Categories: GeneralSynonyms

RELATE TO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RELATE TO?

Need another word that means the same as “relate to”? Find 30 related words for “relate to” in this overview.

Associations of "Relate to" (30 Words)

alliedRelated by common characteristics or ancestry.
The allied fleet.
appertainBe appropriate or applicable.
The answers generally appertain to improvements in standard of service.
appropriateTake possession of by force, as after an invasion.
This isn t the appropriate time or place.
associateA person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor.
A close associate of the Minister.
bearingCharacteristic way of bearing one s body.
She has the bearing of a First Lady.
combineCombine so as to form a whole mix.
A new product which combines the benefits of a hairspray and a gel.
congruityThe quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate.
conjoinJoin; combine.
An approach which conjoins theory and method.
connectConnect fasten or put together two or more pieces.
He can t connect with anyone any more.
connectionThe action of linking one thing with another.
He had connections in the music industry.
correlateEach of two or more related or complementary things.
Do these facts correlate.
correlationA statistic representing how closely two variables co vary it can vary from 1 perfect negative correlation through 0 no correlation to 1 perfect positive correlation.
There was no correlation between the number of visits to the clinic and the treatment outcome.
correlativeA word or concept that has a mutual relationship with another word or concept.
Correlative conjunctions.
factuallyAs a fact or based on fact.
His assertion is factually incorrect.
friendshipThe state of being friends (or friendly.
Because of the friendship between our countries we had a very frank exchange.
germaneRelevant to a subject under consideration.
He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue.
includedEnclosed in the same envelope or package.
Service tax included.
interrelationshipMutual or reciprocal relation or relatedness.
The interrelationship between the comprehension and production of early vocabulary.
linkLink with or as with a yoke.
A high speed rail link to the Channel Tunnel.
linkedConnected by a link, as railway cars or trailer trucks.
pertainBe relevant to.
My remark pertained to your earlier comments.
pertinenceRelevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand.
pertinentHaving precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand.
Practitioners must consider all factors pertinent to a situation.
proper(of a person) good-looking.
He blotted his copybook good and proper.
referentThe first term in a proposition; the term to which other terms relate.
The Morning Star and the Evening Star have the same referent the planet Venus.
relatedAssociated with the specified item or process, especially causally.
Sleeping sickness and related diseases.
relation(usually plural) mutual dealings or connections among persons or groups.
Questions about the relation between writing and reality.
relevanceThe quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.
The Web does allow us to produce more articles of relevance to our readers.
relevancyThe relation of something to the matter at hand.
socializeOrganize according to the principles of socialism.
Children have to be socialized in school.

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