Need another word that means the same as “stitch”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “stitch” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Stitch” are: sharp pain, stabbing pain, shooting pain, stab of pain, pang, twinge, spasm, run up, sew, sew together, baste, tack, seam, hem
Stitch as a Noun
Definitions of "Stitch" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stitch” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A method of sewing, knitting, or crocheting producing a particular pattern or design.
- A loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the needle in sewing, knitting, or crocheting.
- A sharp spasm of pain in the side resulting from running.
- A sudden sharp pain in the side of the body, caused by strenuous exercise.
- A loop of thread used to join the edges of a wound or surgical incision.
- A link or loop or knot made by an implement in knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or sewing.
- The smallest item of clothing.

Synonyms of "Stitch" as a noun (7 Words)
pang | A sudden sharp pain or painful emotion. A pang of conscience. |
sharp pain | A long thin sewing needle with a sharp point. |
shooting pain | Killing someone by gunfire. |
spasm | (pathology) sudden constriction of a hollow organ (as a blood vessel. Shifting heavy loads without help brought on muscular back spasms. |
stab of pain | A strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument. |
stabbing pain | A strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument. |
twinge | A sharp stab of pain. He felt a twinge in his knee. |

Usage Examples of "Stitch" as a noun
- He had to have sixteen stitches to his head.
- Nymphs with come-hither looks and not a stitch on.
- He was panting and had a stitch.
- Basic embroidery stitches.

Stitch as a Verb
Definitions of "Stitch" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stitch” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Fasten by sewing; do needlework.
- Make, mend, or join (something) with stitches.

Synonyms of "Stitch" as a verb (7 Words)
baste | Pour fat or juices over (meat) during cooking in order to keep it moist. Baste a hem. |
hem | Utter hem or ahem. Hem my skirt. |
run up | Cause something to pass or lead somewhere. |
seam | Sew the seam of or join with a seam. Seam a dress. |
sew | Attach something to something else by sewing. She could sew the veil on properly in the morning. |
sew together | Create (clothes) with cloth. |
tack | Fasten with tacks. Their boat was now downwind and they had to tack. |

Usage Examples of "Stitch" as a verb
- Hand-stitched dresses.
- They stitched the cut on her face.
- Stitch a plain seam with right sides together.

Associations of "Stitch" (30 Words)
bend | Bend one s back forward from the waist on down. A refusal to bend to mob rule. |
blanket | Cover as if with a blanket. The double glazing blankets the noise a bit. |
blouse | A loose linen or cotton garment formerly worn by peasants and manual workers, typically belted at the waist. I bloused my trousers over my boots. |
clothes | Bedclothes. A clothes shop. |
cotton | Thread made of cotton fibers. A white cotton blouse. |
crease | Make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface make a pressed folded or wrinkled line in. Crease the paper like this to make a crane. |
crochet | Crocheted fabric or items. She sat there crocheting all day. |
crumple | Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased. She crumpled to the floor in a dead faint. |
embroidery | Elaboration of an interpretation by the use of decorative (sometimes fictitious) detail. The bazaars stock a wide variety of embroidery. |
garment | An item of clothing. Fashion garments. |
hem | Utter hem or ahem. He stitched weights into the curtain s hem. |
hoop | Bind or encircle with or as with hoops. Spin the hoop around your waist or around your hips. |
knit | Knit with a knit stitch. A machine washable knit. |
needle | Prick with a needle. The meter needle barely moved. |
needlepoint | Embroider in needlepoint. |
needlework | Work (such as sewing or embroidery) that is done with a needle. Exhibits include Eastern needlework. |
pillow | Serve as a pillow for. His head was pillowed on his arm. |
pleat | Fold into pleats. She was absently pleating her skirt between her fingers. |
pucker | Draw together into folds or puckers. The child s face puckered ready to cry. |
quilt | A layer of padding used for insulation. Quilt the skirt. |
rumple | Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased. She left her clothes in a rumple on the floor. |
sampler | A representative collection or example of something. A candy sampler. |
seam | Put together with a seam. Our stockings are seamed by hand. |
sew | Fasten by sewing do needlework. I don t even sew very well. |
skirt | (Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar. Bits of beef skirt. |
thimble | As much as a thimble will hold. |
thread | Thread on or as if on a string. Thread tape. |
tuck | Make a tuck or several folds in. Lenzi nailed a reverse 3 1 2 somersault tuck on his final dive. |
wrinkle | Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased. She smoothed out the wrinkles from her skirt. |