REFLECTIONS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REFLECTIONS?

Need another word that means the same as “reflections”? Find 10 synonyms and 30 related words for “reflections” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Reflections” are: mirror image, reflexion, reflectivity, expression, manifestation, contemplation, musing, rumination, thoughtfulness, observation

Reflections as a Noun

Definitions of "Reflections" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reflections” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Expression without words.
  • The image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material.
  • A calm, lengthy, intent consideration.
  • A transformation in which the direction of one axis is reversed.
  • The ability to reflect beams or rays.
  • A likeness in which left and right are reversed.
  • (mathematics) a transformation in which the direction of one axis is reversed.
  • A remark expressing careful consideration.
  • The phenomenon of a propagating wave (light or sound) being thrown back from a surface.

Synonyms of "Reflections" as a noun (10 Words)

contemplationThe action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time.
The road is too busy for leisurely contemplation of the scenery.
expressionExpression without words.
Tears are an expression of grief.
manifestationExpression without words.
Some supernatural manifestations are regarded as portents of good or evil.
mirror imageA faithful depiction or reflection.
musingIn ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science.
His musings were interrupted by the sound of the telephone.
observationThe act of noticing or paying attention.
His powers of observation.
reflectivityThe fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface.
reflexionThe image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material.
ruminationA calm, lengthy, intent consideration.
Philosophical ruminations about life and humanity.
thoughtfulnessKind and considerate regard for others.
His face became strange with thoughtfulness.

Usage Examples of "Reflections" as a noun

  • He studied his reflection in the mirror.
  • The pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition.

Associations of "Reflections" (30 Words)

adviceInformation; news.
He took my advice and put his house up for sale.
albedoThe proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon.
The lunar maria have a lower albedo than the surrounding terrain.
clueA slight indication.
A long pondered clue in a half completed crossword.
considerationKind and considerate regard for others.
He showed no consideration for her feelings.
contemplationA long and thoughtful observation.
Substantial fitting work is in contemplation.
demonstrationA show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view.
He confused the enemy with feints and demonstrations.
expressServe as a means for expressing something.
Her express wish.
expressionExpression without words.
His manner of expression showed how much he cared.
feedbackThe process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its further output.
Throughout this process we have obtained valuable feedback.
imageThe set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined.
She s the very image of her mother.
imply(of a fact or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence.
Salesmen who use jargon to imply superior knowledge.
indicantA number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time.
Symptoms are the prime indicants of disease.
indicateIndicate a place direction person or thing either spatially or figuratively.
The president indicated his willingness to use force against the rebels.
indication(medicine) a reason to prescribe a drug or perform a procedure.
An indication of foul play.
introspectReflect on one’s own thoughts and feelings.
What they don t do is introspect much about the reasons for their plight.
manifestationAn event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.
Some supernatural manifestations are regarded as portents of good or evil.
meditationContinuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature.
This is not a mythopoetic meditation on manhood it s a historical study.
mirrorReflect as if in a mirror.
The best mirror is an old friend.
mirroredFitted with a mirror or mirrors.
The room has wall to wall mirrored wardrobes.
reconsiderConsider again (a bill) that had been voted upon before, with a view to altering it.
Won t you reconsider your decision.
reflectReflect deeply on a subject.
Schools should reflect cultural differences.
responseA statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation.
The throttle response from the 1870 cc engine is almost petrol sharp.
selfRelating to of or by or to or from or for the self.
Paula seemed to be her usual cheerful self.
signalCommunicate silently and non verbally by signals or signs.
Signals from the boat suddenly stopped.
signifyConvey or express a meaning.
Signify your agreement by signing the letter below.
smoothedMade smooth by ironing.
suggestSuggest the necessity of an intervention in medicine.
A simpler explanation suggested itself to me.
suggestionPersuasion formulated as a suggestion.
It was a suggestion we couldn t refuse.
surfaceRise or come up to the surface of the water or the ground.
The earth s surface.
thoughtfulnessThe trait of thinking carefully before acting.
A man of quiet thoughtfulness and sound judgement.

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