Need another word that means the same as “prohibit”? Find 30 synonyms and 30 related words for “prohibit” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Prohibit” are: disallow, forbid, interdict, nix, proscribe, veto, ban, bar, make illegal, place an embargo on, embargo, outlaw, not allowed, not permitted, vetoed, proscribed, embargoed, disallowed, outlawed, prevent, stop, rule out, preclude, make impossible, hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, restrict, constrain
Prohibit as a Verb
Definitions of "Prohibit" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “prohibit” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Command against.
- Formally forbid someone from doing something.
- (of a fact or situation) make (something) impossible; prevent.
- Formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.

Synonyms of "Prohibit" as a verb (30 Words)
ban | Ban from a place of residence as for punishment. Parking is banned around the harbour in summer. |
bar | Fasten something especially a door or window with a bar or bars. Barricade the streets. |
constrain | Bring about (something) by compulsion. Children are constrained to work in the way the book dictates. |
disallow | Command against. He was offside and the goal was disallowed. |
disallowed | Command against. |
embargo | Prevent commerce. They must embargo means of transport. |
embargoed | Ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons. |
forbid | Refuse entry to a place or area. My doctor has forbidden me to eat sugar. |
hamper | Put at a disadvantage. He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather. |
hinder | Hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of. The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements. |
impede | Block passage through. The sap causes swelling which can impede breathing. |
interdict | Prohibit someone from (doing something. Army efforts to interdict enemy supply shipments. |
make illegal | Be suitable for. |
make impossible | Make, formulate, or derive in the mind. |
nix | Put an end to; cancel. He nixed the deal just before it was to be signed. |
not allowed | Let have. |
not permitted | Consent to, give permission. |
obstruct | Deliberately make (something) difficult. She was obstructing the entrance. |
outlaw | Declare illegal outlaw. Secondary picketing has been outlawed. |
outlawed | Declare illegal; outlaw. |
place an embargo on | Locate. |
preclude | Prevent from happening; make impossible. The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition. |
prevent | Stop (someone) from doing something. We must prevent the cancer from spreading. |
proscribe | Outlaw (someone. A plaque on which were the names of proscribed traitors. |
proscribed | Command against. |
restrict | Place under restrictions limit access to. Cities can restrict groups of protesters from gathering on a residential street. |
rule out | Exercise authority over; as of nations. |
stop | Stop moving or operating. You can t stop me from getting what I want. |
veto | Exercise a veto against a decision or proposal. The President vetoed the bill. |
vetoed | Vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent. |

Usage Examples of "Prohibit" as a verb
- He is prohibited from becoming a director.
- The budget agreement had prohibited any tax cuts.
- All ivory trafficking between nations is prohibited.

Associations of "Prohibit" (30 Words)
ban | 100 bani equal 1 leu in Moldova. A proposed ban on cigarette advertising. |
banned | Forbidden by law. |
bootleg | Sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol. He amassed a fortune bootlegging whisky. |
contraband | Goods forbidden to be supplied by neutrals to those engaged in war. The salt trade and contraband in it were very active in the town. |
disallow | Refuse to declare valid. He was offside and the goal was disallowed. |
discouraged | Having lost confidence or enthusiasm; disheartened. Felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem. |
forbid | (of a circumstance or quality) make (something) impossible; prevent. All vehicles are forbidden. |
forbidden | Not allowed; banned. A list of forbidden books. |
illegalize | Declare illegal; outlaw. |
impermissible | Not allowable. Impermissible behavior. |
importation | The bringing of goods or services into a country from abroad for sale. The government takes a tough stance on illegal drug importation. |
inhibition | The conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires. She showed an enthusiasm for sex and a lack of inhibition which was entirely alien to him. |
interdict | Destroy by firepower, such as an enemy’s line of communication. Army efforts to interdict enemy supply shipments. |
interdiction | The action of impeding an enemy force, especially by bombing lines of communication or supply. The interdiction of the slave trade. |
pessimistic | Expecting the worst possible outcome. He was pessimistic about the prospects. |
prohibition | A writ from a superior court forbidding an inferior court from proceeding in a suit deemed to be beyond its cognizance. Prohibitions on insider dealing. |
prohibitionist | A reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages. |
prohibitory | Tending to discourage (especially of prices. |
proscribe | Command against. Certain customary practices which the Catholic Church proscribed such as polygyny. |
proscription | The action of forbidding something; banning. The proscription of the party after the 1715 Rebellion. |
smuggle | Move (goods) illegally into or out of a country. He smuggled out a message. |
smuggler | A person who smuggles goods. Drug smugglers. |
smuggling | The illegal movement of goods into or out of a country. Cocaine smuggling has increased alarmingly. |
taboo | Place under a taboo. Speaking about sex is a taboo in his country. |
unauthorized | Not endowed with authority. An unauthorized strike. |
unconfirmed | Not finally established or settled. An unconfirmed report of shots being fired. |
unlawful | Having no legally established claim. They claimed the ban was unlawful. |
unlicensed | Lacking official approval. Unlicensed restaurants. |
unofficial | Denoting strike action not called or endorsed by the union to which the strikers belong. A sort of unofficial mayor. |
veto | A rejection by right of veto. Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store. |