PUT THROUGH THE WRINGER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PUT THROUGH THE WRINGER?

Need another word that means the same as “put through the wringer”? Find 30 related words for “put through the wringer” in this overview.

Associations of "Put through the wringer" (30 Words)

assemblerA person who assembles a machine or its parts.
assessmentAn amount determined as payable.
Assessments of market value.
beyondAfter a specified time or event.
He could count up to a billion now and beyond.
cacheStore data in a cache memory.
A cache of gold coins.
correlateMutually related.
The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class.
embeddedInserted as an integral part of a surrounding whole.
Medical equipment using embedded controllers.
enclosedClosed in or surrounded or included within.
A dark enclosed space.
hoardAccumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away.
He came back to rescue his little hoard of gold.
holeMake holes in.
Stephen lost the first three holes to Eric.
inA state in midwestern United States.
We were locked in.
includedEnclosed in the same envelope or package.
All of Europe Britain included.
infusionThe process of preparing an infusion.
The infusion of 6 3 million for improvements.
injectionThe action of injecting.
A morphine injection.
intravenousWithin or by means of a vein.
An intravenous inflammation.
involvedEmotionally involved.
The difficulties in which the question is involved.
jell(of a project or idea) take a definite form or begin to work well.
We went out there and tried to win but we just didn t jell.
layThe laying of eggs or the period during which they are laid.
Lay the patient carefully onto the bed.
matchMake equal uniform corresponding or matching.
They were no match for the mercenaries.
penetrableCapable of being penetrated.
Penetrable defenses.
permeable(of a material or membrane) allowing liquids or gases to pass through it.
Permeable sandy soils.
placeIdentify the location or place of.
Accurate reportage takes second place to lurid detail.
porosityThe quality or degree of having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass.
Improve your soil s porosity by digging in some compost when you plant.
positLogic a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning.
He posited three basic laws of nature.
setPut or set seeds seedlings or plants into the ground.
A bracelet set with emeralds.
The petty sessions area in which it is situate.
situatedSituated in a particular spot or position.
Nicely situated on a quiet riverbank.
stashA secret store of valuables or money.
One prisoner tried to swallow his stash.
supineLying face upward.
The government was supine in the face of racial injustice.
transcendSurpass (a person or achievement.
He doubts that he will ever transcend Shakespeare.
welderA person who welds metal.
He worked as a welder in a steel factory.

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