Categories: GeneralSynonyms

QUERY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for QUERY?

Need another word that means the same as “query”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “query” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Query” are: enquiry, inquiry, interrogation, question, doubt, uncertainty, question mark, reservation, suspicion, ask, inquire, call in question, call into question, entertain doubts about, raise doubts about, throw doubt on, express suspicions about, harbour suspicions about, have suspicions about, suspect, feel uneasy about, express reservations about, harbour reservations about, have reservations about, challenge, dispute, cast aspersions on, object to, raise objections to

Query as a Noun

Definitions of "Query" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “query” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Used in writing or speaking to question the accuracy of a following statement or to introduce a question.
  • A question mark.
  • An instance of questioning.
  • A question, especially one expressing doubt or requesting information.

Synonyms of "Query" as a noun (9 Words)

doubtA feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
Some doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of this account.
enquiryAn instance of questioning.
inquiryA systematic investigation of a matter of public interest.
Eventually the independent inquiry was published which found that there was no case to answer.
interrogationA transmission that will trigger an answering transmission from a transponder.
He had trouble phrasing his interrogations.
questionAn instance of questioning.
We hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.
question markAn instance of questioning.
reservationA statement that limits or restricts some claim.
The reservation of positions for non Americans.
suspicionCautious distrust.
He was arrested on suspicion of murder.
uncertaintyThe state of being uncertain.
Times of uncertainty and danger.

Usage Examples of "Query" as a noun

  • If you have any queries please telephone our office.

Query as a Verb

Definitions of "Query" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “query” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Put a question or questions to (someone.
  • Pose a question.
  • Ask a question about something, especially in order to express one's doubts about it or to check its validity or accuracy.

Synonyms of "Query" as a verb (22 Words)

askRequire or ask for as a price or condition.
It s about time we asked Pam to dinner.
call in questionRead aloud to check for omissions or absentees.
call into questionUtter a sudden loud cry.
cast aspersions onForm by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold.
challengeIssue a challenge to.
The watchman did not challenge him.
disputeTake exception to.
The point has been much disputed.
doubtConsider unlikely or have doubts about.
I doubt my ability to do the job.
entertain doubts aboutTake into consideration, have in view.
express reservations aboutObtain from a substance, as by mechanical action.
express suspicions aboutIndicate through a symbol, formula, etc.
feel uneasy aboutUndergo passive experience of.
harbour reservations aboutMaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings.
harbour suspicions aboutKeep in one’s possession; of animals.
have reservations aboutGet something; come into possession of.
have suspicions aboutSuffer from; be ill with.
inquireInquire about.
The task of political sociology is to inquire into the causes of political events.
object toBe averse to or express disapproval of.
questionPose a series of questions to.
Four men were being questioned about the killings.
raise doubts aboutBring up.
raise objections toRaise in rank or condition.
suspectBelieve or feel that (someone) is guilty of an illegal, dishonest, or unpleasant act, without certain proof.
I suspect he is a fugitive.
throw doubt onUtter with force; utter vehemently.

Usage Examples of "Query" as a verb

  • Many people queried whether any harm had been done.
  • ‘Why not?’ he queried.
  • I rang the water company to query my bill.
  • When these officers were queried, they felt unhappy.

Associations of "Query" (30 Words)

answerGive the correct answer or solution to.
She must answer for her actions.
answerableResponsible for.
Parents are answerable for their child s acts.
askRequire or ask for as a price or condition.
People are always asking questions.
askanceWith a side or oblique glance.
A waiter looked askance at his jeans.
askingThe verbal act of requesting.
curiositySomething unusual — perhaps worthy of collecting.
Curiosity got the better of me so I called him.
curiousStrange; unusual.
She was curious to know what had happened.
dubiousHesitating or doubting.
I was rather dubious about the whole idea.
enigmaA person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand.
Madeleine was still an enigma to him.
enquireConduct an inquiry or investigation of.
examinationThe action or process of conducting an examination.
A medical examination is conducted without delay.
inquireInquire about.
Annie inquired after her parents.
inquiryA systematic investigation of a matter of public interest.
All lines of inquiry are open.
inquisitorA questioner who is excessively harsh.
The professional inquisitors of the press.
interrogate(of an electronic device) transmit a signal to (another device, especially one on a vehicle) to obtain information about identity, condition, etc.
He was interrogated by MI6.
interrogationFormal systematic questioning.
He had conducted hundreds of criminal interrogations.
interrogativeRelating to verbs in the so called interrogative mood.
A hard interrogative stare.
interrogatoryRelating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation.
She abandoned her interrogatory monologue.
interviewConduct an interview in television newspaper and radio reporting.
The job candidate interviewed everywhere.
interviewerA person who interviews someone, especially as a job.
She took time to answer questions from radio interviewers.
nosyOffensively curious or inquisitive.
Stop being so nosy.
pardonGrant a pardon to.
He was pardoned for his treason.
poserA person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor.
questionPose a question.
We hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.
replyA statement either spoken or written that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation.
Clough scored the first goal and Speed hit a late reply.
solutionA homogeneous mixture of two or more substances frequently but not necessarily a liquid solution.
He used a solution of peroxide and water.
solveFind the solution.
Did you solve the problem.
theoreticallyIn a way that relates to the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application.
The method has been studied theoretically.
whyThe cause or intention underlying an action or situation especially in the phrase the whys and wherefores.
The whys and wherefores of these procedures need to be explained to students.
wonderA thing or a quality of something that causes wonder.
She wondered whether it would snow tonight.

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