls are all white except for dark grey mantle and wings. |
mask | A masked person. I let my mask of respectability slip. |
overlay | A block of code or other data transferred during the overlay process. A durable cost effective floor overlay. |
pall | An ecclesiastical pallium. Torture and murder have cast a pall of terror over the villages. |
quilt | A warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design. The roof space should be insulated with a glass fibre quilt at least 100 mm thick. |
rug | A toupee or wig. Charles and Elaine were sitting on the rug in front of the fire. |
screen | The data or images displayed on a computer screen. Pressing the F1 key at any time will display a help screen. |
sheet | A quantity of text or other information contained on a sheet of paper. He produced yet another sheet of figures. |
shroud | (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind. A shroud of mist. |
skin | The skin of a dead animal with or without the fur used as material for clothing or other items. A flap of skin. |
surface | A continuous set of points that has length and breadth but no thickness. Tom was a womanizer but on the surface he remained respectable. |
thickness | The distance through an object, as distinct from width or height. The framework has to support two thicknesses of plasterboard. |
veil | A membrane that is attached to the immature fruiting body of some toadstools and ruptures in the course of development either universal veil enclosing the whole fruiting body or partial veil joining the edges of the cap to the stalk. The venture is shrouded in a veil of secrecy. |
veneer | A layer of wood used to make plywood. A fine grained veneer. |

Usage Examples of "Blanket" as a noun
- There was a blanket of snow.
- I slept on the ground covered by my blanket.
- A dense grey blanket of cloud.

Blanket as a Verb
Definitions of "Blanket" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blanket” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Cover completely with a thick layer of something.
- Cover as if with a blanket.
- Stifle or keep quiet (sound.
- Take wind from the sails of (another craft) by passing to windward.
- Form a blanket-like cover (over.

Synonyms of "Blanket" as a verb (24 Words)
abate | Become less in amount or intensity. The storm suddenly abated. |
cap | Confer a university degree on. He capped his pen. |
carpet | Cover with a carpet. The Chancellor of the Exchequer carpeted the bank bosses. |
coat | Put a coat on cover the surface of furnish with a surface. Coat the cake with chocolate. |
cover | Cover as if with a shroud. Cover the grave with flowers. |
crown | Ceremonially place a crown on the head of someone in order to invest them as a monarch. The distant knoll was crowned with trees. |
damp down | Restrain or discourage. |
dampen | Deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping. Slider switches on the mixers can dampen the drums. |
deaden | Make (a noise or sensation) less strong or intense. Deaden a sound. |
extend over | Span an interval of distance, space or time. |
mask | Put a mask on or cover with a mask. The herb masks the garlic taste. |
muffle | Conceal or hide. The soft beat of a muffled drum. |
mute | Muffle the sound of a musical instrument especially by the use of a mute. Her footsteps were muted by the thick carpet. |
overlay | Put something on top of something else. The sow overlay her piglets. |
overlie | Lie on top of. Soft clays overlie the basalt. |
overspread | Cover the surface of; spread over. A giant bramble had overspread the path. |
reduce | Reduce in size reduce physically. She reduced her niece to a servant. |
silence | Keep from expression, for example by threats or pressure. Please silence the children in the church. |
smother | Suppress (a feeling or action. The goalkeeper was able to smother the ball. |
soften | Protect from impact. Let the vegetables soften over a low heat. |
suppress | Reduce the incidence or severity of or stop. The report had been suppressed. |
tone down | Change the color or tone of. |
top | Strike the top part of a ball in golf baseball or pool giving it a forward spin. The balloon cleared the tree tops. |

Usage Examples of "Blanket" as a verb
- Snow blanketed the fields.
- The countryside was blanketed in snow.
- The double glazing blankets the noise a bit.

Blanket as an Adjective
Definitions of "Blanket" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blanket” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Broad in scope or content.
- Covering all cases or instances; total and inclusive.
- Broad in scope or content- T.G.Winner.

Synonyms of "Blanket" as an adjective (25 Words)
all-embracing | Broad in scope or content- T.G.Winner. |
all-encompassing | Broad in scope or content- T.G.Winner. |
all-inclusive | Broad in scope or content- T.G.Winner. |
all-round | Many-sided. |
broad | Showing or characterized by broad mindedness. Gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave. |
complete | Perfect and complete in every respect having all necessary qualities. A complete set of the Britannica. |
comprehensive | Of large content or scope; wide-ranging. A comprehensive school. |
encompassing | Closely encircling. Encompassing mountain ranges. |
extensive | Broad in scope or content- T.G.Winner. An extensive Roman settlement in northwest England. |
general | Prevailing among and common to the general public. General assistance. |
inclusive | (of language) deliberately avoiding usages that could be seen as excluding a particular social group, for example avoiding the use of masculine pronouns to cover both men and women. All prices are inclusive of VAT. |
indiscriminate | Done at random or without careful judgement. She was indiscriminate with her affections. |
large-scale | Constructed or drawn to a big scale. |
mass | Formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole. The film has mass appeal. |
outright | Total. An outright refusal. |
overall | Including everything. The overall effect is impressive. |
panoptic | Broad in scope or content- T.G.Winner. A panoptic aerial view. |
sweeping | Extending or performed in a long, continuous curve. Sweeping desolate moorlands. |
thorough | Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers. Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject. |
total | Complete in extent or degree and in every particular. A total eclipse. |
umbrella | Covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items or elements or groups. An umbrella organization. |
wholesale | Ignoring distinctions. Wholesale destruction. |
wide | (used of eyes) fully open or extended. A wide range of opinion. |
wide-ranging | Including much. |
widespread | Distributed over a considerable extent. Drug use is widespread. |

Usage Examples of "Blanket" as an adjective
- Blanket sanctions against human-rights violators.
- A blanket ban on tobacco advertising.

Associations of "Blanket" (30 Words)
bedding | A display of bedding plants. Summer bedding is usually associated with flowers rather than foliage. |
bedspread | A decorative cloth used to cover a bed when it is not in use. |
berth | Provide with a berth. The ship berthed at Plymouth. |
carpet | Cover with carpet. The New York carpet courts. |
cleanup | The fourth position in the batting order (usually filled by the best batter on the team. |
cotton | Fabric woven from cotton fibers. A cotton reel. |
cover | A natural object that covers or envelops. The grass covered the grave. |
covering | The act of protecting something by covering it. Under a covering of dust. |
curtain | A raising or lowering of the curtain at the beginning or end of an act or scene. He wants to see you directly the curtain comes down. |
cushion | The layer of air that supports a hovercraft or similar vehicle. Comfortable chairs and sofas piled with cushions. |
embroidery | Decorative needlework. My mother decided I should learn embroidery. |
fabric | Cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibres. We heard creaking and rushing noises in the car s fabric. |
felt | Mat together and make felt like. The fabric felted up after several washes. |
flannel | Usually in the plural trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth. He was dressed in a tweed jacket and grey flannels. |
linoleum | A floor covering. |
mantle | Spread over a surface like a mantle. She was wrapped tightly in her mantle. |
mat | A piece of coarse material for lying on. The fur on its flank was matted with blood. |
mattress | A large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating coiled springs, used as a bed or part of a bed. |
needlepoint | Embroider in needlepoint. |
needlework | The art or practice of sewing or embroidery. I took up needlework. |
oriental | Denoting or characteristic of countries of the Far East. Oriental rugs. |
padding | Artifact consisting of soft or resilient material used to fill or give shape or protect or add comfort. Avoid waffle or padding in your essay. |
pillow | Rest one s head as if on a pillow. Her transparent cheek all pale and warm pillow d his deathlike forehead. |
quilt | Create by stitching together. The roof space should be insulated with a glass fibre quilt at least 100 mm thick. |
rug | A shaped garment worn by horses for protection or warmth. An oriental rug. |
sheet | Cover with a sheet as if by wrapping. Loch Affric is a lovely sheet of water among trees. |
shroud | Wrap in a shroud. He was buried in a linen shroud. |
sleeper | A film, book, play, etc. that eventually achieves unexpected success after initially attracting very little attention. Photographed after it proved to be a sleeper this Regency table took 8 600 instead of 1 500 as anticipated. |
stitch | Make mend or join something with stitches. He was panting and had a stitch. |
upholstery | Covering (padding and springs and webbing and fabric) on a piece of furniture. Leather upholstery. |