QUALITY OF LIFE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for QUALITY OF LIFE?

Need another word that means the same as “quality of life”? Find 30 related words for “quality of life” in this overview.

Associations of "Quality of life" (30 Words)

abideLive; dwell.
If there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline.
aliveAware of.
The happiest person alive.
beOccupy a certain position or area be somewhere.
These constitute my entire belonging.
beingBeing alive living.
A rational being.
biologicallyWith respect to biology.
The world s most biologically diverse ecosystems.
creatureA person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
Dress jewels and other transitory creatures.
destineDesign or destine.
She was destined to become a great pianist.
dwellOriginate (in.
Groups of people still dwell in these caves.
dwellerA person who inhabits a particular place.
The majority of urban dwellers live in small apartments.
eternallyIn a way that continues or lasts forever; permanently.
His eternally optimistic attitude.
existenceAll that exists.
Our stressed out urban existence.
existentialOf or as conceived by existentialism.
Formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters.
existingExisting in something specified.
Opponents of the existing political system.
habitatThe type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs.
A marine habitat.
humankindHuman beings considered collectively (used as a neutral alternative to ‘mankind.
She always used humankind because mankind seemed to slight the women.
incarnationThe form taken by a person or thing during an incarnation.
He believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation.
inhabitInhabit or live in be an inhabitant of.
Strange notions inhabited her mind.
lifelongLasting or remaining in a particular state throughout a person’s life.
His lifelong study of Greek art.
liveContinue to live through hardship or adversity.
One crash victim died the other lived.
livingThe condition of living or the state of being alive.
The living quarters of the pub.
outlastLive longer than.
The kind of beauty that will outlast youth.
outliveLive through (an experience.
The world has outlived much.
populateForm the population of (a place.
The film is an epic fantasy populated by grotesque weirdos.
presenceThe impressive manner or appearance of a person.
She blushed in his presence.
recreateReproduce; re-enact.
She recreated the feeling of the 1920 s with her stage setting.
resideBe inherent or innate in.
People who work in the city actually reside in neighbouring towns.
stayA period of staying somewhere in particular of living somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest.
Minton invited him to stay the night.
subsistenceThe means of maintaining or supporting oneself.
The garden provided not only subsistence but a little cash crop.
surviveLive longer than.
Against all odds the child survived.
vitality(biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms.
Changes that will give renewed vitality to our democracy.

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