RATHER THAN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RATHER THAN?

Need another word that means the same as “rather than”? Find 30 related words for “rather than” in this overview.

Associations of "Rather than" (30 Words)

aboutIn or to a reversed position or direction.
We meet about once a month.
almostNot quite; very nearly.
We re almost finished.
appreciablyTo a noticeable degree.
Profits have grown appreciably over the last four years.
approximately(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct.
A journey of approximately two hours.
aroundAll around or on all sides.
She looked around her.
bitThe cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press.
Miranda could go off and do her theatrical bit.
comparativelyTo a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively.
Inflation was comparatively low.
equidistantAt equal distances.
The line joins together all points which are equidistant from the two axes.
fairlyIn conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating.
I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.
fewThe RAF pilots who took part in the Battle of Britain.
It was designed for the discriminating few.
insteadAs an alternative or substitute.
She never married preferring instead to remain single.
leastUsed in names of very small animals and plants e g least shrew.
He had a knack for showing up when he was least expected.
lessLower in quality.
Less than three weeks.
littleUsed in names of animals and plants that are smaller than related kinds e g little grebe.
What a nasty little situation.
moderatelyTo a moderately sufficient extent or degree.
The event was moderately successful.
muchTo a great degree or extent.
I m not there much.
nearlyIn a close manner.
The person most nearly concerned.
partiallyOnly in part; to a limited extent.
The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir.
perceptiblyIn a noticeable manner.
possiblyPerhaps (used to indicate doubt or hesitancy.
He found himself alone possibly the only survivor.
preferablyMore readily or willingly.
Clean it well preferably with warm water.
prettyMake pretty or attractive.
A pretty kettle of fish.
quiteActually or truly or to an extreme.
I quite agree.
ravishingDelightful; entrancing.
She looked ravishing.
reasonablyTo a moderately sufficient extent or degree.
Ski wear which looks good and is reasonably priced.
roughlyWith roughness or violence rough is an informal variant for roughly.
People were crouching over roughly built brick fireplaces.
severalApplied or regarded separately.
Several letters came in the mail.
slightlyTo a small degree or extent.
A slightly built girl.
someTo some extent quite a lot.
He was still some distance away.
somewhatTo a moderate extent or by a moderate amount; rather.
His arguments were somewhat self contradictory.

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